On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 12:52 PM Eli Zaretskii <
address@hidden> wrote:
Why is that important?
It just brings in some consistency.. just as there are rules for
other parts in the commit message. It also makes commit messages easily
parseable (if ever needed) for links.
It's a nuisance to remember to add the
brackets, so I'd prefer to avoid that.
I have used that style in Org commits many times, and it's kind of become a second nature, so not very difficult to remember if doing that is added as a guideline to CONTRIBUTE in the "** Commit messages" section. Also, the "remembering issue" applies to everything else in that same section too :)
But in any case, I thought of bringing this up as I saw that there were no guidelines on how to put links in commit messages.