Hi, I've got a feature request for sql-mode.
I'd like to be able to easily either:
1. Configure the mode to only recongnise keywords in uppercase, or
2. Customise the keywords associated with an SQL product in sql-mode.
The specific problem I have, and why this would solve it is as follows.
I produce some teaching material using Emacs and org-mode, exporting the results to HTML. This uses the syntax highlighting in Emacs to generate syntax highlighted SQL in the slides and course notes.
However, given a query like the following:
FROM track
WHERE trackid = 1222;
the "name" on the first line is highlighted as a keyword. Because it is, it shows up in sql-mode-ansi-font-lock-keywords.
However, this means that it's rendered differently to "track" snd "trackid = 1222;" in that example.
This is not easy behaviour to customise in my Emacs configuration (as far as I can tell), for a few reasons.
The most important is that the code that creates sql-mode-ansi-font-lock-keywords runs under eval-when-compile -- it's not a function that I can call again after making some modifications, or provide advice around to customise the behaviour.
Similarly, this means that I can't advise sql-font-lock-keywords-builder, and change its arguments so that it only receives upper-case keywords -- by the time my code runs its too late.
The actual list of keywords in sql.el aren't bound to a list, only the resulting regexp is. Which means I can't take that list, modify it, and create a new value for sql-mode-ansi-font-lock-keywords
So I resorted to this:
(setf (car (car sql-mode-ansi-font-lock-keywords))
(s-replace "n\\(?:ame\\|u\\(?:llable\\|mber\\)\\))"
(car (car sql-mode-ansi-font-lock-keywords))))
Best, N