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Re: e and pi

From: David De La Harpe Golden
Subject: Re: e and pi
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 17:07:14 +0100
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On 18/09/10 06:58, MON KEY wrote:

My impression is that the CL convention for `+' and `*' wrappers is an
idiom born of lexical/dynamic scoping tensions.

Yeah, there's near-universal adherence to the *earmuffs* naming 
convention for dynamically scoped stuff in common lisp land, which is 
probably _why_ things "work well in practice" (as Stefan wrote) there.
It's Perl that I associate with mixing lexicals ("my") and dynamics 
("local") without a naming convention (or full separate namespace).
islisp's dynamic-let/dynamic etc. was cleaner than common lisp's 
approach. Probably backward compat is too much of a concern to make that 
feasible for emacs lisp though (cl presumably had similar backward 
compat concerns...).

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