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Re: Feedback on scratch/igc Branch

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: Feedback on scratch/igc Branch
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 22:14:24 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.2.12 (2023-09-09)

* tomas@tuxteam.de <tomas@tuxteam.de> [2024-10-24 10:48]:
> The error message gives me the impression that git is trying to
> interpret "scratch/igc" as a file path and not as a branch. So
> that might be due to some uncommon/unexpected configuration on
> OP's side.
> Jean-Louis: what does the command
>   git branch -a
> say on your side?

*   remotes/origin/scratch/hard-narrow
*   remotes/origin/scratch/highlight-n-windows
*   remotes/origin/scratch/isearch-show-toggles
*   remotes/origin/scratch/jit-lock-antiblink
*   remotes/origin/scratch/jit-lock-antiblink-cleaned-up
*   remotes/origin/scratch/joaot/make-completion-at-point-function

That is where I expected "igc" to be alphabetically sorted, is not there.

I am using git from git://git.sv.gnu.org/emacs.git

> You might have more luck by stating explicitly which branch you
> want to track with
>   git checkout -b scratch/igc --track origin/scratch/igc
> (I'm now assuming that your upstream repo is called "origin" on
> your side, which is convention, but no law).

$ git checkout -b scratch/igc --track origin/scratch/igc
fatal: 'origin/scratch/igc' is not a commit and a branch 'scratch/igc' cannot 
be created from it


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