On 06/15/11 14:57, B. Ossia wrote:
I have installed all three GNUstep MSYS System, GNUstep
Core, and GNUstep Devel. It just gives me the Linux-like shell
for Windows operating system. Would you please tell me how
I can get an IDE for Objective C programming under Windows OS?
I have Codeblock IDE for C and C++. Will it be able to compile
Objective C having GNUstep installed?
Your best bet is to compile within the msys shell, which is properly
setup for you. hen getting a source tarball you should be able to
just do "make install" and then run your application through
"openapp AppName".
You can do that with ProjectCenter too, which is one of the
available IDEs. I suggest to install Gorm too. Since these apps
install inside the environment, even if you have a proper .exe on
your hard disk, they won't install in your "start menu".
One more question, I also need to install Cygwin for
running some other simulation software. Any idea that GNUstep
provides the same environment as Cygwin? If not, any idea if
GNUstep may conflict with Cygwin.
They should not conflict, however GNUstep currently doesn't work
(well or at all, depending on whom do you ask) inside cygwin.
Thank you for your advice,
If your goal is to code and familiarize with Objective-C and you do
not expressly need to produce windows executables, a quick and easy
way would be to use the freshly annouced "One step to GNUstep"
ready-setup Virtual Machine image. Just run Virtual Box or VMWare on
your windows machine and in 5 minutes you are ready to write Hello