Actually, it seems like one of the existing windows gets cloned and that is put on top of the minibuffer without modeline.
It looks something like this.
So the minibuffer looks completely fused with Win 2 of Buf x (that somehow got created automatically when I enabled debug-on-error).
After some window switching, the mode line for Win 2 appears automatically.
| Win 1 - Buf x |
| Mode-line for Win 1 |
| Win 2 - Buf x |
| Minibuffer |
(I put to white box there to mask my work stuff. If I close that window, the missing modeline for the bottom "Win 2 - Buf x" is created automatically. Note that the same "-Searchd" string is shown in the actual window on the top right and the bottom window auto-created exactly above the minibuffer (so I thought earlier that the minibuffer had 2 rows; it was in fact an inactive window and thus that inactive window cursor face).

Actually I noticed some pretty strange minibuffer behavior today. I don't know what caused that to happen so I cannot explain how to recreate that.
I am on the aed22ca build of master.
Here's my best attempt to explain this:
- The minibuffer height increased to 2 characters (so I saw 2 rows instead of 1)
- And I got 2 cursors in there.. one cursor had the default cursor face, and other looked like the cursor face in inactive window.
That probably doesn't give you any hint.. but I thought of at least mentioning it. I hope to get a recipe for that so that you can recreate the issue consistently.