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Re: StepBox v1.2

From: Yen-Ju Chen
Subject: Re: StepBox v1.2
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 22:42:47 -0500

From: MJ Ray <mjr@dsl.pipex.com>
To: discuss-gnustep@gnu.org
Subject: StepBox v1.2
Date: 27 Oct 2003 01:41:04 GMT

"Yen-Ju Chen" <yjchenx@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Since WindowMaker works for everyone already and is a stand-alone window
> manager,
>   people who don't want to use GWorkspace+StepBox can use it instead.

..unless they want to use a window manager build on GNUstep, in which case
I will eventually serve them.
 So you are writing a window manager, too ?

>   My suggestions is that GNUstep applications should send these 
> (mainly GNUstepWMAttr)

Yes! Please! This may explain some problems I had. Are these attributes and
other information documented somewhere?

 You can search "GNUstep-WindowMaker interaction" in groups.google.com.
 There are some related discussion.
 I did put something in the WMSpec in StepBox/ as a memo
 when I try to fix some problems.
 They may not accurate or be misunderstanding the code.
 But I think the part about GNUstepWMAttr is the most important part
 which is not in ICCCM or EWMH.


Thanks for your interesting message.

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