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master 32aa5c76bd: Fix receiving drops from drop-only Motif programs

From: Po Lu
Subject: master 32aa5c76bd: Fix receiving drops from drop-only Motif programs
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2022 03:27:26 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 32aa5c76bdb0236f159f24a7d8a7698b88fcb712
Author: Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com>
Commit: Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com>

    Fix receiving drops from drop-only Motif programs
    * lisp/x-dnd.el (x-dnd-xm-read-targets-table): Fix doc string.
    (x-dnd-handle-motif): Recompute types and state on XmDROP_START
    if no state already exists.
 lisp/x-dnd.el | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/x-dnd.el b/lisp/x-dnd.el
index 85b4138f17..7ee20e0fc3 100644
--- a/lisp/x-dnd.el
+++ b/lisp/x-dnd.el
@@ -624,7 +624,9 @@ describing the selection targets in the current rec."
 (defun x-dnd-xm-read-targets-table (frame)
   "Read the Motif targets table on FRAME.
-Return a vector of vectors of numbers (the drop targets)."
+Return a vector of vectors of numbers, which are the atoms of the
+available selection targets for each index into the selection
   (let* ((drag-window (x-window-property "_MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW"
                                          frame "WINDOW" 0 nil t))
          (targets-data (x-window-property "_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS"
@@ -809,60 +811,71 @@ Return a vector of atoms containing the selection 
                    (selection-atom (x-dnd-get-motif-value
                                     data 12 4 source-byteorder))
                    (atom-name (x-get-atom-name selection-atom))
-                   (dnd-source (x-dnd-get-motif-value
-                                data 16 4 source-byteorder))
-                   (action-type (x-dnd-maybe-call-test-function
-                                 window
-                                 source-action))
-                   (reply-action (and (not (posn-area (event-start event)))
-                                       (car (rassoc (car action-type)
-                                                   x-dnd-motif-to-action))))
-                   (reply-flags
-                    (x-dnd-motif-value-to-list
-                      (if (posn-area (event-start event))
-                          (+ ?\x20     ; 20: invalid drop site
-                             ?\x200)   ; 200: drop cancel
-                       (if reply-action
-                           (+ reply-action
-                              ?\x30   ; 30:  valid drop site
-                              ?\x700) ; 700: can do copy, move or link
-                         (+ ?\x30     ; 30:  drop site, but noop.
-                            ?\x200))) ; 200: drop cancel.
+                    (dnd-source (x-dnd-get-motif-value
+                                data 16 4 source-byteorder)))
+               ;; This might be a drop from a program that doesn't use
+               ;; the Motif drag protocol.  Compute all the necessary
+               ;; state here if that is true.
+               (unless (and (x-dnd-get-state-for-frame frame)
+                            (aref (x-dnd-get-state-for-frame frame) 2))
+                 (x-dnd-forget-drop frame)
+                 (let ((types (x-dnd-xm-read-targets frame dnd-source
+                                                     atom-name)))
+                   (x-dnd-save-state window nil nil types dnd-source)))
+               (let* ((action-type (x-dnd-maybe-call-test-function
+                                   window
+                                   source-action))
+                     (reply-action (and (not (posn-area (event-start event)))
+                                         (car (rassoc (car action-type)
+                                                     x-dnd-motif-to-action))))
+                     (reply-flags
+                      (x-dnd-motif-value-to-list
+                        (if (posn-area (event-start event))
+                            (+ ?\x20     ; 20: invalid drop site
+                               ?\x200)   ; 200: drop cancel
+                         (if reply-action
+                             (+ reply-action
+                                ?\x30   ; 30:  valid drop site
+                                ?\x700) ; 700: can do copy, move or link
+                           (+ ?\x30     ; 30:  drop site, but noop.
+                              ?\x200))) ; 200: drop cancel.
                        2 my-byteorder))
-                   (reply (append
-                           (list
-                            (+ ?\x80   ; 0x80 indicates a reply.
-                               5)      ; DROP_START.
-                            my-byteorder)
-                           reply-flags
-                           x y))
-                   (timestamp (x-dnd-get-motif-value
-                               data 4 4 source-byteorder))
-                   action)
-              (x-send-client-message frame
-                                     dnd-source
-                                     frame
-                                     "_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE"
-                                     8
-                                     reply)
-              (setq action
-                    (when (and reply-action atom-name)
-                      (let* ((value (x-get-selection-internal
-                                     (intern atom-name)
-                                     (intern (x-dnd-current-type window)))))
-                        (when value
-                          (condition-case info
-                              (x-dnd-drop-data event frame window value
-                                               (x-dnd-current-type window))
-                            (error
-                             (message "Error: %s" info)
-                             nil))))))
-              (x-get-selection-internal
-               (intern atom-name)
-               (if action 'XmTRANSFER_SUCCESS 'XmTRANSFER_FAILURE)
-               timestamp)
-              (x-dnd-forget-drop frame)))
+                     (reply (append
+                             (list
+                              (+ ?\x80 ; 0x80 indicates a reply.
+                                 5)    ; DROP_START.
+                              my-byteorder)
+                             reply-flags
+                             x y))
+                     (timestamp (x-dnd-get-motif-value
+                                 data 4 4 source-byteorder))
+                     action)
+                (x-send-client-message frame
+                                       dnd-source
+                                       frame
+                                       "_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE"
+                                       8
+                                       reply)
+                (setq action
+                      (when (and reply-action atom-name)
+                        (let* ((value (x-get-selection-internal
+                                       (intern atom-name)
+                                       (intern (x-dnd-current-type window)))))
+                          (when value
+                            (condition-case info
+                                (x-dnd-drop-data event frame window value
+                                                 (x-dnd-current-type window))
+                              (error
+                               (message "Error: %s" info)
+                               nil))))))
+                (x-get-selection-internal
+                 (intern atom-name)
+                 (if action 'XmTRANSFER_SUCCESS 'XmTRANSFER_FAILURE)
+                 timestamp)
+                (x-dnd-forget-drop frame))))
             (t (message "Unknown Motif drag-and-drop message: %s"
                         (logand (aref data 0) #x3f)))))))

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