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[Dpge-commits] CVS: dpge/client cl_fx.c,,1.2 cl_newfx.c,,1

From: Paul G. Allen <address@hidden>
Subject: [Dpge-commits] CVS: dpge/client cl_fx.c,,1.2 cl_newfx.c,,1.2 cl_tent.c,,1.2 cl_view.c,,1.2 ref.h,,1.2
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 06:20:40 -0500

Update of /cvsroot/dpge/dpge/client
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv27509/dpge/client

Modified Files:
        cl_fx.c cl_newfx.c cl_tent.c cl_view.c ref.h 
Log Message:
3.19-11 Changes

- New sorting for entities, particles, and dlights. All are sorted from back  
to front as seen from the camera.
- New single pass renderer for entities and particles. This eliminated some  
code, fixed some pransparency problems, and spead the engine up.
- Preliminary cos and sin table code for fast trig functions. This is nowherere
  near done (if it ever will be

Index: cl_fx.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/dpge/dpge/client/cl_fx.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
*** cl_fx.c     23 Feb 2002 01:29:20 -0000
--- cl_fx.c     26 Feb 2002 11:20:37 -0000      1.2
*** 2838,2850 ****
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 0 ] );
        sy    = sin( angle );
!       cy    = cos( angle );
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 1 ] );
        sp    = sin( angle );
!       cp    = cos( angle );
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 2 ] );
        sr    = sin( angle );
!       cr    = cos( angle );
        forward[ 0 ] = ( cp * cy );
--- 2838,2850 ----
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 0 ] );
        sy    = sin( angle );
!       cy    = qCos(_180_PI*angle);
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 1 ] );
        sp    = sin( angle );
!       cp    = qCos(_180_PI*angle);
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 2 ] );
        sr    = sin( angle );
!       cr    = qCos(_180_PI*angle);
        forward[ 0 ] = ( cp * cy );
*** 3000,3012 ****
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 0 ] );
        sy = sin( angle );
!       cy = cos( angle );
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 1 ] );
        sp = sin( angle );
!       cp = cos( angle );
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 2 ] );
        sr = sin( angle );
!       cr = cos( angle );
        forward[ 0 ] = ( cp * cy );
--- 3000,3012 ----
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 0 ] );
        sy = sin( angle );
!       cy = cos(angle);
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 1 ] );
        sp = sin( angle );
!       cp = cos(angle);
        angle = ( ltime * avelocities[ i ][ 2 ] );
        sr = sin( angle );
!       cr = cos(angle);
        forward[ 0 ] = ( cp * cy );

Index: cl_newfx.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/dpge/dpge/client/cl_newfx.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
*** cl_newfx.c  23 Feb 2002 01:29:22 -0000
--- cl_newfx.c  26 Feb 2002 11:20:37 -0000      1.2
*** 737,741 ****
  //       variance = 0.4 + ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) *0.2;
           variance = 0.5;
!          c = cos(rot)*variance;
           s = sin(rot)*variance;
--- 737,741 ----
  //       variance = 0.4 + ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) *0.2;
           variance = 0.5;
!          c = qCos(_180_PI*rot)*variance;
           s = sin(rot)*variance;
*** 1107,1111 ****
        p->color = particleColor;
        dist = DotProduct(move, forward);
!       VectorMA(move, 8 * cos(dist), up, p->org);
        for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
--- 1107,1111 ----
        p->color = particleColor;
        dist = DotProduct(move, forward);
!       VectorMA(move, 8 * qCos(_180_PI*dist), up, p->org);
        for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
*** 1837,1841 ****
                 for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
!             Particle->vel[ j ] = ( (rand() % 90) - 45 );//( (rand() % 384) - 
192 );//( (rand() % 90) - 80 );
  //         Particle->vel[ 2 ] += frand()*1;
--- 1837,1841 ----
                 for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
!             Particle->vel[ j ] = ( (rand() % 100) - 50 );//( (rand() % 384) - 
192 );//( (rand() % 90) - 80 );
  //         Particle->vel[ 2 ] += frand()*1;
*** 1918,1923 ****
        case PART_EXPSMOKE:
!          Particle->accel[ 0 ] = 1+frand()*5;
!          Particle->accel[ 1 ] = 1+frand()*5;
           Particle->accel[ 2 ] = 1+frand()*5;
--- 1918,1923 ----
        case PART_EXPSMOKE:
!          Particle->accel[ 0 ] = Particle->vel[ 0 ]/10;//-5+frand()*10;
!          Particle->accel[ 1 ] = Particle->vel[ 1 ]/10;//-5+frand()*10;
           Particle->accel[ 2 ] = 1+frand()*5;
*** 2222,2232 ****
              float angle, dist;
!             angle = PIx2 * (rand() & 1023) / 1023.0; //FIXMEDJA: Check for 
1/0 first!
              dist  = ( rand() & 31 );
!             Particle->org[ 0 ]   = ( SpawnPoint[ 0 ] + cos( angle ) * dist );
!             Particle->vel[ 0 ]   = ( cos( angle ) * ( 70 + (rand() & 63) ) );
!             Particle->accel[ 0 ] = ( -cos( angle ) * 100 );
              Particle->org[ 1 ]   = ( SpawnPoint[ 1 ] + sin( angle ) * dist );
--- 2222,2232 ----
              float angle, dist;
!             angle = PIx2 * (rand() & 1023) / 1023.0;
              dist  = ( rand() & 31 );
!             Particle->org[ 0 ]   =  SpawnPoint[0] + 
qCos(_180_PI*angle)*dist;//( SpawnPoint[ 0 ] + cos( angle ) * dist );
!             Particle->vel[ 0 ]   = ( qCos(_180_PI*angle) * ( 70 + (rand() & 
63) ) );
!             Particle->accel[ 0 ] = ( -qCos(_180_PI*angle) * 100 );
              Particle->org[ 1 ]   = ( SpawnPoint[ 1 ] + sin( angle ) * dist );

Index: cl_tent.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/dpge/dpge/client/cl_tent.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
*** cl_tent.c   23 Feb 2002 01:29:25 -0000
--- cl_tent.c   26 Feb 2002 11:20:37 -0000      1.2
*** 999,1003 ****
           S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_grenexp, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
!          CL_ParticleSpray(PART_EXPSMOKE, pos, dir, RGBColor, 128);
--- 999,1003 ----
           S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_grenexp, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
!          CL_ParticleSpray(PART_EXPSMOKE, pos, dir, RGBColor, 64);
*** 1088,1092 ****
           S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_rockexp, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
!          CL_ParticleSpray(PART_EXPSMOKE, pos, dir, RGBColor, 128);
--- 1088,1092 ----
           S_StartSound (pos, 0, 0, cl_sfx_rockexp, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
!          CL_ParticleSpray(PART_EXPSMOKE, pos, dir, RGBColor, 64);
*** 1464,1468 ****
           CL_ParticleSpray(PART_EXPLODE, pos, dir, RGBColor, 128);
!          CL_ParticleSpray(PART_EXPSMOKE, pos, dir, RGBColor, 128);
  //    CL_Tracker_Explode (pos);
--- 1464,1468 ----
           CL_ParticleSpray(PART_EXPLODE, pos, dir, RGBColor, 128);
!          CL_ParticleSpray(PART_EXPSMOKE, pos, dir, RGBColor, 64);
  //    CL_Tracker_Explode (pos);

Index: cl_view.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/dpge/dpge/client/cl_view.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
*** cl_view.c   23 Feb 2002 01:29:25 -0000
--- cl_view.c   26 Feb 2002 11:20:37 -0000      1.2
*** 44,60 ****
! int         r_numdlights;
! dlight_t r_dlights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
! int         r_numentities;
! entity_t r_entities[MAX_ENTITIES];
! int         r_numparticles;
! particle_t  r_particles[MAX_PARTICLES];
  lightstyle_t   r_lightstyles[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];
! char cl_weaponmodels[MAX_CLIENTWEAPONMODELS][MAX_QPATH];
! int num_cl_weaponmodels;
--- 44,64 ----
! int            r_numdlights;
! dlight_t       r_dlights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
! int            r_numentities;
! entity_t       r_entities[MAX_ENTITIES];
! int            r_numparticles;
! particle_t     r_particles[MAX_PARTICLES];
  lightstyle_t   r_lightstyles[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];
! char           cl_weaponmodels[MAX_CLIENTWEAPONMODELS][MAX_QPATH];
! int            num_cl_weaponmodels;
! // PGA 2/25/02: New ounified object list
! uint           NumObjects = 0;
*** 575,581 ****
  int ParticleCompare( const particle_t *a, const particle_t *b )
!    float Diffa, Diffb;
!    if (cl.refdef.vieworg[1] < a->origin[1])
          Diffa = a->origin[1] - cl.refdef.vieworg[1];
--- 579,585 ----
  int ParticleCompare( const particle_t *a, const particle_t *b )
!    vec3_t Diffa, Diffb;
! /*   if (cl.refdef.vieworg[1] < a->origin[1])
          Diffa = a->origin[1] - cl.refdef.vieworg[1];
*** 603,607 ****
        return -1;
!    return 0;
--- 607,655 ----
        return -1;
!    return 1;*/
! }
! // PGA 2/24/02: New object sorting function. This function z-sorts
! //              entities, particles, and dlights.
! int ObjectCompare( const object_t *a, const object_t *b )
! {
!    float Diffa, Diffb;
!    int   Result;
!    vec_t Length;
!    Result = VecCompareLargest( cl.refdef.vieworg, a->Location, b->Location, 
Length );
!    if (Result == 0)
!       return 1;
!    return Result;
! /*   if (cl.refdef.vieworg[1] < a->Location[1])
!    {
!         Diffa = a->Location[1] - cl.refdef.vieworg[1];
!    }
!    else
!    {
!       Diffa = cl.refdef.vieworg[1] - a->Location[1];
!    }
!    if (cl.refdef.vieworg[1] < b->Location[1])
!    {
!         Diffb = b->Location[1] - cl.refdef.vieworg[1];
!    }
!    else
!    {
!       Diffb = cl.refdef.vieworg[1] - b->Location[1];
!    }
!    if (Diffa < Diffb)
!    {
!       return -1;
!    }
!    if (Diffa > Diffb)
!    {
!       return 1;
!    }
!    return 1;*/
*** 689,696 ****
!       cl.refdef.num_entities = r_numentities;
!       cl.refdef.entities = r_entities;
!       cl.refdef.num_particles = r_numparticles;
!       cl.refdef.particles = r_particles;
        cl.refdef.num_dlights = r_numdlights;
        cl.refdef.dlights = r_dlights;
--- 737,744 ----
! //      cl.refdef.num_entities = r_numentities;
! //      cl.refdef.entities = r_entities;
! //      cl.refdef.num_particles = r_numparticles;
! //      cl.refdef.particles = r_particles;
        cl.refdef.num_dlights = r_numdlights;
        cl.refdef.dlights = r_dlights;
*** 699,707 ****
        cl.refdef.rdflags = cl.frame.playerstate.rdflags;
        // sort entities for better cache locality
        // PGA 2/08/02: Changed sort function to z-sort entities for 
!       qsort( cl.refdef.entities, cl.refdef.num_entities, sizeof( 
cl.refdef.entities[0] ), (int (*)( const void *, const void *))entitycmpfnc3 );
        // PGA 2/20/02: Particles have to be z-sorted as well.
!       qsort( cl.refdef.particles, cl.refdef.num_particles, sizeof( 
cl.refdef.particles[0] ), (int (*)( const void *, const void *))ParticleCompare 
--- 747,798 ----
        cl.refdef.rdflags = cl.frame.playerstate.rdflags;
+       // PGA 2/14/02: New object code. This enables rendering all objects in 
a single pass
+       //              correctly sorted.
+       cl.refdef.Objects = Objects;
+       {
+          int i = 0, j = 0;
+          for (i = 0; i < r_numparticles; i++)
+          {
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Particle       = &r_particles[i];
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Entity         = NULL;
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].DynamicLight   = NULL;
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Location[0]    = r_particles[i].origin[0];
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Location[1]    = r_particles[i].origin[1];
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Location[2]    = r_particles[i].origin[2];
+             j++;
+          }
+          for (i = 0; i < r_numentities; i++)
+          {
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Particle       = NULL;
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Entity         = &r_entities[i];
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].DynamicLight   = NULL;
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Location[0]    = r_entities[i].origin[0];
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Location[1]    = r_entities[i].origin[1];
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Location[2]    = r_entities[i].origin[2];
+             j++;
+          }
+ /*         for (i = 0; i < r_numdlights; i++)
+          {
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Particle       = NULL;
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Entity         = NULL;
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].DynamicLight   = &r_dlights[i];
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Location[0]    = r_dlights[i].origin[0];
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Location[1]    = r_dlights[i].origin[1];
+             cl.refdef.Objects[j].Location[2]    = r_dlights[i].origin[2];
+             j++;
+          }*/
+          cl.refdef.NumObjects = j;
+       }
+       qsort( cl.refdef.Objects, cl.refdef.NumObjects, sizeof( 
cl.refdef.Objects[0] ), (int (*)( const void *, const void *))ObjectCompare );
        // sort entities for better cache locality
        // PGA 2/08/02: Changed sort function to z-sort entities for 
! //      qsort( cl.refdef.entities, cl.refdef.num_entities, sizeof( 
cl.refdef.entities[0] ), (int (*)( const void *, const void *))entitycmpfnc3 );
        // PGA 2/20/02: Particles have to be z-sorted as well.
! //      qsort( cl.refdef.particles, cl.refdef.num_particles, sizeof( 
cl.refdef.particles[0] ), (int (*)( const void *, const void *))ParticleCompare 

Index: ref.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/dpge/dpge/client/ref.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
*** ref.h       23 Feb 2002 01:29:30 -0000
--- ref.h       26 Feb 2002 11:20:37 -0000      1.2
*** 198,202 ****
     qboolean    FrameDir;// Direction frames increment. 1 = down.
  } ptype_t;
  // PGA End
--- 198,202 ----
     qboolean    FrameDir;// Direction frames increment. 1 = down.
  } ptype_t;
  // PGA End
*** 217,220 ****
--- 217,230 ----
  } lightstyle_t;
+ // PGA 2/24/02: New struct for single pass, z-sorted rendering
+ typedef struct object_s
+ {
+    vec3_t      Location;     // This objects world coordinates, used for 
+    particle_t* Particle;      // !NULL if a particle
+    dlight_t*   DynamicLight;  // !NULL if a dlight
+    entity_t*   Entity;        // !NULL if an entity
+ }  object_t;
  typedef struct
*** 227,242 ****
     int            rdflags;             // RDF_UNDERWATER, etc
!    byte           *areabits;           // if not NULL, only areas with set 
bits will be drawn
!    lightstyle_t   *lightstyles;        // [MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]
     int            num_entities;
!    entity_t       *entities;
     int            num_dlights;
!    dlight_t       *dlights;
     int            num_particles;
!    particle_t     *particles;
     // PGA 01/01/02: Stereo camera adjustment
--- 237,258 ----
     int            rdflags;             // RDF_UNDERWATER, etc
!    byte*          areabits;           // if not NULL, only areas with set 
bits will be drawn
!    lightstyle_t*  lightstyles;        // [MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]
     int            num_entities;
!    entity_t*      entities;
     int            num_dlights;
!    dlight_t*      dlights;
     int            num_particles;
!    particle_t*    particles;
!    // PGA 2/24/02: z sorted object struct array
!    uint           NumObjects;    // Total number of objects
!    object_t*      Objects;       // Object list
     // PGA 01/01/02: Stereo camera adjustment

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