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[elpa] externals/guess-language cc11ec6 055/101: README: More details ab

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/guess-language cc11ec6 055/101: README: More details about configuration.
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2019 10:34:42 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/guess-language
commit cc11ec643e77e8e0d5604f2c991c2fff3131a334
Author: Titus von der Malsburg <address@hidden>
Commit: Titus von der Malsburg <address@hidden>

    README: More details about configuration.
 README.org        | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 guess-language.el | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index d2441f2..2905e67 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -36,27 +36,48 @@ Guess-language-mode is available through 
 (setq guess-language-min-paragraph-length 35)
+~guess-language-languages~ defines the candidate languages that should be 
considered.  Only include languages that you actually use to improve 
performance.  Languages are identified using ISO 639-1 codes (see table below).
+~guess-language-min-paragraph-length~ specifies the minimal length that a 
paragraph needs to have before guess-language-mode starts guessing.
+For each language, there is a default Ispell dictionary that 
guess-language-mode tries to use.  However, for some languages there are 
several dictionaries available and guess-language can’t know which one you’d 
like to use.  For example, there are several different dictionaries for German 
and for English.  If the dictionary that guess-language-mode uses by default is 
not present, you will get an error message like the following:
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+Error in post-command-hook (flyspell-post-command-hook): (error "Undefined 
dictionary: en")
+In this case, use the variable ~guess-language-langcodes~ to tell 
guess-language-mode which dictionary should be used instead.  For example, use 
the following definition if you want to use British English and Swiss German:
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+(setq guess-language-langcodes
+  '((en . ("en_GB" "English"))
+    (de . ("de_CH"    "German"))))
 Available languages at this time:
-| IDO 639-1 code | Language   |
-| ~ar~           | Arabic     |
-| ~cs~           | Czech      |
-| ~da~           | Danish     |
-| ~nl~           | Dutch      |
-| ~en~           | English    |
-| ~es~           | Spanish    |
-| ~fi~           | Finnish    |
-| ~fr~           | French     |
-| ~de~           | German     |
-| ~it~           | Italian    |
-| ~nb~           | Norwegian  |
-| ~pl~           | Polish     |
-| ~pt~           | Portuguese |
-| ~ru~           | Russian    |
-| ~sk~           | Slovak     |
-| ~sl~           | Slovenian  |
-| ~sv~           | Swedish    |
+| Language   | IDO 639-1 code | Ispell dictionary | Typo-mode setting |
+| Arabic     | ~ar~           | ar                |                   |
+| Czech      | ~cs~           | czech             | Czech             |
+| Danish     | ~da~           | dansk             |                   |
+| Dutch      | ~nl~           | de                |                   |
+| English    | ~en~           | en                | English           |
+| Finnish    | ~fi~           | finnish           | Finnish           |
+| French     | ~fr~           | francais          | French            |
+| German     | ~de~           | de                | German            |
+| Italian    | ~it~           | italiano          | Italian           |
+| Norwegian  | ~nb~           | norsk             |                   |
+| Polish     | ~pl~           | polish            |                   |
+| Portuguese | ~pt~           | portuguese        |                   |
+| Russian    | ~ru~           | russian           | Russian           |
+| Slovak     | ~sk~           | slovak            |                   |
+| Slovenian  | ~sl~           | slovenian         |                   |
+| Spanish    | ~es~           | spanish           |                   |
+| Swedish    | ~sv~           | svenska           |                   |
 ** Usage
diff --git a/guess-language.el b/guess-language.el
index b7bab34..347fc7d 100644
--- a/guess-language.el
+++ b/guess-language.el
@@ -80,26 +80,34 @@ little material to reliably guess the language."
 (defvar guess-language-regexps nil
   "The regular expressions that are used to count trigrams.")
-(defvar guess-language-langcodes
-  '(
-    (ar . ("ar" nil))
-    (cs . ("czech" "Czech"))
-    (da . ("dansk" nil))
-    (de . ("de" "German"))
-    (en . ("en" "English"))
-    (es . ("spanish" nil))
-    (fi . ("finnish" "Finnish"))
-    (fr . ("francais" "French"))
-    (it . ("italiano" "Italian"))
-    (nb . ("norsk" nil))
+(defcustom guess-language-langcodes
+  '((ar . ("ar"         nil))
+    (cs . ("czech"      "Czech"))
+    (da . ("dansk"      nil))
+    (de . ("de"         "German"))
+    (en . ("en"         "English"))
+    (es . ("spanish"    nil))
+    (fi . ("finnish"    "Finnish"))
+    (fr . ("francais"   "French"))
+    (it . ("italiano"   "Italian"))
+    (nb . ("norsk"      nil))
     (nl . ("nederlands" nil))
-    (pl . ("polish" nil))
+    (pl . ("polish"     nil))
     (pt . ("portuguese" nil))
-    (ru . ("russian" "Russian"))
-    (sk . ("slovak" nil))
-    (sl . ("slovenian" nil))
-    (sv . ("svenska" nil)))
-  "Language codes for Ispell and typo-mode.")
+    (ru . ("russian"    "Russian"))
+    (sk . ("slovak"     nil))
+    (sl . ("slovenian"  nil))
+    (sv . ("svenska"    nil)))
+  "Language codes for Ispell and typo-mode.  The key is a symbol
+giving the ISO 639-1 code of the language.  The values is a list
+with two elements.  The first is the name of the Ispell
+dictionary that should be used (i.e., what you would enter when
+setting the language with `ispell-change-dictionary'.  The second
+element is the name of the language setting that should be used
+with typo-mode.  If a language is not supported by typo-mode,
+enter `nil'."
+  :type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type list)
+  :group 'guess-language)
 (defun guess-language-load-trigrams ()
   "Load language statistics."

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