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Re: Buffers with buffers (transclusion)

From: Vladimir Kazanov
Subject: Re: Buffers with buffers (transclusion)
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 16:01:44 +0100

Hi Eli,

> Thanks, but it is hard to reason about the ideas and possible
> implementations without knowing the intended functionalities and the
> use cases this should support.  So my suggestion is to describe these
> first.


The core use case is being able to edit many files from within a single buffer.

This is what chunk-edit.el does: it makes it possible to mark regions
of interest in various buffers, which are then exposed in a temporary
buffer (*chunk-edit*). The user can then focus on editing interesting
bits of code within a single buffer.

Here's an example user story: a programmer goes through 30k lines of
code of xdisp.c and dispextern.c and finds the key bits of code he
needs to change. Instead of jumping between points of interest, or
setting up a complex window configuration, he just copies everything
into *chunk-edit* where he can safely edit all of these at once.

Secondary to this is having a reasonable way to edit these diverse
chunks of code with the comfort of syntax highlighting.

Ideally, I would like to solve both problems in one go: just *include*
a subset of a buffer within *chunk-edit*, complete with text
properties and all.



Vladimir Kazanov

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