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GNUmakefile covering sources in different directories

From: Philip Mötteli
Subject: GNUmakefile covering sources in different directories
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 01:20:49 +0100


I try to port OmniFoundation to Linux. OmniFoundation has its sources distributed over different directories. When I include in my GNUmakefile a source from a different directory like this:
OmniFoundation_OBJC_FILES= \

The compiler tries to create a subdirectory in the headers directory:

/usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file `./OmniFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Headers/OpenStepExtensions/ sha1.h': No such file or directory

These files are part of the library as those from the root directory. They are not independant. They should be linked to the library, like all the others.
How do I have to include files in my GNUmakefile, that are in a  
subdirectory, so that they are treated like all the others?


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