This is a simple script piece to remove path dependency of gnustep on windows. After that, the gnustep path string can be removed from PATH variable in windows, which helps the system to maintain multiple clean mingw/msys package. It is based on portable Perl script
It assumes under gnustep, msys, core and dev tool are installed together in the default position.
Insert this piece of code in msys.bat and it should work:
rem set portable path set drive=%~dp0 set drivep=%drive%
rem remove last "\" char in %drive% If $#\#$==$#%drive:~-1%#$ set drivep=%drive:~0,-1%
rem set drivep to ../../.. folder name set drivepp=%drivep% set /a num=0
:pathstr_loop If $#\#$==$#%drivepp:~-1%#$ set /a num+=1
set drivepp=%drivepp:~0,-1% if not %num%==2 goto pathstr_loop
set PATH=%PATH%;%drivepp%\bin;%drivepp%\GNUstep\System\Tools
Hope it can help with multiple mingw/cygwin package on windows like for Perl and GNUStep
Regards, Zhu
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Portable msys.bat for gnustep on window,
jack zhu<=