Take any file, code or not, but let's say it is code...
Now select two or more lines. The mark should be at the beginning of a line
and the point at the beginning of a line two or more lines further down. If you copy this region and paste it somewhere else you get what you want.
However let's suppose that your theme is highlighting the region and you comment the region with M-x comment-line. You will have the line at the point:
1.- not highlighted before M-x comment-line
2.- commented after M-x comment-line
This is something you get used after n-ty something years of use. However, it is confusing the "newer generation" because it doesn't happen on other "popular" editors. Could we consider a variable customise the behaviour and allow the last line not to be commented when the mark is at the start of line?
Just a random thought after talking to novice users,
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
"Fragen sind nicht da um beantwortet zu werden.
Fragen sind da, um gestellt zu werden" Georg Kreisler