As a (part time) Windows-user I'd very much appreciate this.
Like I've mentioned earlier on this mailing-list, I have some custom scripts I use to manually assemble a new release when it's available, but even then it's so much of a hastle that I can't always be bothered.
But I'm already on the train. Where this would clearly be most benefitial is for new Windows/Emacs-users if they could get going in the usual "next next next" Windows-fashion which they're already accustomed to.
Feel free to publish some test-installers for the community to try out.
I've had a quick play and created an "installer" version of Emacs for
windows. Cheesy and ugly at the moment, but it works. It uses the NSIS
toolkit which is nicely packaged for msys2.
NSIS is free software, albeit the non GPL compatible CPL
as it would only be a packager. I'd welcome more informed opinion about
whether this is appropriate for Emacs.
Probably too late to put this onto Emacs-26 now I fear, but it could be
ready in time for Emacs-27. If any one is interested, I can uploaded it
to the pre-test website (as the Emacs source is already there).
As with the new zips I've created, this does raise questions about
release of updates to the binaries. This installer will contain (lots
of) other dependency files. My current plan is to freeze the
dependencies during pre-test. But this means, that these dependencies
will get old during the Emacs release cycle.
Anyway, thought's welcome.