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Re: ELPA package: filechooser

From: Rahguzar
Subject: Re: ELPA package: filechooser
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 10:59:38 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.1; emacs 29.4

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

> Rahguzar <rahguzar@zohomail.eu> writes:
>>> M-TAB selects file.
>>> I did not find how to remove selected file.
>> M-TAB on a selected file deselects it. It is basically a toggle.
> Now got it. You are right. I did not realize that I need to narrow the
> completions to the file I want to toggle. Just assumed that M-tab will
> act on what is displayed on top in the completions buffer, which is the
> first selected file - I was wrong.
>>> A side note: The usual /old/path/to/file/~/restart/path does not work as 
>>> expected.
>> Can you please describe how it doesn't work? It works for me with
>> vertico. I thought let binding minibuffer-completing-file-name was
>> enough to get rfn-eshadow to work.
> In short, I tried
> 1. Input ~/Git/emacs/src/xdisp.c
> 2. M-tab
> 3. ~/Git/emacs/src/~/
> and the completion list is empty.
> I recorded a short video demonstrating the problem.
> https://0x0.st/XLFm.mkv

You are right. The problem essentially boils down to this:

(let ((minibuffer-completing-file-name t))
 (completing-read "File: " #'completion-file-name-table))

The shadowing works as expected using vertico but not in the default
completion UI. I will try to figure out how exactly that is supposed to
be handled but I think the best place will be the
completion-file-name-table since otherwise every user of the table (or
the completion UI) needs to implement this behavior.


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