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Re: Distribution statistics for ELPA and EMMS

From: Adam Porter
Subject: Re: Distribution statistics for ELPA and EMMS
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 14:45:04 -0500
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Currently we have two developers who have voiced that they would likethis feature in ELPA. Perhaps if others chime in then it should
be considered.

Obviously, I think every developer would like to see the download counts of their packages. I check mine on MELPA now and then to get a sense of how popular they are, at least relative to each other. If nothing else it gives me an idea about how I may need to better document or publicize them (the ones that seem under-utilized, that is). And, of course, it can be a nice ego boost. :)

So, yes, it would be nice if ELPA offered something similar. Nothing fancy, just a download counter, would be good. Even better would be a page showing downloads per month, or something like that, for historical purposes.

However, another factor to keep in mind is that some packages may be downloaded regularly for continuous integration testing, which may inflate the download count. One might think that this would only be a small number, and I guess for most packages it is, but I have seen on some of mine, which seem to be included in some distros with regular CI, that the Git repo is cloned hundreds or thousands of times per week, numbers far beyond the users of the package. Maybe that pattern is confined to cloning the Git repo rather than downloading from ELPA, but I can't say.

As far as uniqueness, I would, of course, suggest that IP addresses should be protected. Maybe some simple aggregation in the sense of collating multiple downloads from one address in a short period of time could be useful, but anything beyond that would seem bogus.

My two cents.  :)

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