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Re: Secure privilege escalation

From: Ethan C
Subject: Re: Secure privilege escalation
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2025 18:04:10 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

I would recommend that if you don't use polkit and you don't use a setuid binary, that you use sudo. sudo accepts the `-A` flag or the `SUDO_ASKPASS` environment variable to specify a graphical program to tell sudo the password; examples of programs that do this are `ssh-askpass`, `gnome-ssh-askpass`, `ksshaskpass`, and `lxqt-openssh-askpass`. If you don't want to write an askpass binary using GNUstep-GUI, I'd recommend that you depend on `gnome-ssh-askpass` since almost all graphical users will have Gtk installed and have a desktop environment which properly handles Gtk applications (the desktop environments normally do not set `SUDO_ASKPASS` or `SSH_ASKPASS`; you'll need to set it yourself when you call `sudo`).

On 2/2/25 16:55, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
Hi James,

James Carthew wrote:

I want a way to escalate the privileges of my application to root level, but only for the specific function. I also only want the user to authenticate once and then have their escalated privilege exist until they close the plugin. Similar to the unlock padlock button in OSX's SystemPreferences.app. Does anyone know howto implement this?

no.. I have never found a portable way of doing this that would doing this that would work at least on Linux and BSDs.
I even wonder if Mac offers an API to do it that we should reimplement.

lacking that, i never added certain features to SystemPreferences myself wanting it to remain portable.

I think of a couple of approaches. The most portable would be to interact somehow with sudo, being it either present in base system or available as a package on most systems I can think of.

Another question is how it actually works on Apple. On my mac I am both a user and an admin user, so it looks I am authenticating myself essentially. But in case I were Joe and admin were Bob, would I be entering Joe's or Bob's password?


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