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Re: slowness while dragging icons in gworkspace

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: slowness while dragging icons in gworkspace
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 09:35:07 +0100
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On 01/24/2012 07:03 PM, Eric Wasylishen wrote:
Hi Riccardo,
That doesn't sound good.

The changes I made in GWorkspace should not have caused that; they should only 
affect the selection rectangle, which is now drawn with a transparent 
background (which has its own pitfalls; it only works well with cairo, and is a 
bit slower than I would like.)
I'm puzzled too. ON the same setup, transparent background selection draws reasonably fast, even on an exported display! However, while testing yesterday our various setups before release, I noticed that with xlib it is terribly slow and draws only a big black box. I don't know if I want to revert your patch or if there is a way to make the behaviour optional.
I did not try art and win32 yet.

As I can't reproduce the slowness when dragging I'll need you to help isolate 
the change that introduced this.
At home I couldn't reproduce it either. I have the following setup

1) netbook --> super-fast windows computer with Xming
2) netbook --> older freebsd workstation

setup 1) is very fast and I use it at work. Evertything is fast... except this icon drawing setup 2) is generally slower, but icon dragging works smooth, I only see the "transparent" shadow. It is not very fast, but it does not "flickr".
I can add that the trail is white, it is only the "countour" of the icon 
(probably everything which does not have alpha=1) and for example 
dragging the folder icon is slower than a standard square icon. It is 
not the shadow, it is really the "old" place of the icon that needs some 
time to redraw over the background.
"Background" here means any gnustep view: I drag the icon around, it 
flickers over the desktop (if gworkspace has a desktop) and over gnustep 
windows. If I drag it over any other window (like thunderbird while 
writing this email) there is no trail. If I disable the desktop and drag 
an icon around, there is no bug.

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