in case you don't have time to grab GCC 4.6, I've attempted to filter out
code that uses properties, and I have attempted to leave minimum code I
could to get the program to crash with .xibs.
Since I have to hurry, I didn't test this small example with either .gorm
files (with which Zcode works), nor on OS X (where .xibs were successfully
compiled into .nibs and the program ran well with them).
By the way, what's the policy on attaching "smallish" attachments on this
mailing list? (This .tar.gz is about 22 kB in size.)
It is interesting that the program doesn't hard-crash if you remove
ProjectDetailListDataSource class. .xib fails to load completely, since the
class is undefined, but the window is displayed and the splitview is handled
2011/5/11 Fred Kiefer<>
As I expected, I cannot compile your code as it uses properties and my gcc
4.5.1 doesn't support them.
What I could detect is that one of your XIB files was produced by a rather
new version of XCode and has the XIB version 8.00. This version seems to
have added the two element types "array" and "dictionary" as short cuts for
these two classes. I added support of these into our GSXibLoader. Not sure
whether that was your problem and if this is solved now. But if the loading
of NIB files already fails, then I expect that your problem is on a
different level.
As you didn't share any information about that, I will have to wait for a
version of gcc that supports properties and try again at that time.
On 02.05.2011 20:32, Ivan Vučica wrote:
NHF = No hard feelings
Okay then. I hope Zcode's xibs can help out a bit with testing whether
things work.
On 2. svi. 2011., at 20:23, Gregory Casamento wrote:
Xib loading is still in the experimental stage, I'm still working on
it. Also 3.0 nibs lack certain things which 2.0 nibs had... so there
is still some work to do on both fronts.
Also NHF? I'm not sure what that means.
2011/5/2 Ivan Vučica<>:
Yesterday, after being slightly frustrated by Gorm (NHF Greg :)) in
Zcode I attempted to load xibs instead of gorm files. I also attempted to
use nibs from the compiled build of the app from OS X.
Neither worked.
Is someone more intimate with xib loading code willing to take a look at
the issues? The source code is available in a Mercurial repository, all that
you would need to change is GNUmakefile. You'd have to replace references to
.gorm files with references to .xib files:
hg clone zcode
A few notes about Zcode:
- Compiling is done in a standard way: ./configure, make.
- Project makes heavy use of Objective-C 2.0 and is most recently tested
with GCC 4.6 on Debian
- I'm making use of NSViewControllers, I have several top level objects,
I have an outline view with images, I have tons of autoresizing, ...
GNUstep libraries that i used: svn r32902