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[Duplicity-talk] Restart ssh if session not active

From: Florian Messmer
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] Restart ssh if session not active
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2023 10:21:02 +0200


I'm using duplicity with scp (on an ssh tunnel), and sometimes when there is an issue with the connection the scp timeout, and I'd like to automatically reconnect if so.
I configured `backend-retry-delay` and `num-retries` but I seem to always get `BackendException: scp execution failed: SSH session not active` afterwards (even when the client is back online). I'm not an ssh/scp expert but it looks like the details about the previous ssh session are kept thus it can't restore it.
Any way to force duplicity to "create a new ssh session" after failing?

Florian Messmer

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