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Re: Reconsider defaults for use-package-vc-prefer-newest

From: Charles Choi
Subject: Re: Reconsider defaults for use-package-vc-prefer-newest
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 16:23:22 -0700

As my package `casual-dired` has been mentioned in this thread, I'd like to 
understand better what the recommended practice for package versioning is.

At current my development practice is to:

- Create a feature branch from the `main` branch and bump the `Version:` header.
- Make commits to the feature branch.
- Merge the feature branch back to `main`.
- Tag `main` with the `Version:` header value.

The above practice seems to violate whatever logic is being used to determine 
if a package is versioned correctly as it raises a COMMIT MISMATCH warning. My 
interpretation of this is that the `Version:` header is being used to track the 
build of a package which seems to me too strict. As long as the tag is in sync 
with the `Version:` header, I think it should be fine as a package can have 
many files.

Just my 2¢.


Charles Y. Choi, Ph.D.

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