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Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Question about packaging

From: Destailleur Laurent
Subject: Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Question about packaging
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2014 11:09:50 +0200

You must NOT consider github as the official channel to distibute packages, it is not the official "storage" space for dolibarr archives. We changed several times of CVS system and we may change again. Also file produce bu github is not "ready" for tools making autoinstaller (like debian). Official tgz produced by our building package service is.

Also, official storage spaces must be owned by the foundation and not by github (currently they are saved into a directory "stable" on dolibarr foundation server and mirrored on sourceforge that is our "download" cache server).
And we must have full control of what we distribute (both source package to use for os distribution packager and autoinstaller packages).

2014-08-08 9:27 GMT+02:00 Doursenaud, Raphaël <address@hidden>:
Well, that's weird, because we already have the "Download ZIP" feature in GitHub for this use case.

I thought the tar archive was an alternate (or reference) version of the zip (that's better suited for deployment from non windows OSes btw).

The dev and build folders, while presenting no interest to the end-user, are in the zip still. Your reasoning doesn't stand.

2014-08-08 1:31 GMT+02:00 Destailleur Laurent <address@hidden>:

Reason is that the .tgz file is NOT a distribution for end users.

Distribution for end users are .exe, .zip, .deb and .rpm.

Think the .tgz is official "out of vcs" archive. It is also the source file used to build other "end user" package. 

2014-08-04 11:37 GMT+02:00 Doursenaud, Raphaël <address@hidden>:
Hi Marcos,

I already raised the question and eldy answered he wanted to keep it that way.

If I remember correctly, the rationale was that the tarball should also be usable by developers without an internet connection.

I'm still in favor of separating user data (releases) from developer data (code repository) though…


2014-08-03 22:13 GMT+02:00 Marcos García <address@hidden>:
Hi all:

I was checking the tarball of Dolibarr 3.5.4 and noticed that the build directory was present, with the utilities to build a dmg, a debian package, etc... Some of them are interesting to endusers, but most of them are not.

Are they present because of a specific reason or because noone questioned that before? Just curious about it.

Marcos García

Dolibarr-dev mailing list


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Laurent Destailleur (alias Eldy)
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