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Re: Shift selection using interactive spec

From: Thomas Lord
Subject: Re: Shift selection using interactive spec
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:13:50 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060808)

Lennart Borgman (gmail) wrote:
But I think there also must be ways to easily and permanently escape 
the deactivation. For some bindings there is no way to get a shifted 
binding. (An example of this is using % in Viper to move to the 
opposite parenthesis.)
In other words, you want a "shift-select-mode" lock -- like "caps lock"
but for shift select?

In the three-variable model, when a command returns, the
command loop does:

 (setq tentative-mark preserved-tentative-mark)

Adding shift-mode-lock support changes that to:

 (if shift-mode-lock
   (setq preserved-tentative-mark maybe-preserved-tentative-mark))
 (setq tentative-mark perserved-tentative-mark)

2. Shift selection commands activate the mark if it is not active, and
extends the region if the mark is activate.  Thus [S-right right
right] would do the same thing as [S-right S-right S-right].  This
would be rather easy to implement.  Though this behavior sounds
strange, it actually mirrors the way mouse selection currently works
in transient-mark-mode.
Such behaviour would be a disaster for manu users, especially new 
users that are used to 1 above.

"Disaster" is a well chosen word, there.   Using arrow keys to
cancel a tentative mark is actually part of "how people use"
shift select.   It's a gesture that gets built-in to muscle memory.


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