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Re: Externalising 'eglot-server-programs'

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Externalising 'eglot-server-programs'
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:04:38 +0300

> From: Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net>
> Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:23:12 +0000
> I have been wondering why all the language servers are currently listed
> in 'eglot-server-programs'?  Isn't it usually the responsibility of a
> major mode to integrate and configure generic functionality (Imenu,
> CAPF, Xref, Outline, Font-Lock, ...) for a language?  Would it be
> imaginable to move towards the expectation that major modes and their
> packages update 'eglot-server-programs', just like they update
> 'auto-mode-alist'?

We should keep in mind that Eglot is also available from ELPA, so it
cannot necessarily rely on what major modes in core do, because
3rd-party major modes might not do that.

Also, I don't see what possible harm could be caused by having all the
known servers listed in that variable.

Adding João to the discussion.

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