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Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Dolibarr 3.8 freeze

From: Doursenaud , Raphaël
Subject: Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Dolibarr 3.8 freeze
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 15:30:28 +0200

Thanks Laurent,

I'd like to add that you can see pending bugs at:

There's also a few ones that haven't been added to the milestone yet:

One a side note, supplier categories are currently broken because work is unfinished.
Due to time constraints, I'll not be able to finish the work I started, so feel free to take over!

Happy debugging!

P.S.: Anyone interested to help set up a debugging night event?
Something similar to Debian Bug Squashing Parties:

2015-07-14 15:35 GMT+02:00 Laurent Destailleur (aka Eldy) <address@hidden>:
It's time to start the beta of Dolibarr version 3.8

The freeze period of version 3.8 should have started few weeks ago, but we are late. Most important reason is the result of delaying the previous version (3.7) not completely regained.

All developers and users are invited to test the version from github sources (you can use the tag 3.8_beta* to get files) or by downloading it from the official download area ("beta or pre-release" section of the "download" menu on web site).

Now, the freeze period is started, I won't add new features during few days, until i think thinks are stable enough to start to work both in branch develop and in branch 3.8.

I also attached the ChangeLog for version 3.8.
It is the first time (first version) we are using the "automatic generation" of the ChangeLog file. Result is not perfect but not worse than the manual generation.

Because we entered the beta period, please, if you work on Dolibarr code, spend your time to fix bugs and only fix bugs, the much as you can. The most important changes to tests and debugs are:

* Module project (a rewrite were done to provide easier way to enter time spent, to use projects to manage opportunities, to report a benefit per project including expense report and time spent, and to match other module behaviour)

* Module expense report. This new module replace the old module expense report. This is a complete rewrite to match other modules behaviour and to be able to define a project for each expense report line).

* Module leave request / holiday. This module was rewrote to manage "a type of holiday".

* Module lot/batch has been seriously enhanced to be moved as stable (well, it's goal of 3.8, but we are waiting your test/bug fixes).

* But also a lot of minor tihings...

Laurent Destailleur aka Eldy


Dolibarr-dev mailing list

Raphaël Doursenaud
Directeur technique (CTO)
Expert certifié en déploiement Google Apps
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