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Re: ANN: GWorkspace 0.8.0

From: Enrico Sersale
Subject: Re: ANN: GWorkspace 0.8.0
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 14:21:31 +0200

On 2006-02-25 08:34:14 +0200 Charles Philip Chan <cpchan@sympatico.ca> wrote:

On Fri, 24 Feb 2006 00:09:35 +0200
Enrico Sersale <enrico@dtedu.net> wrote:

GWorkspace version 0.8.0  is now available.
Congratulations Enrico. I have a few questions:

(1) Make thumbnails no longer work, it can't contact the service
    provider even through I have rerun make_services.
You must start it manually; but this is not my fault; also "To lover" and "To 
upper", provided by the ExampleService in usr-apps/examples have the same behaviour. It seems 
that only services provided by applications work as expected.

(2) How do I use gmds?
It doesn't work in 0.8.0; it will be part of the metadata indexing system that I'm 
writing; it could (theoretically) already work but I'm looking for a good solution for 
filesystem auditing on linux-2.6. In Tools/fswatcher I've added system-specific version 
of this daemon that will do this work; on linux-2.4 fswatcher uses a very simple kernel 
module, on darwin-8 it uses /dev/fsevents (the same device used by Spotlight) and, on 
freebsd, I'll use the same solution I'm using on Darwin because its audit implementation 
will be ported to freebsd-7. The problem exists only with linux-2.6; well, it has 
"auditd" but it is very slow an full of bugs.



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