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[eLyXer-users] Elyxer svg file conversion problems.

From: address@hidden
Subject: [eLyXer-users] Elyxer svg file conversion problems.
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 21:28:02 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20081209)


I insert a .svg graphic in my lyx document.
elyxer appears to use ImageMagick/convert
to convert this to a .png for use in the HTML,
but it does not convert properly.

I use Inkscape to create my .svg files and it
is not be surprising to find incompatibilities
in what is an evolving standard. To minimize
conversion problems I need to use Inkscape to
perform the conversion.

Elyxer needs to provide the following options:

1 - The option of passing the .svg file straight
    through, unaltered for reference from the html
    file. Though I would be unlikely to use this
    option for the same compatibility concerns.

2 - The option of specifying a custom conversion
    command for *.svg   My Inkscape command would
    be something like:

        inkscape *.svg --export-png=*.png

3 - The option of specifying a custom conversion
    command for specific .svg files because some
    of my .svg files are converted with this command:

        inkscape *.svg --export-png=*.png --export-area=-44:16:-28:32

The workaround is to pre-convert the .svg files
to .png and then reference the .png files in the .lyx
This eliminates the problem of how to trick Lyx into
showing a proper preview.


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