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[elpa] master 5c25a7d 8/8: Update packages/ack from upstream

From: Jo�o T�vora
Subject: [elpa] master 5c25a7d 8/8: Update packages/ack from upstream
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 18:33:11 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 5c25a7d1c401d13465210c71a12f32879fc82d80
Merge: dd10f4a bc671ba
Author: João Távora <address@hidden>
Commit: João Távora <address@hidden>

    Update packages/ack from upstream
    Merge subtree commit 'bc671ba2422abf6efa85db931381ff3deef3c7a5'
 packages/ack/README.rst | 12 ++++++-
 packages/ack/ack.el     | 91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/ack/README.rst b/packages/ack/README.rst
index 9d4e14f..5caa477 100644
--- a/packages/ack/README.rst
+++ b/packages/ack/README.rst
@@ -58,6 +58,16 @@ key bindings may be useful:
   the minibuffer
 - ``TAB`` => completion for ack options
+If you use the above keybindings very often, stick the corresponding
+command names in ``ack-minibuffer-setup-hook``. The following snippet
+makes ``M-x ack`` insert a ``git|hg|bzr grep`` template if searching
+from a project root. Then it will try to insert the symbol at point.
+.. code-block:: lisp
+  (add-hook 'ack-minibuffer-setup-hook 'ack-skel-vc-grep t)
+  (add-hook 'ack-minibuffer-setup-hook 'ack-yank-symbol-at-point t)
@@ -71,4 +81,4 @@ https://github.com/leoliu/ack-el/issues
-Phillip Lord
+Phillip Lord. The original author and previous mantainer is Leo Liu.
diff --git a/packages/ack/ack.el b/packages/ack/ack.el
index 11c1f93..5f20261 100644
--- a/packages/ack/ack.el
+++ b/packages/ack/ack.el
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 ;;; ack.el --- interface to ack-like tools           -*- lexical-binding: t; 
-;; Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2012-2018  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Leo Liu <address@hidden>
-;; Version: 1.5
+;; Maintainer: João Távora <address@hidden>
+;; Version: 1.6
 ;; Keywords: tools, processes, convenience
 ;; Created: 2012-03-24
 ;; URL: https://github.com/leoliu/ack-el
@@ -279,21 +280,52 @@ This gets tacked on the end of the generated 
 ;; Work around bug http://debbugs.gnu.org/13811
 (defvar ack--project-root nil)          ; dynamically bound in `ack'
-(defun ack-skel-vc-grep ()
-  "Insert a template for vc grep search."
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((regexp (concat "\\`" (regexp-opt
-                                (mapcar 'car ack-vc-grep-commands))
-                         "\\'"))
-         (root (or (ack-guess-project-root default-directory regexp)
-                   (error "Cannot locate vc project root")))
-         (which (car (directory-files root nil regexp)))
-         (backend (downcase (substring which 1)))
-         (cmd (or (cdr (assoc which ack-vc-grep-commands))
-                  (error "No command provided for `%s grep'" backend))))
-    (setq ack--project-root root)
-    (delete-minibuffer-contents)
-    (skeleton-insert `(nil ,cmd " '" _ "'"))))
+(defvar ack--yanked-symbol nil)  ; buffer-local in the minibuffer
+(defun ack-skel-vc-grep (&optional interactive)
+  "Find a vc-controlled dir, insert a template for a vc grep search.
+If called interactively, INTERACTIVE is non-nil and calls to this
+function that cannot locate such a directory will produce an
+error, whereas in non-interactive calls they will silently exit,
+leaving the minibuffer unchanged.
+Additionally, interactive calls preceded by a previous
+`ack-yank-symbol-at-point' call, will recall the symbol inserted.
+This function is a suitable addition to
+  (interactive "p")
+  (catch 'giveup
+    (let* ((regexp (concat "\\`" (regexp-opt
+                                  (mapcar 'car ack-vc-grep-commands))
+                           "\\'"))
+           (guessed-root (or (ack-guess-project-root ack--project-root regexp)
+                             (if interactive
+                                 (user-error
+                                  "Cannot locate a vc project root from %s"
+                                  ack--project-root)
+                               (throw 'giveup nil))))
+           (which (progn
+                    (unless (or interactive
+                                (equal
+                                 (file-truename ack--project-root)
+                                 (file-truename guessed-root)))
+                      ;; See github
+                      ;; https://github.com/leoliu/ack-el/issues/10
+                      ;; for the reason for giving up here
+                      ;; non-interactively.
+                      (throw 'giveup nil))
+                    (car (directory-files guessed-root nil regexp))))
+           (backend (downcase (substring which 1)))
+           (cmd (or (cdr (assoc which ack-vc-grep-commands))
+                    (error "No command provided for `%s grep'" backend))))
+      (when interactive
+        (setq ack--project-root guessed-root)
+        (ack-update-minibuffer-prompt))
+      (delete-minibuffer-contents)
+      (skeleton-insert `(nil ,cmd " '" _ "'"))
+      (when (and interactive ack--yanked-symbol)
+        (insert ack--yanked-symbol)))))
 (defun ack-yank-symbol-at-point ()
   "Yank the symbol from the window before entering the minibuffer."
@@ -302,8 +334,9 @@ This gets tacked on the end of the generated expressions.")
                          (window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window))
                        (thing-at-point 'symbol)))))
-    (if symbol (insert symbol)
-      (minibuffer-message "No symbol found"))))
+    (cond (symbol (insert symbol)
+                  (set (make-local-variable 'ack--yanked-symbol) symbol))
+          (t (minibuffer-message "No symbol found")))))
 (defvar ack-minibuffer-local-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
@@ -372,8 +405,8 @@ minibuffer:
    (let ((ack--project-root (or (funcall ack-default-directory-function
-                                    current-prefix-arg)
-                           default-directory))
+                                         current-prefix-arg)
+                                default-directory))
          ;; Disable completion cycling; see http://debbugs.gnu.org/12221
          (completion-cycle-threshold nil))
      (list (minibuffer-with-setup-hook 'ack-minibuffer-setup-function
@@ -382,13 +415,19 @@ minibuffer:
                                    nil 'ack-history))
-  (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name
-                            (or directory default-directory))))
-    ;; Change to the compilation buffer so that `ack-buffer-name-function' can
-    ;; make use of `compilation-arguments'.
-    (with-current-buffer (compilation-start command-args 'ack-mode)
+  (let* ((lexical-default-directory
+          (expand-file-name
+           (or directory default-directory))))
+    ;; Change to the compilation to ensure a correct
+    ;; `default-directory' there and to ensure
+    ;; `ack-buffer-name-function' can make use of
+    ;; `compilation-arguments'.
+    (with-current-buffer
+        (let ((default-directory lexical-default-directory))
+          (compilation-start command-args 'ack-mode))
       (when ack-buffer-name-function
         (rename-buffer (funcall ack-buffer-name-function "ack")))
+      (setq default-directory lexical-default-directory)
 (provide 'ack)

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