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Re: Shift selection using interactive spec

From: Lennart Borgman (gmail)
Subject: Re: Shift selection using interactive spec
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:57:38 +0100
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David Kastrup wrote:
"Lennart Borgman (gmail)" <address@hidden> writes:

David Kastrup wrote:
"Lennart Borgman (gmail)" <address@hidden> writes:

Richard Stallman wrote:
I think that `interactive' codes are much better than symbol properties
for defining the meaning of a command.
Yes, but the problem here is rather that you may need to redefine
which commands should deactivate the mark. Doing that with a symbol
property makes it much more flexible.
Read "flexible" as "conveniently hot-patchable around things not
designed for it".  We have a policy not to use advice (another hotpatch
facility) for components distributed as part of Emacs because we want
all information pertaining to a particular function accessible and
readable from a single location in a clear manner.

I don't see this any different.  If there is a need for a user to
hot-patch around functions not designed for it, advice is still
But I believe this will only affect things on the command level. Is
not that a big difference?
The "command level" is distinguished by interactive forms.  So there is
a difference in that we _already_ have a standard location where the
command level behavior is determined, namely the interactive form.

If people really want to hot-patch command behavior manually by poking
around with properties rather than advice, the 'interactive-form
property already provides enough leeway for that.

I don't see that we want to open the floodgates for all sort of bypasses
for command-specific properties attached to something other than the
interactive form.
Can you provide an example of how to change the interactive form for an 
existing function (without using advice of course)?

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