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[elpa] externals/relint e1b1ef9 22/44: Run in two phases on each file

From: Mattias Engdeg�rd
Subject: [elpa] externals/relint e1b1ef9 22/44: Run in two phases on each file
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 12:57:28 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/relint
commit e1b1ef92b4427dcb964de93b6b7334ad1e30b7de
Author: Mattias Engdegård <address@hidden>
Commit: Mattias Engdegård <address@hidden>

    Run in two phases on each file
    In the first phase, only scan function signatures for regexp arguments.
    In the second, do everything else.
    This way, the order of function definitions in a file don't matter.
 trawl.el | 132 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 75 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/trawl.el b/trawl.el
index 809ca72..a5d84da 100644
--- a/trawl.el
+++ b/trawl.el
@@ -532,7 +532,43 @@
                  re (format "%s (%s)" name rule-name) file pos path)))))
         (trawl--get-list form file pos path)))
-(defun trawl--check-form-recursively (form file pos path)
+(defun trawl--check-form-recursively-1 (form file pos path)
+  (pcase form
+    (`(,(or `defun `defmacro `defsubst)
+       ,name ,args . ,_)
+     ;; If any argument looks like a regexp, remember it so that it can be
+     ;; checked in calls.
+     (when (consp args)
+       (let ((indices nil)
+             (index 0))
+         (while args
+           (let ((arg (car args)))
+             (when (symbolp arg)
+               (cond
+                ((eq arg '&optional))   ; Treat optional args as regular.
+                ((eq arg '&rest)
+                 (setq args nil))       ; Ignore &rest args.
+                (t
+                 (when (string-match-p (rx (or (or "regexp" "regex" "-re"
+                                                   "pattern")
+                                               (seq bos "re"))
+                                           eos)
+                        (symbol-name arg))
+                   (push index indices))
+                 (setq index (1+ index)))))
+             (setq args (cdr args))))
+         (when indices
+           (push (cons name (reverse indices)) trawl--regexp-functions)))))
+    (_
+     (let ((index 0))
+       (while (consp form)
+         (when (consp (car form))
+           (trawl--check-form-recursively-1
+            (car form) file pos (cons index path)))
+         (setq form (cdr form))
+         (setq index (1+ index)))))))
+(defun trawl--check-form-recursively-2 (form file pos path)
   (pcase form
     (`(,(or `looking-at `re-search-forward `re-search-backward
             `string-match `string-match-p `looking-back `looking-at-p
@@ -613,30 +649,6 @@
        (trawl--check-font-lock-keywords font-lock-list origin
                                         file pos (cons 4 path))
        (trawl--check-list auto-mode-list origin file pos (cons 5 path))))
-    (`(,(or `defun `defmacro `defsubst)
-       ,name ,args . ,_)
-     ;; If any argument looks like a regexp, remember it so that it can be
-     ;; checked in calls.
-     (when (consp args)
-       (let ((indices nil)
-             (index 0))
-         (while args
-           (let ((arg (car args)))
-             (when (symbolp arg)
-               (cond
-                ((eq arg '&optional))
-                ((eq arg '&rest)
-                 (setq args nil))
-                (t
-                 (when (or (string-suffix-p "regexp" (symbol-name arg))
-                           (string-suffix-p "regex" (symbol-name arg))
-                           (eq arg 're)
-                           (string-suffix-p "-re" (symbol-name arg)))
-                   (push index indices))
-                 (setq index (1+ index)))))
-             (setq args (cdr args))))
-         (when indices
-           (push (cons name (reverse indices)) trawl--regexp-functions)))))
   ;; Check calls to remembered functions with regexp arguments.
@@ -658,55 +670,61 @@
   (let ((index 0))
     (while (consp form)
       (when (consp (car form))
-        (trawl--check-form-recursively (car form) file pos (cons index path)))
+        (trawl--check-form-recursively-2 (car form) file pos (cons index 
       (setq form (cdr form))
       (setq index (1+ index)))))
-(defun trawl--check-toplevel-form (form file pos)
-  (when (consp form)
-    (trawl--check-form-recursively form file pos nil)))
 (defun trawl--show-errors ()
   (unless noninteractive
     (let ((pop-up-windows t))
       (display-buffer (trawl--error-buffer))
       (sit-for 0))))
+(defun trawl--check-buffer (file forms function)
+  (dolist (form forms)
+    (funcall function (car form) file (cdr form) nil)))
+;; Read top-level forms from the current buffer.
+;; Return a list of (FORM . STARTING-POSITION).
+(defun trawl--read-buffer (file)
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (let ((pos nil)
+        (keep-going t)
+        (read-circle nil)
+        (forms nil))
+    (while keep-going
+      (setq pos (point))
+      (let ((form nil))
+        (condition-case err
+            (setq form (read (current-buffer)))
+          (end-of-file
+           (setq keep-going nil))
+          (invalid-read-syntax
+           (cond
+            ((equal (cadr err) "#")
+             (goto-char pos)
+             (forward-sexp 1))
+            (t
+             (trawl--report file (point) nil (prin1-to-string err))
+             (setq keep-going nil))))
+          (error
+           (trawl--report file (point) nil (prin1-to-string err))
+           (setq keep-going nil)))
+        (when (consp form)
+          (push (cons form pos) forms))))
+    (nreverse forms)))
 (defun trawl--single-file (file)
   (let ((errors-before trawl--error-count))
       (insert-file-contents file)
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (let ((pos nil)
-            (keep-going t)
-            (read-circle nil)
+      (let ((forms (trawl--read-buffer file))
             (trawl--variables nil)
             (trawl--checked-variables nil)
             (trawl--regexp-functions nil))
-        (while keep-going
-          (setq pos (point))
-          ;;(trawl--report file (point) nil "reading")
-          (let ((form nil))
-            (condition-case err
-                (setq form (read (current-buffer)))
-              (end-of-file
-               (setq keep-going nil))
-              (invalid-read-syntax
-               (cond
-                ((equal (cadr err) "#")
-                 (goto-char pos)
-                 (forward-sexp 1))
-                (t
-                 (trawl--report file (point) nil
-                                (prin1-to-string err))
-                 (setq keep-going nil))))
-              (error
-               (trawl--report file (point) nil
-                              (prin1-to-string err))
-               (setq keep-going nil)))
-            (when form
-              (trawl--check-toplevel-form form file pos))))))
+        (trawl--check-buffer file forms #'trawl--check-form-recursively-1)
+        (trawl--check-buffer file forms #'trawl--check-form-recursively-2)))
     (when (> trawl--error-count errors-before)

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