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[elpa] master 81c4839: bug-hunter: Indentation and documentation

From: Artur Malabarba
Subject: [elpa] master 81c4839: bug-hunter: Indentation and documentation
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2015 10:06:00 +0000

branch: master
commit 81c4839bb368b5cf4201885827b525585b9ad498
Author: Artur Malabarba <address@hidden>
Commit: Artur Malabarba <address@hidden>

    bug-hunter: Indentation and documentation
 packages/bug-hunter/README.org    |   91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 packages/bug-hunter/bug-hunter.el |   30 ++++++------
 2 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/bug-hunter/README.org b/packages/bug-hunter/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78c622e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/bug-hunter/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
+#+TITLE: [[file:hunter.png]] The Bug Hunter 
+The Bug Hunter is an Emacs library that finds the source of an error
+or unexpected behavior inside an elisp configuration file (typically
+~init.el~ or ~.emacs~).
+* Usage Examples
+** Automated error hunting
+If your Emacs init file signals an error during startup, but you don’t
+know why, simply issue
+#+BEGIN_SRC text
+M-x bug-hunter-init-file RET e
+and The Bug Hunter will find it for you.  Note that your ~init.el~
+(or ~.emacs~) must be idempotent for this to work.
+** Interactive hunt
+If Emacs starts up without errors but something is not working as it
+should, invoke the same command, but choose the interactive option:
+#+BEGIN_SRC text
+M-x bug-hunter-init-file RET i
+The Bug Hunter will start a separate Emacs instance several times, and
+then it will ask you each time whether that instance presented the
+problem you have. After doing this about 5--12 times, you’ll be given
+the results.
+** Assertion hunt
+The Bug Hunter can also find your issue based on an assertion.
+Essentially, if you can write a code snippet that returns non-nil when
+it detects the issue, just provide this snippet as the assertion and
+the Bug Hunter will do the rest.
+For example, let’s say there’s something in your init file that’s
+loading the ~cl~ library, and you don’t want that. You /know/ you’re
+not loading it yourself, but how can you figure out which external
+package is responsible for this outrage?
+#+BEGIN_SRC text
+M-x bug-hunter-init-file RET a (featurep 'cl) RET
+*That’s it!* You’ll be given a nice buffer reporting the results:
+- Are you getting obscure errors when trying to open /“.tex”/ files?
+  - Don’t despair! Just use ~(find-file "dummy.tex")~ as the assertion.
+- Did ~ox-html~ stop working due to some arcane misconfiguration?
+  - Just write an assertion that does an export and checks the result.
+- Does some random command suddenly bind itself to ~C-j~ and you can’t figure 
out why?
+  - ~(eq (key-binding "\n") 'unwanted-command)~ is the assertion for you!
+Finally, you can also use ~bug-hunter-file~ to hunt in other files.
+* Installation
+The Bug Hunter is available from 
[[https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/bug-hunter.html][GNU Elpa]] to all Emacs 
versions since
+~24.1~. To install, just issue
+#+BEGIN_SRC text
+M-x package-install RET bug-hunter
+* init.org and other literate-style configs
+Some people (me included) like to organize their init files by
+writting it in ~org-mode~ instead of Emacs-Lisp. This usually involves
+adding something like this to ~init.el~,
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+;;; Maybe some code up here ;;;
+(require 'org)
+(org-babel-tangle-file "~/.emacs.d/org-init.org"
+                       "~/.emacs.d/org-init.el")
+(load "~/.emacs.d/org-init.el")
+At first, this makes the Bug-Hunter essentially useless, for it will
+do the hunting in ~init.el~ instead of the much more extensive
+~org-init.el~. The name of the second file (~org-init.el~) will vary,
+but the point is the same. But fear not! There’s a simple solution:
+1. If you have any code above the call to ~org-babel-tangle-file~, copy that 
to the top of ~org-init.el~ (or whatever is the name of your tangled file). 
This includes that ~(require 'org)~ over there.
+2. Invoke ~M-x~ ~bug-hunter-file~ (instead of ~bug-hunter-init-file~). It will 
ask you which file to debug, and you need to point it to your tangled output 
file ~org-init.el~.
diff --git a/packages/bug-hunter/bug-hunter.el 
index 0538ac6..e528971 100644
--- a/packages/bug-hunter/bug-hunter.el
+++ b/packages/bug-hunter/bug-hunter.el
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
 ;;   ,----
 ;;   | M-x bug-hunter-init-file RET i
 ;;   `----
-;;   The Bug Hunter will start a separate Emacs frame several times, and
-;;   then it will ask you each time whether that frame presented the
+;;   The Bug Hunter will start a separate Emacs instance several times, and
+;;   then it will ask you each time whether that instance presented the
 ;;   problem you have. After doing this about 5--12 times, you’ll be given
 ;;   the results.
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 (defconst bug-hunter--interactive-explanation
   "You have asked to do an interactive hunt, here's how it goes.
-1) I will start a new Emacs frame.
+1) I will start a new Emacs instance, which opens a new frame.
 2) You will try to reproduce your problem on the new frame.
 3) When you’re done, close that frame.
 4) I will ask you if you managed to reproduce the problem.
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ the file."
                  (when (> size 16)
                    (format "\n    ... %s omitted expressions ...\n\n"
-                     (- size 14)))
+                           (- size 14)))
                  (when (> size 16)
                    (mapconcat (lambda (x) (bug-hunter--pretty-format x 4))
                               (seq-drop forms (- size 7)) "")))))
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ the file."
        (concat "The assertion returned the following value here:\n"
                (bug-hunter--pretty-format (cadr error) 4)))
       (t (format "The following error was signaled here:\n    %S"
-           error))))
+                 error))))
   (when expression
     (bug-hunter--report "  Caused by the following expression:\n%s"
       (bug-hunter--pretty-format expression 4)))
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ ARGS are passed before \"-l FILE\"."
       (delete-file file-name))))
 (defun bug-hunter--run-form-interactively (form)
-  "Run FORM in a graphical frame and ask user about the outcome."
+  "Run FORM in a graphical instance and ask user about the outcome."
   (let ((file-name (bug-hunter--print-to-temp (list 'prin1 form))))
         (bug-hunter--run-emacs file-name "-Q")
@@ -340,16 +340,16 @@ which will be inspected if HEAD doesn't match ASSERTION."
       (vector (length safe) ret-val))
       (apply #'bug-hunter--bisect
-        assertion
-        safe
-        (bug-hunter--split head)))
+             assertion
+             safe
+             (bug-hunter--split head)))
      ;; Issue in the tail.
      (t (apply #'bug-hunter--bisect
-          assertion
-          (append safe head)
-          ;; If tail has length 1, we already know where the issue is,
-          ;; but we still do this to get the return value.
-          (bug-hunter--split tail))))))
+               assertion
+               (append safe head)
+               ;; If tail has length 1, we already know where the issue is,
+               ;; but we still do this to get the return value.
+               (bug-hunter--split tail))))))
 (defun bug-hunter--bisect-start (forms assertion)
   "Run a bisection search on list of FORMS using ASSERTION.
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ are evaluated."
     ;; Prepare buffer, and make sure they've seen it.
     (switch-to-buffer (bug-hunter--init-report-buffer assertion 
     (when (eq assertion 'interactive)
-      (read-char-choice "Please the instructions above and type 6 when ready. 
" '(?6)))
+      (read-char-choice "Please read the instructions above and type 6 when 
ready. " '(?6)))
      ;; Check for errors when reading the init file.

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