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master f46547294d 23/25: Improve ERC's handling of multiline prompt inpu

From: F. Jason Park
Subject: master f46547294d 23/25: Improve ERC's handling of multiline prompt input
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 18:29:54 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit f46547294d2684d80bb473bd4c85f273ff661a7d
Author: F. Jason Park <jp@neverwas.me>
Commit: F. Jason Park <jp@neverwas.me>

    Improve ERC's handling of multiline prompt input
    * lisp/erc/erc.el (erc--pre-send-split-functions): Add new internal
    hook allowing members to revise individual lines before sending.  This
    was created with an eye toward possibly exporting it publicly as a
    customizable option.
    (erc-last-input-time): Tweak meaning of variable to match likely
    original intent, which is that it's only updated on successful calls
    to `erc-send-current-line'.
    (erc--discard-trailing-multiline-nulls): Conditionally truncate list
    of lines to be sent, skipping trailing blanks.  This constitutes a
    behavioral change.  But, considering the nature of the bug being
    fixed, it is thought to be justified.
    (erc--input-split): Add new internal struct containing split input
    lines and flag for command detection.
    (erc--input-line-delim-regexp): Add regex var for splitting multiline
    prompt input.
    (erc--blank-in-multiline-p): Add helper for detecting blank lines.
    erc--check-prompt-input-for-running-process): New functions to
    encapsulate logic for various pre-flight idiot checks.
    (erc--check-prompt-input-functions): Add new hook for validating
    prompt input prior to clearing it, internal for now.
    (erc-send-current-line): Pre-screen for blank lines and bail out if
    (erc-send-input): Add optional param to skip checking for blank lines.
    Call hook `erc--pre-send-split-functions'.
    * test/lisp/erc/erc-tests.el (erc-ring-previous-command): Use new test
    erc--blank-in-multiline-input-p): Add tests.
    (erc-tests--send-prep, erc-tests--set-fake-server-process,
    erc-tests--with-process-input-spy): Add test helpers.
    (erc--check-prompt-input-functions, erc-send-current-line,
    erc-send-whitespace-lines): Add tests.
 lisp/erc/erc.el            | 161 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 test/lisp/erc/erc-tests.el | 208 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 328 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/erc/erc.el b/lisp/erc/erc.el
index 971d3f426f..89ce713fe0 100644
--- a/lisp/erc/erc.el
+++ b/lisp/erc/erc.el
@@ -1123,6 +1123,29 @@ The struct has three slots:
   :type 'hook
   :version "27.1")
+;; This is being auditioned for possible exporting (as a custom hook
+;; option).  Likewise for (public versions of) `erc--input-split' and
+;; `erc--discard-trailing-multiline-nulls'.  If unneeded, we'll just
+;; run the latter on the input after `erc-pre-send-functions', and
+;; remove this hook and the struct completely.  IOW, if you need this,
+;; please say so.
+(defvar erc--pre-send-split-functions '(erc--discard-trailing-multiline-nulls)
+  "Special hook for modifying individual lines in multiline prompt input.
+The functions are called with one argument, an `erc--input-split'
+struct, which they can optionally modify.
+The struct has five slots:
+  `string': the input string delivered by `erc-pre-send-functions'
+  `insertp': whether to insert the lines into the buffer
+  `sendp': whether the lines should be sent to the IRC server
+  `lines': a list of lines to be sent, each one a `string'
+  `cmdp': whether to interpret input as a command, like /ignore
+The `string' field is effectively read-only.  When `cmdp' is
+non-nil, all but the first line will be discarded.")
 (defvar erc-insert-this t
   "Insert the text into the target buffer or not.
 Functions on `erc-insert-pre-hook' can set this variable to nil
@@ -5835,7 +5858,7 @@ Specifically, return the position of `erc-insert-marker'."
 (defvar erc-last-input-time 0
-  "Time of last call to `erc-send-current-line'.
+  "Time of last successful call to `erc-send-current-line'.
 If that function has never been called, the value is 0.")
 (defcustom erc-accidental-paste-threshold-seconds 0.2
@@ -5851,6 +5874,50 @@ submitted line to be intentional."
   :version "26.1"
   :type '(choice number (other :tag "disabled" nil)))
+(defvar erc--input-line-delim-regexp (rx (| (: (? ?\r) ?\n) ?\r)))
+(defun erc--blank-in-multiline-input-p (lines)
+  "Detect whether LINES contains a blank line.
+When `erc-send-whitespace-lines' is in effect, return nil if
+LINES is multiline or the first line is non-empty.  When
+`erc-send-whitespace-lines' is nil, return non-nil when any line
+is empty or consists of one or more spaces, tabs, or form-feeds."
+  (catch 'return
+    (let ((multilinep (cdr lines)))
+      (dolist (line lines)
+        (when (if erc-send-whitespace-lines
+                  (and (string-empty-p line) (not multilinep))
+                (string-match (rx bot (* (in " \t\f")) eot) line))
+          (throw 'return t))))))
+(defun erc--check-prompt-input-for-multiline-blanks (_ lines)
+  "Return non-nil when multiline prompt input has blank LINES."
+  (when (erc--blank-in-multiline-input-p lines)
+    (if erc-warn-about-blank-lines
+        "Blank line - ignoring..."
+      'invalid)))
+(defun erc--check-prompt-input-for-point-in-bounds (_ _)
+  "Return non-nil when point is before prompt."
+  (when (< (point) (erc-beg-of-input-line))
+    "Point is not in the input area"))
+(defun erc--check-prompt-input-for-running-process (string _)
+  "Return non-nil unless in an active ERC server buffer."
+  (unless (or (erc-server-buffer-live-p)
+              (erc-command-no-process-p string))
+    "ERC: No process running"))
+(defvar erc--check-prompt-input-functions
+  '(erc--check-prompt-input-for-point-in-bounds
+    erc--check-prompt-input-for-multiline-blanks
+    erc--check-prompt-input-for-running-process)
+  "Validators for user input typed at prompt.
+Called with latest input string submitted by user and the list of
+lines produced by splitting it.  If any member function returns
+non-nil, processing is abandoned and input is left untouched.
+When the returned value is a string, pass it to `erc-error'.")
 (defun erc-send-current-line ()
   "Parse current line and send it to IRC."
@@ -5864,20 +5931,21 @@ submitted line to be intentional."
-          (if (< (point) (erc-beg-of-input-line))
-              (erc-error "Point is not in the input area")
+          (if-let* ((str (erc-user-input))
+                    (msg (run-hook-with-args-until-success
+                          'erc--check-prompt-input-functions str
+                          (split-string str erc--input-line-delim-regexp))))
+              (when (stringp msg)
+                (erc-error msg))
             (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
-                  (str (erc-user-input))
                   (old-buf (current-buffer)))
-              (if (and (not (erc-server-buffer-live-p))
-                       (not (erc-command-no-process-p str)))
-                  (erc-error "ERC: No process running")
+              (progn ; unprogn this during next major surgery
                 (erc-set-active-buffer (current-buffer))
                 ;; Kill the input and the prompt
                 (delete-region (erc-beg-of-input-line)
-                    (erc-send-input str)
+                    (erc-send-input str 'skip-ws-chk)
                   ;; Fix the buffer if the command didn't kill it
                   (when (buffer-live-p old-buf)
                     (with-current-buffer old-buf
@@ -5892,8 +5960,8 @@ submitted line to be intentional."
                           (set-buffer-modified-p buffer-modified))))))
                 ;; Only when last hook has been run...
-                (run-hook-with-args 'erc-send-completed-hook str))))
-          (setq erc-last-input-time now))
+                (run-hook-with-args 'erc-send-completed-hook str)))
+            (setq erc-last-input-time now)))
       (switch-to-buffer "*ERC Accidental Paste Overflow*")
       (lwarn 'erc :warning
              "You seem to have accidentally pasted some text!"))))
@@ -5910,21 +5978,31 @@ submitted line to be intentional."
 (cl-defstruct erc-input
   string insertp sendp)
-(defun erc-send-input (input)
+(cl-defstruct (erc--input-split (:include erc-input))
+  lines cmdp)
+(defun erc--discard-trailing-multiline-nulls (state)
+  "Ensure last line of STATE's string is non-null.
+But only when `erc-send-whitespace-lines' is non-nil.  STATE is
+an `erc--input-split' object."
+  (when (and erc-send-whitespace-lines (erc--input-split-lines state))
+    (let ((reversed (nreverse (erc--input-split-lines state))))
+      (when (string-empty-p (car reversed))
+        (pop reversed)
+        (setf (erc--input-split-cmdp state) nil))
+      (nreverse (seq-drop-while #'string-empty-p reversed)))))
+(defun erc-send-input (input &optional skip-ws-chk)
   "Treat INPUT as typed in by the user.
 It is assumed that the input and the prompt is already deleted.
 Return non-nil only if we actually send anything."
   ;; Handle different kinds of inputs
-  (cond
-   ;; Ignore empty input
-   ((if erc-send-whitespace-lines
-        (string= input "")
-      (string-match "\\`[ \t\r\f\n]*\\'" input))
-    (when erc-warn-about-blank-lines
-      (message "Blank line - ignoring...")
-      (beep))
-    nil)
-   (t
+  (if (and (not skip-ws-chk)
+           (erc--check-prompt-input-for-multiline-blanks
+            input (split-string input erc--input-line-delim-regexp)))
+      (when erc-warn-about-blank-lines
+        (message "Blank line - ignoring...") ; compat
+        (beep))
     ;; This dynamic variable is used by `erc-send-pre-hook'.  It's
     ;; obsolete, and when it's finally removed, this binding should
     ;; also be removed.
@@ -5944,27 +6022,28 @@ Return non-nil only if we actually send anything."
                                  :insertp erc-insert-this
                                  :sendp erc-send-this))
       (run-hook-with-args 'erc-pre-send-functions state)
+      (setq state (make-erc--input-split
+                   :string (erc-input-string state)
+                   :insertp (erc-input-insertp state)
+                   :sendp (erc-input-sendp state)
+                   :lines (split-string (erc-input-string state)
+                                        erc--input-line-delim-regexp)
+                   :cmdp (string-match erc-command-regexp
+                                       (erc-input-string state))))
+      (run-hook-with-args 'erc--pre-send-split-functions state)
       (when (and (erc-input-sendp state)
-                erc-send-this)
-       (let ((string (erc-input-string state)))
-          (if (or (if (>= emacs-major-version 28)
-                      (string-search "\n" string)
-                    (string-match "\n" string))
-                  (not (string-match erc-command-regexp string)))
-              (mapc
-               (lambda (line)
-                (mapc
-                  (lambda (line)
-                    ;; Insert what has to be inserted for this.
-                   (when (erc-input-insertp state)
-                      (erc-display-msg line))
-                    (erc-process-input-line (concat line "\n")
-                                            (null erc-flood-protect) t))
-                  (or (and erc-flood-protect (erc-split-line line))
-                      (list line))))
-               (split-string string "\n"))
-            (erc-process-input-line (concat string "\n") t nil))
-          t))))))
+                 erc-send-this)
+        (let ((lines (erc--input-split-lines state)))
+          (if (and (erc--input-split-cmdp state) (not (cdr lines)))
+              (erc-process-input-line (concat (car lines) "\n") t nil)
+            (dolist (line lines)
+              (dolist (line (or (and erc-flood-protect (erc-split-line line))
+                                (list line)))
+                (when (erc-input-insertp state)
+                  (erc-display-msg line))
+                (erc-process-input-line (concat line "\n")
+                                        (null erc-flood-protect) t))))
+          t)))))
 (defun erc-display-msg (line)
   "Display LINE as a message of the user to the current target at point."
diff --git a/test/lisp/erc/erc-tests.el b/test/lisp/erc/erc-tests.el
index afe9cc7b8c..986988a335 100644
--- a/test/lisp/erc/erc-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/erc/erc-tests.el
@@ -588,6 +588,214 @@
     (kill-buffer "*erc-protocol*")
     (should-not erc-debug-irc-protocol)))
+(ert-deftest erc--input-line-delim-regexp ()
+  (let ((p erc--input-line-delim-regexp))
+    ;; none
+    (should (equal '("a" "b") (split-string "a\r\nb" p)))
+    (should (equal '("a" "b") (split-string "a\nb" p)))
+    (should (equal '("a" "b") (split-string "a\rb" p)))
+    ;; one
+    (should (equal '("") (split-string "" p)))
+    (should (equal '("a" "" "b") (split-string "a\r\rb" p)))
+    (should (equal '("a" "" "b") (split-string "a\n\rb" p)))
+    (should (equal '("a" "" "b") (split-string "a\n\nb" p)))
+    (should (equal '("a" "" "b") (split-string "a\r\r\nb" p)))
+    (should (equal '("a" "" "b") (split-string "a\n\r\nb" p)))
+    (should (equal '("a" "") (split-string "a\n" p)))
+    (should (equal '("a" "") (split-string "a\r" p)))
+    (should (equal '("a" "") (split-string "a\r\n" p)))
+    (should (equal '("" "b") (split-string "\nb" p)))
+    (should (equal '("" "b") (split-string "\rb" p)))
+    (should (equal '("" "b") (split-string "\r\nb" p)))
+    ;; two
+    (should (equal '("" "") (split-string "\r" p)))
+    (should (equal '("" "") (split-string "\n" p)))
+    (should (equal '("" "") (split-string "\r\n" p)))
+    ;; three
+    (should (equal '("" "" "") (split-string "\r\r" p)))
+    (should (equal '("" "" "") (split-string "\n\n" p)))
+    (should (equal '("" "" "") (split-string "\n\r" p)))))
+(ert-deftest erc--blank-in-multiline-input-p ()
+  (let ((check (lambda (s)
+                 (erc--blank-in-multiline-input-p
+                  (split-string s erc--input-line-delim-regexp)))))
+    (ert-info ("With `erc-send-whitespace-lines'")
+      (let ((erc-send-whitespace-lines t))
+        (should (funcall check ""))
+        (should-not (funcall check "\na"))
+        (should-not (funcall check "/msg a\n")) ; real /cmd
+        (should-not (funcall check "a\n\nb")) ; "" allowed
+        (should-not (funcall check "/msg a\n\nb")) ; non-/cmd
+        (should-not (funcall check " "))
+        (should-not (funcall check "\t"))
+        (should-not (funcall check "a\nb"))
+        (should-not (funcall check "a\n "))
+        (should-not (funcall check "a\n \t"))
+        (should-not (funcall check "a\n \f"))
+        (should-not (funcall check "a\n \nb"))
+        (should-not (funcall check "a\n \t\nb"))
+        (should-not (funcall check "a\n \f\nb"))))
+    (should (funcall check ""))
+    (should (funcall check " "))
+    (should (funcall check "\t"))
+    (should (funcall check "a\n\nb"))
+    (should (funcall check "a\n\nb"))
+    (should (funcall check "a\n "))
+    (should (funcall check "a\n \t"))
+    (should (funcall check "a\n \f"))
+    (should (funcall check "a\n \nb"))
+    (should (funcall check "a\n \t\nb"))
+    (should-not (funcall check "a\rb"))
+    (should-not (funcall check "a\nb"))
+    (should-not (funcall check "a\r\nb"))))
+(defun erc-tests--with-process-input-spy (test)
+  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "FakeNet")
+    (let* ((erc-pre-send-functions
+            (remove #'erc-add-to-input-ring erc-pre-send-functions)) ; for now
+           (inhibit-message noninteractive)
+           (erc-server-current-nick "tester")
+           (erc-last-input-time 0)
+           erc-accidental-paste-threshold-seconds
+           ;;
+           calls)
+      (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'erc-process-input-line)
+                 (lambda (&rest r) (push r calls)))
+                ((symbol-function 'erc-server-buffer)
+                 (lambda () (current-buffer))))
+        (erc-tests--send-prep)
+        (funcall test (lambda () (pop calls)))))
+    (when noninteractive (kill-buffer))))
+(ert-deftest erc--check-prompt-input-functions ()
+  (erc-tests--with-process-input-spy
+   (lambda (next)
+     (ert-info ("Errors when point not in prompt area") ; actually just dings
+       (insert "/msg #chan hi")
+       (forward-line -1)
+       (let ((e (should-error (erc-send-current-line))))
+         (should (equal "Point is not in the input area" (cadr e))))
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (ert-info ("Input remains untouched")
+         (should (save-excursion (erc-bol) (looking-at "/msg #chan hi")))))
+     (ert-info ("Errors when no process running")
+       (let ((e (should-error (erc-send-current-line))))
+         (should (equal "ERC: No process running" (cadr e))))
+       (ert-info ("Input remains untouched")
+         (should (save-excursion (erc-bol) (looking-at "/msg #chan hi")))))
+     (ert-info ("Errors when line contains empty newline")
+       (erc-bol)
+       (delete-region (point) (point-max))
+       (insert "one\n")
+       (let ((e (should-error (erc-send-current-line))))
+         (should (equal "Blank line - ignoring..." (cadr e))))
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (ert-info ("Input remains untouched")
+         (should (save-excursion (goto-char erc-input-marker)
+                                 (looking-at "one\n")))))
+     (should (= 0 erc-last-input-time))
+     (should-not (funcall next)))))
+;; These also indirectly tests `erc-send-input'
+(ert-deftest erc-send-current-line ()
+  (erc-tests--with-process-input-spy
+   (lambda (next)
+     (erc-tests--set-fake-server-process "sleep" "1")
+     (should (= 0 erc-last-input-time))
+     (ert-info ("Simple command")
+       (insert "/msg #chan hi")
+       (erc-send-current-line)
+       (ert-info ("Prompt restored")
+         (forward-line 0)
+         (should (looking-at-p erc-prompt)))
+       (ert-info ("Input cleared")
+         (erc-bol)
+         (should (eq (point) (point-max))))
+       ;; Commands are forced (no flood protection)
+       (should (equal (funcall next) '("/msg #chan hi\n" t nil))))
+     (ert-info ("Simple non-command")
+       (insert "hi")
+       (erc-send-current-line)
+       (should (eq (point) (point-max)))
+       (should (save-excursion (forward-line -1)
+                               (search-forward "<tester> hi")))
+       ;; Non-ommands are forced only when `erc-flood-protect' is nil
+       (should (equal (funcall next) '("hi\n" nil t))))
+     (should (consp erc-last-input-time)))))
+(ert-deftest erc-send-whitespace-lines ()
+  (erc-tests--with-process-input-spy
+   (lambda (next)
+     (erc-tests--set-fake-server-process "sleep" "1")
+     (setq-local erc-send-whitespace-lines t)
+     (ert-info ("Multiline hunk with blank line correctly split")
+       (insert "one\n\ntwo")
+       (erc-send-current-line)
+       (ert-info ("Prompt restored")
+         (forward-line 0)
+         (should (looking-at-p erc-prompt)))
+       (ert-info ("Input cleared")
+         (erc-bol)
+         (should (eq (point) (point-max))))
+       (should (equal (funcall next) '("two\n" nil t)))
+       (should (equal (funcall next) '("\n" nil t)))
+       (should (equal (funcall next) '("one\n" nil t))))
+     (ert-info ("Multiline hunk with trailing newline filtered")
+       (insert "hi\n")
+       (erc-send-current-line)
+       (ert-info ("Input cleared")
+         (erc-bol)
+         (should (eq (point) (point-max))))
+       (should (equal (funcall next) '("hi\n" nil t)))
+       (should-not (funcall next)))
+     (ert-info ("Multiline hunk with trailing carriage filtered")
+       (insert "hi\r")
+       (erc-send-current-line)
+       (ert-info ("Input cleared")
+         (erc-bol)
+         (should (eq (point) (point-max))))
+       (should (equal (funcall next) '("hi\n" nil t)))
+       (should-not (funcall next)))
+     (ert-info ("Multiline command with trailing blank filtered")
+       (pcase-dolist (`(,p . ,q)
+                      '(("/a b\r" "/a b\n") ("/a b\n" "/a b\n")
+                        ("/a b\n\n" "/a b\n") ("/a b\r\n" "/a b\n")
+                        ("a b\nc\n\n" "c\n" "a b\n")
+                        ("/a b\nc\n\n" "c\n" "/a b\n")
+                        ("/a b\n\nc\n\n" "c\n" "\n" "/a b\n")))
+         (insert p)
+         (erc-send-current-line)
+         (erc-bol)
+         (should (eq (point) (point-max)))
+         (while q
+           (should (equal (funcall next) (list (pop q) nil t))))
+         (should-not (funcall next))))
+     (ert-info ("Multiline hunk with trailing whitespace not filtered")
+       (insert "there\n ")
+       (erc-send-current-line)
+       (should (equal (funcall next) '(" \n" nil t)))
+       (should (equal (funcall next) '("there\n" nil t)))
+       (should-not (funcall next))))))
 ;; The point of this test is to ensure output is handled identically
 ;; regardless of whether a command handler is summoned.

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