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emacs-29 1a66435dda: New input method 'cyrillic-chuvash'

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: emacs-29 1a66435dda: New input method 'cyrillic-chuvash'
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2022 15:06:48 -0500 (EST)

branch: emacs-29
commit 1a66435dda307a49069cb45752f69866a0e5c0c2
Author: Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
Commit: Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>

    New input method 'cyrillic-chuvash'
    * lisp/leim/quail/cyrillic.el ("cyrillic-chuvash"): New input
    method, contributed by flashymittens@tutanota.com.  (Bug#60023)
    Copyright-paperwork-exempt: yes
 etc/NEWS                    |   5 ++
 lisp/leim/quail/cyrillic.el | 132 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 137 insertions(+)

diff --git a/etc/NEWS b/etc/NEWS
index dd11b3c271..157fe98c98 100644
--- a/etc/NEWS
+++ b/etc/NEWS
@@ -1383,6 +1383,11 @@ language.
 This is a variant of the 'slovak' input method, which corresponds to
 the QWERTY Slovak keyboards.
+*** New input method 'cyrillic-chuvash'.
+This input method is based on the russian-computer, and is intended
+for the Chuvash language written in the Cyrillic script.
 * Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 29.1
diff --git a/lisp/leim/quail/cyrillic.el b/lisp/leim/quail/cyrillic.el
index 9f85bc1823..1ebbea8eb0 100644
--- a/lisp/leim/quail/cyrillic.el
+++ b/lisp/leim/quail/cyrillic.el
@@ -1712,6 +1712,138 @@ as follows.
  ("/T" ?Ө)
  ("/Y" ?Ү))
+;; Chuvash layout based on russian-computer.
+ "cyrillic-chuvash" "Chuvash" "CV" t
+ "Input method for cyrillic Chuvash with a postfix modifier.
+  А* -> Ӑ
+  а* -> ӑ
+  Е* -> Ӗ
+  Е* -> ӗ
+  С* -> Ҫ
+  с* -> ҫ
+  У* -> Ӳ
+  у* -> ӳ
+Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix
+       nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
+       ("1" ?1)
+       ("2" ?2)
+       ("3" ?3)
+       ("4" ?4)
+       ("5" ?5)
+       ("6" ?6)
+       ("7" ?7)
+       ("8" ?8)
+       ("9" ?9)
+       ("0" ?0)
+       ("-" ?-)
+       ("=" ?=)
+       ("|" ?/)
+       ("`" ?ё)
+       ("q" ?й)
+       ("w" ?ц)
+       ("e" ?у)
+       ("r" ?к)
+       ("t" ?е)
+       ("y" ?н)
+       ("u" ?г)
+       ("i" ?ш)
+       ("o" ?щ)
+       ("p" ?з)
+       ("[" ?х)
+       ("]" ?ъ)
+       ("a" ?ф)
+       ("s" ?ы)
+       ("d" ?в)
+       ("f" ?а)
+       ("g" ?п)
+       ("h" ?р)
+       ("j" ?о)
+       ("k" ?л)
+       ("l" ?д)
+       (";" ?ж)
+       ("'" ?э)
+       ("\\" ?\\)
+       ("z" ?я)
+       ("x" ?ч)
+       ("c" ?с)
+       ("v" ?м)
+       ("b" ?и)
+       ("n" ?т)
+       ("m" ?ь)
+       ("," ?б)
+       ("." ?ю)
+       ("/" ?.)
+       ("!" ?!)
+       ("@" ?\")
+       ("#" ?№)
+       ("$" ?\;)
+       ("%" ?%)
+       ("^" ?:)
+       ("&" ??)
+       ("*" ?*)
+       ("(" ?\()
+       (")" ?\))
+       ("_" ?_)
+       ("+" ?+)
+       ("~" ?Ё)
+       ("Q" ?Й)
+       ("W" ?Ц)
+       ("E" ?У)
+       ("R" ?К)
+       ("T" ?Е)
+       ("Y" ?Н)
+       ("U" ?Г)
+       ("I" ?Ш)
+       ("O" ?Щ)
+       ("P" ?З)
+       ("{" ?Х)
+       ("}" ?Ъ)
+       ("A" ?Ф)
+       ("S" ?Ы)
+       ("D" ?В)
+       ("F" ?А)
+       ("G" ?П)
+       ("H" ?Р)
+       ("J" ?О)
+       ("K" ?Л)
+       ("L" ?Д)
+       (":" ?Ж)
+       ("\"" ?Э)
+       ("|" ?|)
+       ("Z" ?Я)
+       ("X" ?Ч)
+       ("C" ?С)
+       ("V" ?М)
+       ("B" ?И)
+       ("N" ?Т)
+       ("M" ?Ь)
+       ("<" ?Б)
+       (">" ?Ю)
+       ("?" ?,)
+       ("F*" ?Ӑ)
+       ("f*" ?ӑ)
+       ("T*" ?Ӗ)
+       ("t*" ?ӗ)
+       ("C*" ?Ҫ)
+       ("c*" ?ҫ)
+       ("E*" ?Ӳ)
+       ("e*" ?ӳ)
+       ("F**" ["А*"])
+       ("f**" ["а*"])
+       ("T**" ["Е*"])
+       ("t**" ["е*"])
+       ("C**" ["С*"])
+       ("c**" ["с*"])
+       ("E**" ["У*"])
+       ("e**" ["у*"]))
 ;; Local Variables:
 ;; coding: utf-8
 ;; End:

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