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Re: In go-ts-mode, tab-width 4 inserts two tabs instead of one

From: BTuin
Subject: Re: In go-ts-mode, tab-width 4 inserts two tabs instead of one
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 13:36:58 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Le 26/09/2023 à 13:08, Pankaj Jangid a écrit :
Suppose I have this struct,

#+begin_src go
package main

type Message struct {
        Response Response
        Request Request
        ForAPI string

If I keep default tab-width of 8, then it works fine. But when I change
the buffer local variable tab-width to 4, /mostly/ it inserts two tab
chars instead of one, /sometimes/ it works fine. I have one file where
it works just fine. And in all other files, it inserts two tabs instead
of one.

I am on branch emacs-29 and built with tree-sitter and gtk.

Language mode is go-ts-mode.

That's because tab-width only controls the appearance of a tabulation. It doesn't change the actual indentation offset. In go-ts-mode, the indentation offset is set by the variable go-ts-mode-indent-offset. Since it is 8 by default and that you have set tab-width to 4, it inserts two tabs to keep the offset of 8.

So you simply need to set go-ts-mode-indent-offset to 4 or directly to tab-width (with (setq go-ts-mode-indent-offset tab-width)).

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