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Should window manager bring menu back ?

From: Yen-Ju Chen
Subject: Should window manager bring menu back ?
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 22:24:34 -0400


I met a problem that menu doesn't come back even GNUstep window receive the focus
 (Check by --GNU-Debug=Focus with Ink) in StepBox.
 Who is reponsible to make menu appear ? Window manager or GNUstep ?
 Any hint why menu doesn't come back even Ink document window got focus ?
 By the way, from Xwindow's point of view,
 when GNUstep application lost focus, menu and panel will disappear.
 Where do they go ? Just hide ?

 Thanx a lot

PS. StepBox send a ClientMessage to notify GNUstep window to take the focus.
      I think it is a right way.


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