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Re: Emacs as word processor / Text Properties

From: Andreas Röhler
Subject: Re: Emacs as word processor / Text Properties
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 09:53:27 +0100
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Am 28.11.2013 08:34, schrieb Bastien:
Drew Adams <address@hidden> writes:

I might even suggest not worrying about #1 on its own.  Get #2 right
and import/export will follow, to a large degree.
A few years of hacking Org suggests that it's useful to think about
#1 and #2 as closely tangled issues.

2 cents, of course,

Or to say #1 would provide the machine to build #2 upon.

Then it's up to decide using #1 for faster editing large texts, while #2 with 
single, occasional pages or for Emacs beginners might be preferable.

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