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[elpa] externals/eglot 8a17c29 61/69: Close #235: play along with LSP's

From: João Távora
Subject: [elpa] externals/eglot 8a17c29 61/69: Close #235: play along with LSP's filterText hacks
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2019 08:21:54 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/eglot
commit 8a17c29169c83981a31312d0eb17268d5cdbc50d
Author: João Távora <address@hidden>
Commit: João Távora <address@hidden>

    Close #235: play along with LSP's filterText hacks
    Reworked important parts of eglot-completion-at-point.
    One of the tasks was to cleanup the nomenclature so it's easier to
    spot how LSP and Emacs's views of completion techniques differ.  When
    reading this rather long function, remember an "item" is a plist
    representing the LSP completionItem object, and "proxy" is a
    propertized string that Emacs's frontends will use to represent that
    completion.  When the completion is close to done, the :exit-function
    is called, to potentially rework the inserted text so that the final
    result might be quite different from the proxy (it might be a snippet,
    or even a suprising text edit).
    The most important change in this commit reworks the way the
    completion "bounds" are calculated in the buffer.  This is the region
    that Emacs needs to know that is being targeted for the completion.  A
    server can specify this region by using textEdit-based completions all
    consistently pointing to the same range.  If it does so, Emacs will
    use that region instead of its own understanding of symbol
    boundaries (provided by thingatpt.el and syntax tables).
    To implement server-side completion filtering, the server can also
    provide a filterText "cookie" in each completion, which, when
    prefix-matched to the intended region, selects or rejects the
    completion.  Given the feedback in
    https://github.com/microsoft/language-server-protocol/issues/651, we
    have no choice but to play along with that inneficient and grotesque
    strategy to implement flex-style matching.  Like ever in LSP, we do so
    while being backward-compatible to all previously supported behaviour.
    * eglot.el (eglot-completion-at-point): rework.
 eglot.el | 186 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 98 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

diff --git a/eglot.el b/eglot.el
index ce3705a..9460e4b 100644
--- a/eglot.el
+++ b/eglot.el
@@ -1874,57 +1874,69 @@ is not active."
 (defun eglot-completion-at-point ()
   "EGLOT's `completion-at-point' function."
-  (let* ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))
-        (server (eglot--current-server-or-lose))
-        (completion-capability (eglot--server-capable :completionProvider))
-        (sort-completions (lambda (completions)
-                            (sort completions
-                                  (lambda (a b)
-                                    (string-lessp
-                                     (or (get-text-property 0 :sortText a) "")
-                                     (or (get-text-property 0 :sortText b) 
-        (metadata `(metadata . ((display-sort-function . ,sort-completions))))
-        completions)
-    (when completion-capability
+  ;; Commit logs for this function help understand what's going on.
+  (when-let (completion-capability (eglot--server-capable :completionProvider))
+    (let* ((server (eglot--current-server-or-lose))
+           (sort-completions (lambda (completions)
+                               (sort completions
+                                     (lambda (a b)
+                                       (string-lessp
+                                        (or (get-text-property 0 :sortText a) 
+                                        (or (get-text-property 0 :sortText b) 
+           (metadata `(metadata . ((display-sort-function . 
+           (response (jsonrpc-request server
+                                      :textDocument/completion
+                                      (eglot--CompletionParams)
+                                      :deferred :textDocument/completion
+                                      :cancel-on-input t))
+           (items (append ; coerce to list
+                   (if (vectorp response) response (plist-get response :items))
+                   nil))
+           (proxies
+            (mapcar (jsonrpc-lambda
+                        (&rest item &key label insertText insertTextFormat
+                               &allow-other-keys)
+                      (let ((proxy
+                             (cond ((and (eql insertTextFormat 2)
+                                         (eglot--snippet-expansion-fn))
+                                    (string-trim-left label))
+                                   (t
+                                    (or insertText (string-trim-left 
+                        (put-text-property 0 1 'eglot--lsp-item item proxy)
+                        proxy))
+                    items))
+           (bounds
+            (cl-loop with probe =
+                     (plist-get (plist-get (car items) :textEdit) :range)
+                     for item in (cdr items)
+                     for range = (plist-get (plist-get item :textEdit) :range)
+                     unless (and range (equal range probe))
+                     return (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)
+                     finally (cl-return (or (and probe
+                                                 (eglot--range-region probe))
+                                            (bounds-of-thing-at-point 
        (or (car bounds) (point))
        (or (cdr bounds) (point))
-       (lambda (comp pred action)
+       (lambda (probe pred action)
-          ((eq action 'metadata) metadata)                  ; metadata
-          ((eq action 'lambda) (member comp completions))   ; test-completion
-          ((eq (car-safe action) 'boundaries) nil)          ; boundaries
-          ((and (null action) (member comp completions) t)) ; try-completion
-          ((eq action t)                                    ; all-completions
-           (let* ((resp (jsonrpc-request server
-                                         :textDocument/completion
-                                         (eglot--CompletionParams)
-                                         :deferred :textDocument/completion
-                                         :cancel-on-input t))
-                  (items (if (vectorp resp) resp (plist-get resp :items))))
-             (setq
-              completions
-              (all-completions ; <-stuck with prefix-comp because <facepalm> 
-               comp
-               (mapcar
-                (jsonrpc-lambda
-                    (&rest all &key label insertText insertTextFormat
-                           &allow-other-keys)
-                  (let ((completion
-                         (cond ((and (eql insertTextFormat 2)
-                                     (eglot--snippet-expansion-fn))
-                                (string-trim-left label))
-                               (t
-                                (or insertText (string-trim-left label))))))
-                    (put-text-property 0 1 'eglot--lsp-completion
-                                       all completion)
-                    completion))
-                items)
-               pred))))))
+          ((eq action 'metadata) metadata)               ; metadata
+          ((eq action 'lambda) (member probe proxies))   ; test-completion
+          ((eq (car-safe action) 'boundaries) nil)       ; boundaries
+          ((and (null action) (member probe proxies) t)) ; try-completion
+          ((eq action t)                                 ; all-completions
+           (cl-remove-if-not
+            (lambda (proxy)
+              (let* ((item (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-item proxy))
+                     (filterText (plist-get item :filterText)))
+                (and (or (null pred) (funcall pred proxy))
+                     (string-prefix-p
+                      probe (or filterText proxy) completion-ignore-case))))
+            proxies))))
-       (lambda (obj)
+       (lambda (proxy)
          (eglot--dbind ((CompletionItem) detail kind insertTextFormat)
-             (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-completion obj)
+             (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-item proxy)
            (let* ((detail (and (stringp detail)
                                (not (string= detail ""))
@@ -1939,10 +1951,9 @@ is not active."
                             " (snippet)"))))))
-       (lambda (obj)
+       (lambda (proxy)
          (let* ((documentation
-                 (let ((lsp-comp
-                        (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-completion obj)))
+                 (let ((lsp-comp (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-item proxy)))
                    (or (plist-get lsp-comp :documentation)
                        (and (eglot--server-capable :completionProvider
@@ -1966,46 +1977,45 @@ is not active."
              (cl-coerce (cl-getf completion-capability :triggerCharacters) 
-       (lambda (comp _status)
-         (let ((comp (if (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-completion comp)
-                         comp
-                       ;; When selecting from the *Completions*
-                       ;; buffer, `comp' won't have any properties.  A
-                       ;; lookup should fix that (github#148)
-                       (cl-find comp completions :test #'string=))))
-           (eglot--dbind ((CompletionItem) insertTextFormat
-                          insertText
-                          textEdit
-                          additionalTextEdits)
-               (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-completion comp)
-             (let ((snippet-fn (and (eql insertTextFormat 2)
-                                    (eglot--snippet-expansion-fn))))
-               (cond (textEdit
-                      ;; Undo the just the completed bit.  If before
-                      ;; completion the buffer was "foo.b" and now is
-                      ;; "foo.bar", `comp' will be "bar".  We want to
-                      ;; delete only "ar" (`comp' minus the symbol
-                      ;; whose bounds we've calculated before)
-                      ;; (github#160).
-                      (delete-region (+ (- (point) (length comp))
-                                        (if bounds (- (cdr bounds) (car 
bounds)) 0))
-                                     (point))
-                      (eglot--dbind ((TextEdit) range newText) textEdit
-                        (pcase-let ((`(,beg . ,end) (eglot--range-region 
-                          (delete-region beg end)
-                          (goto-char beg)
-                          (funcall (or snippet-fn #'insert) newText)))
-                      (when (cl-plusp (length additionalTextEdits))
-                        (eglot--apply-text-edits additionalTextEdits)))
-                     (snippet-fn
-                      ;; A snippet should be inserted, but using plain
-                      ;; `insertText'.  This requires us to delete the
-                      ;; whole completion, since `insertText' is the full
-                      ;; completion's text.
-                      (delete-region (- (point) (length comp)) (point))
-                      (funcall snippet-fn insertText))))
-             (eglot--signal-textDocument/didChange)
-             (eglot-eldoc-function))))))))
+       (lambda (proxy _status)
+         (eglot--dbind ((CompletionItem) insertTextFormat
+                        insertText
+                        textEdit
+                        additionalTextEdits)
+             (or (get-text-property 0 'eglot--lsp-item proxy)
+                 ;; When selecting from the *Completions*
+                 ;; buffer, `proxy' won't have any properties.  A
+                 ;; lookup should fix that (github#148)
+                 (get-text-property
+                  0 'eglot--lsp-item (cl-find proxy proxies :test #'string=)))
+           (let ((snippet-fn (and (eql insertTextFormat 2)
+                                  (eglot--snippet-expansion-fn))))
+             (cond (textEdit
+                    ;; Undo (yes, undo) the newly inserted completion.
+                    ;; If before completion the buffer was "foo.b" and
+                    ;; now is "foo.bar", `proxy' will be "bar".  We
+                    ;; want to delete only "ar" (`proxy' minus the
+                    ;; symbol whose bounds we've calculated before)
+                    ;; (github#160).
+                    (delete-region (+ (- (point) (length proxy))
+                                      (if bounds (- (cdr bounds) (car bounds)) 
+                                   (point))
+                    (eglot--dbind ((TextEdit) range newText) textEdit
+                      (pcase-let ((`(,beg . ,end) (eglot--range-region range)))
+                        (delete-region beg end)
+                        (goto-char beg)
+                        (funcall (or snippet-fn #'insert) newText)))
+                    (when (cl-plusp (length additionalTextEdits))
+                      (eglot--apply-text-edits additionalTextEdits)))
+                   (snippet-fn
+                    ;; A snippet should be inserted, but using plain
+                    ;; `insertText'.  This requires us to delete the
+                    ;; whole completion, since `insertText' is the full
+                    ;; completion's text.
+                    (delete-region (- (point) (length proxy)) (point))
+                    (funcall snippet-fn insertText))))
+           (eglot--signal-textDocument/didChange)
+           (eglot-eldoc-function)))))))
 (defvar eglot--highlights nil "Overlays for textDocument/documentHighlight.")

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