> Thanks for putting the patch together so quickly!
> Phillip, can you help us to get it applied?
Applying the patch is not the issue, I am just personally hesitant to
add a bunch of dependencies/packages I have never heard about before,
more so because I don't use CIDER, /especially/ when I lack the time to
properly review them (the argument that a package is "mature on MELPA"
is rather weak from my experience, especially given the number of low
quality packages on the archive).
Without understanding the issue properly, why is there a need for an
external data-time parsing package, if Emacs already comes with
functions for parsing timestamps? It appears to use use this extmap
package, which parses binary data? How is this all related to CIDER?
But perhaps I am in a minority here, and we should just apply the patch.
> On Thu, Jul 6, 2023, at 7:14 PM, Paul Pogonyshev wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Bozhidar Batsov, author and maintainer of CIDER, requested for
>> package Logview to be made available on NonGNU ELPA:
>> Since Logview has two dependencies itself, which are not available
>> on NonGNU ELPA, and since Bozhidar assured me that it is fine to
>> submit multiple packages in one go, the attached patch adds all
>> three (Logview, datetime, extmap) at once. Local checks suggest that
>> the packages can be built fine.
I am a bit confused, why should adding multiple related packages in a
single patch be an issue?
>> All the packages have been available from MELPA for years and are
>> mature projects. They are under active maintenance: even if I don't
>> often add new features, I respond to reported issues on GitHub and
>> write fixes when needed.
>> I added directory `githooks' to the lists of exclusions even if it
>> doesn't yet exist in the dependencies: I will add it there sooner or
>> later anyway. In Logview itself this directory already exists.
If possible, please add ".elpaignore" files to the repositories
themselves, so that we can void tracking the files in elpa-packages
>> Please CC me on any replies, I'm not subscribed to the list.
That is a given, don't worry about it.
>> Paul
>> *Attachments:*
>> • 0001-Add-Logview-with-dependencies.patch