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Re: Obective-C undefined reference to ___objc_class_name_NSObject on Win

From: David Chisnall
Subject: Re: Obective-C undefined reference to ___objc_class_name_NSObject on Windows
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 19:11:21 +0100

On 19 Oct 2009, at 19:06, ASHKAN HOVEYDAI wrote:

undefined reference to   ___objc_class_name_NSObject
This means that you have not linked against the library that provides  
the NSObject class (gnustep-base).
undefined reference to  ___objc_exec_class
This means that you have not linked against the Objective-C runtime  
2- How can I set any environmental variables so that I can avoid typing -I /c/gnustep/gnustep/system/library/headers -L /c/gnustep/ gnustep/system/library/libraries
every time.
Either use GNUstep make to build, or add `gnustep-config {options}` to  
your GCC command line.

-- Sent from my Apple II

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