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Re: NSImage / NSImageRep copy bug/problem

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: NSImage / NSImageRep copy bug/problem
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 23:20:32 +0100
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Hi Ivan,

thanks for lookin at the problem You found some valid cleaning up
Ivan Vučica wrote:
- I assume PRImage's bitRep field ivar is represented by the property bitmapRep; it is good practice to have the properties backed by either ivars of the same name, or prefixed by underscore
Right. I refactored it to be cleaner. The code slowly morphed into this through incremental attempts, a cleanup was needed!
Next, your implementation of -setBitmapRep: looks quite odd to me in 
the first place. Do you really need to store a copy of the bitmap 
representation in your subclass of NSImage? Does it make sense to 
/just/ add a new representation (which may confuse NSImage)? Why not 
implement -bitmapRep: as
  return [[self representations] objectAtIndex:0];
and -setBitmapRep: as something that, if [self bitmapRep] != rep, clears away all representations and adds just one new one? That way you avoid a lot of unnecessary juggling in your own code -- including need to override copyWithZone:. Right now you have a very surprising behavior -- calling -setBitmapRep: actually doesn't release the old bitmap rep; it pretty much stays inside the representations array in NSImage.
It is odd, byt I really want the behaviour your are describing. I used [[self representations] objectAtIndex:0] for years. Actually, no bitmapRep accessor was even needed. However, as I have discussed with Nikolaus in another email thread here on the list, I discovered that sometimes Cocoa instead of just adding new representation more suitable for the device drawing, removes the original representation. This was unexpected for me too, but is perhaps a good memory optimization. It is fine, but I have found no way to say NSImage, give me the original bitmap back! or a setting to keep it. So the only thing I could think is to maintain a reference and add a retain to it, in case Cocoa wants do remove it from the representations array.
'if bitRep != rep' should be enough to ensure this doesn't happen. For sake of code cleanliness, I'd still fix it as above.
I was checking for bitRep != rep ! Still, you are right, I cleaned up the code. It is also unlikely to be the problem here, since the bitmapReps are either a new image or an explicit copy. But... tidying up is always good.
Thank you,


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