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[elpa] master 3647cf7 095/135: Overhauled parsing method, and added cond

From: Ian Dunn
Subject: [elpa] master 3647cf7 095/135: Overhauled parsing method, and added conditional blocks
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 10:52:59 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 3647cf7a85d286a5291bb9780ff89405fd467db9
Author: Ian Dunn <address@hidden>
Commit: Ian Dunn <address@hidden>

    Overhauled parsing method, and added conditional blocks
    Also bumped version to 1.0beta3
 org-edna-tests.el | 277 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 org-edna.el       | 506 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 org-edna.info     | 287 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 org-edna.org      | 105 ++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 940 insertions(+), 235 deletions(-)

diff --git a/org-edna-tests.el b/org-edna-tests.el
index d3911db..a6b3554 100644
--- a/org-edna-tests.el
+++ b/org-edna-tests.el
@@ -70,89 +70,293 @@
 (ert-deftest org-edna-parse-form-no-arguments ()
   (let* ((input-string "test-string")
-         (parsed       (org-edna-parse-form input-string)))
+         (parsed       (org-edna-parse-string-form input-string)))
     (should parsed)
-    (should (= (length parsed) 4))
-    (pcase-let* ((`(,token ,args ,modifier ,pos) parsed))
-      (should (eq token 'test-string))
+    (should (= (length parsed) 2))
+    (pcase-let* ((`((,key . ,args) ,pos) parsed))
+      (should (eq key 'test-string))
       (should (not args))
-      (should (not modifier))
       (should (= pos 11)))))
 (ert-deftest org-edna-parse-form-no-arguments-modifier ()
   (let* ((input-string "!test-string")
-         (parsed       (org-edna-parse-form input-string)))
+         (parsed       (org-edna-parse-string-form input-string)))
     (should parsed)
-    (should (= (length parsed) 4))
-    (pcase-let* ((`(,token ,args ,modifier ,pos) parsed))
-      (should (eq token 'test-string))
+    (should (= (length parsed) 2))
+    (pcase-let* ((`((,key . ,args) ,pos) parsed))
+      (should (eq key '!test-string))
       (should (not args))
-      (should (eq modifier '!))
       (should (= pos 12)))))
 (ert-deftest org-edna-parse-form-single-argument ()
   (let* ((input-string "test-string(abc)")
-         (parsed       (org-edna-parse-form input-string)))
+         (parsed       (org-edna-parse-string-form input-string)))
     (should parsed)
-    (should (= (length parsed) 4))
-    (pcase-let* ((`(,token ,args ,modifier ,pos) parsed))
-      (should (eq token 'test-string))
+    (should (= (length parsed) 2))
+    (pcase-let* ((`((,key . ,args) ,pos) parsed))
+      (should (eq key 'test-string))
       (should (= (length args) 1))
       (should (symbolp (nth 0 args)))
       (should (eq (nth 0 args) 'abc))
-      (should (not modifier))
       (should (= pos (length input-string))))))
 (ert-deftest org-edna-parse-form-string-argument ()
   (let* ((input-string "test-string(abc \"def (ghi)\")")
-         (parsed       (org-edna-parse-form input-string)))
+         (parsed       (org-edna-parse-string-form input-string)))
     (should parsed)
-    (should (= (length parsed) 4))
-    (pcase-let* ((`(,token ,args ,modifier ,pos) parsed))
-      (should (eq token 'test-string))
+    (should (= (length parsed) 2))
+    (pcase-let* ((`((,key . ,args) ,pos) parsed))
+      (should (eq key 'test-string))
       (should (= (length args) 2))
       (should (symbolp (nth 0 args)))
       (should (eq (nth 0 args) 'abc))
       (should (stringp (nth 1 args)))
       (should (string-equal (nth 1 args) "def (ghi)"))
-      (should (not modifier))
       (should (= pos (length input-string))))))
 (ert-deftest org-edna-parse-form-multiple-forms ()
   (let ((input-string "test-string1 test-string2")
-    (pcase-let* ((`(,token1 ,args1 ,modifier1 ,pos1) (org-edna-parse-form 
-      ;; (should (and token1 args1 modifier1 pos1))
-      (should (eq token1 'test-string1))
+    (pcase-let* ((`((,key1 . ,args1) ,pos1) (org-edna-parse-string-form 
+      (should (eq key1 'test-string1))
       (should (not args1))
-      (should (not modifier1))
       (should (= pos1 13))
       (setq pos pos1))
-    (pcase-let* ((`(,token2 ,args2 ,modifier2 ,pos2) (org-edna-parse-form 
(substring input-string pos))))
-      (should (eq token2 'test-string2))
+    (pcase-let* ((`((,key2 . ,args2) ,pos2) (org-edna-parse-string-form 
(substring input-string pos))))
+      (should (eq key2 'test-string2))
       (should (not args2))
-      (should (not modifier2))
       (should (= pos2 12)))))
 (ert-deftest org-edna-parse-form-empty-argument-list ()
   (let ((input-string "test-string1()"))
-    (pcase-let* ((`(,token1 ,args1 ,modifier1 ,pos1) (org-edna-parse-form 
-      (should (eq token1 'test-string1))
+    (pcase-let* ((`((,key1 ,args1) ,pos1) (org-edna-parse-string-form 
+      (should (eq key1 'test-string1))
       (should (not args1))
-      (should (not modifier1))
       (should (= pos1 (length input-string))))))
 (ert-deftest org-edna-parse-form-condition ()
   (let ((input-string "variable-set?()"))
-    (pcase-let* ((`(,token1 ,args1 ,modifier1 ,pos1) (org-edna-parse-form 
-                 (`(,type . ,func) (org-edna--function-for-key token1)))
-      (should (eq token1 'variable-set?))
+    (pcase-let* ((`((,key1 . ,args1) ,pos1) (org-edna-parse-string-form 
+                 (`(,modifier1 . ,key1) (org-edna-break-modifier key1))
+                 (`(,type . ,func) (org-edna--function-for-key key1)))
+      (should (eq key1 'variable-set?))
       (should (not args1))
       (should (not modifier1))
       (should (= pos1 (length input-string)))
       (should (eq type 'condition))
       (should (eq func 'org-edna-condition/variable-set?)))))
+(ert-deftest org-edna-form-to-sexp-no-arguments ()
+  (let* ((input-string "self")
+         (sexp (org-edna-string-form-to-sexp-form input-string 'condition)))
+    (should (equal
+             sexp
+             '((self)
+               (!done?))))))
+(ert-deftest org-edna-form-to-sexp-arguments ()
+  (let* ((input-string "match(\"checklist\") todo!(TODO)")
+         (sexp (org-edna-string-form-to-sexp-form input-string 'action)))
+    (should (equal
+             sexp
+             '((match "checklist")
+               (todo! TODO))))))
+(ert-deftest org-edna-form-to-sexp-if-no-else ()
+  (let* ((input-string "if match(\"checklist\") done? then self todo!(TODO) 
+         (sexp (org-edna-string-form-to-sexp-form input-string 'action)))
+    (should (equal
+             sexp
+             '((if ((match "checklist")
+                    (done?))
+                   ((self)
+                    (todo! TODO))
+                 nil))))))
+(ert-deftest org-edna-form-to-sexp-if-else ()
+  (let* ((input-string "if match(\"checklist\") done? then self todo!(TODO) 
else siblings todo!(DONE) endif")
+         (sexp (org-edna-string-form-to-sexp-form input-string 'action)))
+    (should (equal
+             sexp
+             '((if ((match "checklist")
+                    (done?))
+                   ((self)
+                    (todo! TODO))
+                 ((siblings)
+                  (todo! DONE))))))))
+(ert-deftest org-edna-expand-sexp-form ()
+  ;; Override cl-gentemp so we have a repeatable test
+  (cl-letf* (((symbol-function 'cl-gentemp) (lambda (&optional prefix) (intern 
(format "%s1" prefix))))
+             (input-sexp '((self)
+                           (!done?)))
+             (output-form (org-edna--expand-sexp-form input-sexp)))
+    (should (equal
+             output-form
+             '(let ((targets1 nil)
+                    (consideration1 nil)
+                    (blocking-entry1 nil))
+                (setq targets1 (org-edna--add-targets targets1 
+                (setq blocking-entry1
+                      (or blocking-entry1
+                          (org-edna--handle-condition 'org-edna-condition/done?
+                                                      '! 'nil targets1
+                                                      consideration1))))))))
+(ert-deftest org-edna-expand-sexp-form-multiple ()
+  (cl-letf* ((target-ctr 0)
+             (consideration-ctr 0)
+             (blocking-entry-ctr 0)
+             ((symbol-function 'cl-gentemp)
+              (lambda (&optional prefix)
+                (let ((ctr (pcase prefix
+                             ("targets" (cl-incf target-ctr))
+                             ("consideration" (cl-incf consideration-ctr))
+                             ("blocking-entry" (cl-incf blocking-entry-ctr))
+                             (_ 0))))
+                  (intern (format "%s%s" prefix ctr)))))
+             (input-sexp '(((match "checklist")
+                            (todo! DONE))
+                           ((siblings)
+                            (todo! TODO))))
+             (expected-form
+              '(let ((targets1 nil)
+                     (consideration1 nil)
+                     (blocking-entry1 nil))
+                 ;; Don't need a new set of variables
+                 (progn
+                   (setq targets1
+                         (org-edna--add-targets targets1
+                                                (org-edna-finder/match 
+                   (org-edna--handle-action 'org-edna-action/todo!
+                                            targets1
+                                            (point-marker)
+                                            '(DONE)))
+                 ;; No new set of variables here either
+                 (progn
+                   (setq targets1
+                         (org-edna--add-targets targets1
+                                                (org-edna-finder/siblings)))
+                   (org-edna--handle-action 'org-edna-action/todo!
+                                            targets1
+                                            (point-marker)
+                                            '(TODO)))))
+             (output-form (org-edna--expand-sexp-form input-sexp)))
+    (should (equal output-form expected-form))))
+(ert-deftest org-edna-expand-sexp-form-if-else ()
+  (cl-letf* ((target-ctr 0)
+             (consideration-ctr 0)
+             (blocking-entry-ctr 0)
+             ((symbol-function 'cl-gentemp)
+              (lambda (&optional prefix)
+                (let ((ctr (pcase prefix
+                             ("targets" (cl-incf target-ctr))
+                             ("consideration" (cl-incf consideration-ctr))
+                             ("blocking-entry" (cl-incf blocking-entry-ctr))
+                             (_ 0))))
+                  (intern (format "%s%s" prefix ctr)))))
+             (input-sexp '((if
+                               ((match "checklist")
+                                (done\?))
+                               ((self)
+                                (todo! TODO))
+                             ((siblings)
+                              (todo! DONE)))))
+             (expected-form '(let
+                                 ((targets1 nil)
+                                  (consideration1 nil)
+                                  (blocking-entry1 nil))
+                               (if
+                                   ;; No inheritance in the conditional scope
+                                   (not
+                                    (let
+                                        ((targets2 nil)
+                                         (consideration2 nil)
+                                         (blocking-entry2 nil))
+                                      ;; Add targets for checklist match
+                                      (setq targets2
+                                            (org-edna--add-targets targets2
(org-edna-finder/match "checklist")))
+                                      ;; Handle condition
+                                      (setq blocking-entry2
+                                            (or blocking-entry2
+                                                (org-edna--handle-condition 
'org-edna-condition/done\? 'nil 'nil targets2 consideration2)))))
+                                   ;; Use the top-level scope for then case
+                                   (progn
+                                     ;; Add targets for self finder
+                                     (setq targets1
+                                           (org-edna--add-targets targets1
+                                     ;; Mark as TODO
+                                     (org-edna--handle-action 
'org-edna-action/todo! targets1
+                                                              (point-marker)
+                                                              '(TODO)))
+                                 ;; Use the top-level scope for the else case
+                                 (progn
+                                   ;; Find siblings
+                                   (setq targets1
+                                         (org-edna--add-targets targets1
+                                   ;; Mark as DONE
+                                   (org-edna--handle-action 
'org-edna-action/todo! targets1
+                                                            (point-marker)
+                                                            '(DONE))))))
+             (output-form (org-edna--expand-sexp-form input-sexp)))
+    (should (equal output-form expected-form))))
+(ert-deftest org-edna-expand-sexp-form-if-no-else ()
+  (cl-letf* ((target-ctr 0)
+             (consideration-ctr 0)
+             (blocking-entry-ctr 0)
+             ((symbol-function 'cl-gentemp)
+              (lambda (&optional prefix)
+                (let ((ctr (pcase prefix
+                             ("targets" (cl-incf target-ctr))
+                             ("consideration" (cl-incf consideration-ctr))
+                             ("blocking-entry" (cl-incf blocking-entry-ctr))
+                             (_ 0))))
+                  (intern (format "%s%s" prefix ctr)))))
+             (input-sexp '((if
+                               ((match "checklist")
+                                (done\?))
+                               ((self)
+                                (todo! TODO)))))
+             (expected-form '(let
+                                 ((targets1 nil)
+                                  (consideration1 nil)
+                                  (blocking-entry1 nil))
+                               (if
+                                   ;; No inheritance in the conditional scope
+                                   (not
+                                    (let
+                                        ((targets2 nil)
+                                         (consideration2 nil)
+                                         (blocking-entry2 nil))
+                                      ;; Add targets for checklist match
+                                      (setq targets2
+                                            (org-edna--add-targets targets2
(org-edna-finder/match "checklist")))
+                                      ;; Handle condition
+                                      (setq blocking-entry2
+                                            (or blocking-entry2
+                                                (org-edna--handle-condition 
'org-edna-condition/done\? 'nil 'nil targets2 consideration2)))))
+                                   ;; Use the top-level scope for then case
+                                   (progn
+                                     ;; Add targets for self finder
+                                     (setq targets1
+                                           (org-edna--add-targets targets1
+                                     ;; Mark as TODO
+                                     (org-edna--handle-action 
'org-edna-action/todo! targets1
+                                                              (point-marker)
+                                                              '(TODO)))
+                                 ;; End with a nil
+                                 nil)))
+             (output-form (org-edna--expand-sexp-form input-sexp)))
+    (should (equal output-form expected-form))))
 ;; Finders
@@ -189,11 +393,12 @@
 (ert-deftest org-edna-finder/match-blocker ()
   (let* ((org-agenda-files `(,org-edna-test-file))
          (heading (org-id-find "caccd0a6-d400-410a-9018-b0635b07a37e" t))
-         (blocker (org-entry-get heading "BLOCKER")))
+         (blocker (org-entry-get heading "BLOCKER"))
+         blocking-entry)
     (should (string-equal "match(\"test&1\")" blocker))
     (org-with-point-at heading
-      (org-edna-process-form blocker 'condition))
-    (should (string-equal (substring-no-properties org-block-entry-blocking)
+      (setq blocking-entry (org-edna-process-form blocker 'condition)))
+    (should (string-equal (substring-no-properties blocking-entry)
                           "TODO Tagged Heading 1 :1:test:"))))
 (ert-deftest org-edna-finder/file ()
diff --git a/org-edna.el b/org-edna.el
index f14bcc7..5f60fb9 100644
--- a/org-edna.el
+++ b/org-edna.el
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 ;; Keywords: convenience, text, org
 ;; URL: https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/org-edna-el/
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (seq "2.19") (org "9.0.5"))
-;; Version: 1.0beta2
+;; Version: 1.0beta3
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -62,29 +62,40 @@ properties used during actions or conditions."
   :group 'org-edna
   :type 'boolean)
-(defmacro org-edna--syntax-error (msg form pos)
+;;; Form Parsing
+;; 3 types of "forms" here
+;; 1. String form; this is what you see in a BLOCKER or TRIGGER property
+;; 2. Edna sexp form; this is the intermediary form, and form used in 
+;; 3. Lisp form; a form that can be evaluated by Emacs
+(defmacro org-edna--syntax-error (msg form error-form)
   "Signal an Edna syntax error.
 MSG will be reported to the user and should describe the error.
 FORM is the form that generated the error.
-POS is the position in FORM at which the error occurred."
-  `(signal 'invalid-read-syntax (list :msg ,msg :form ,form :pos ,pos)))
+ERROR-FORM is the sub-form in FORM at which the error occurred."
+  `(signal 'invalid-read-syntax (list :msg ,msg :form ,form :error-form 
 (defun org-edna--print-syntax-error (error-plist)
   "Prints the syntax error from ERROR-PLIST."
-  (let ((msg (plist-get error-plist :msg))
-        (form (plist-get error-plist :form))
-        (pos (plist-get error-plist :pos)))
+  (let* ((msg (plist-get error-plist :msg))
+         (form (plist-get error-plist :form))
+         (error-form (plist-get error-plist :error-form))
+         (pos (string-match-p (symbol-name (car error-form)) form)))
      "Org Edna Syntax Error: %s\n%s\n%s"
      msg form (concat (make-string pos ?\ ) "^"))))
 (defun org-edna--transform-arg (arg)
-  "Transform ARG.
+  "Transform argument ARG.
 Currently, the following are handled:
-- UUIDs (as determined by `org-uuidgen-p') are converted to strings"
+- UUIDs (as determined by `org-uuidgen-p') are converted to strings
+Everything else is returned as is."
   (pcase arg
     ((and (pred symbolp)
           (let (pred org-uuidgen-p) (symbol-name arg)))
@@ -92,44 +103,33 @@ Currently, the following are handled:
-(defun org-edna-parse-form (form &optional start)
-  "Parse Edna form FORM starting at position START."
-  (setq start (or start 0))
-  (pcase-let* ((`(,token . ,pos) (read-from-string form start))
-               (modifier nil)
-               (args nil))
-    (unless token
-      (org-edna--syntax-error "Invalid Token" form start))
-    ;; Check for either end of string or an opening parenthesis
-    (unless (or (equal pos (length form))
-                (equal (string-match-p "\\s-" form pos) pos)
-                (equal (string-match-p "(" form pos) pos))
-      (org-edna--syntax-error "Invalid character in form" form pos))
-    ;; Parse arguments if we have any
-    (when (equal (string-match-p "(" form pos) pos)
-      (pcase-let* ((`(,new-args . ,new-pos) (read-from-string form pos)))
-        (setq pos new-pos
-              args (mapcar #'org-edna--transform-arg new-args))))
-    ;; Check for a modifier
-    (when (string-match "^\\([!]\\)\\(.*\\)" (symbol-name token))
-      (setq modifier (intern (match-string 1 (symbol-name token))))
-      (setq token    (intern (match-string 2 (symbol-name token)))))
-    ;; Move across any whitespace
-    (when (string-match "\\s-+" form pos)
-      (setq pos (match-end 0)))
-    (list token args modifier pos)))
+(defun org-edna-break-modifier (token)
+  "Break TOKEN into a modifier and base token.
+A modifier is a single character.
+Return (MODIFIER . TOKEN), even if MODIFIER is nil."
+  (if token
+      (let (modifier)
+        (when (string-match "^\\([!]\\)\\(.*\\)" (symbol-name token))
+          (setq modifier (intern (match-string 1 (symbol-name token))))
+          (setq token    (intern (match-string 2 (symbol-name token)))))
+        (cons modifier token))
+    ;; Still return something
+    '(nil . nil)))
 (defun org-edna--function-for-key (key)
   "Determine the Edna function for KEY.
 KEY should be a symbol, the keyword for which to find the Edna
+If KEY is an invalid Edna keyword, then return nil."
-   ;; Just return nil if it's not a symbol; `org-edna-process-form' will handle
-   ;; the rest
+   ;; Just return nil if it's not a symbol
    ((or (not key)
         (not (symbolp key))))
-   ((eq key 'consideration)
+   ((memq key '(consideration consider))
     ;; Function is ignored here
     (cons 'consideration 'identity))
    ((string-suffix-p "!" (symbol-name key))
@@ -148,8 +148,170 @@ function."
       (when (fboundp func-sym)
         (cons 'finder func-sym))))))
+(defun org-edna-parse-string-form (form &optional start)
+  "Parse Edna string form FORM starting at position START.
+SEXP-FORM is the sexp form of FORM starting at START.
+POS is the position in FORM where parsing ended."
+  (setq start (or start 0))
+  (pcase-let* ((`(,token . ,pos) (read-from-string form start))
+               (args nil))
+    (unless token
+      (org-edna--syntax-error "Invalid Token" form start))
+    ;; Check for either end of string or an opening parenthesis
+    (unless (or (equal pos (length form))
+                (equal (string-match-p "\\s-" form pos) pos)
+                (equal (string-match-p "(" form pos) pos))
+      (org-edna--syntax-error "Invalid character in form" form pos))
+    ;; Parse arguments if we have any
+    (when (equal (string-match-p "(" form pos) pos)
+      (pcase-let* ((`(,new-args . ,new-pos) (read-from-string form pos)))
+        (setq pos new-pos
+              args (mapcar #'org-edna--transform-arg new-args))))
+    ;; Move across any whitespace
+    (when (string-match "\\s-+" form pos)
+      (setq pos (match-end 0)))
+    (list (cons token args) pos)))
+(defun org-edna--convert-form (string &optional pos)
+  "Convert string form STRING into a flat sexp form.
+POS is the position in STRING from which to start conversion.
+Returns (FLAT-FORM END-POS) where
+FLAT-FORM is the flat sexp form
+END-POS is the position in STRING where parsing ended.
+siblings todo!(TODO) => ((siblings) (todo! TODO))"
+  (let ((pos (or pos 0))
+        final-form)
+    (while (< pos (length string))
+      (pcase-let* ((`(,form ,new-pos) (org-edna-parse-string-form string pos)))
+        (setq final-form (append final-form (list form)))
+        (setq pos new-pos)))
+    (cons final-form pos)))
+(defun org-edna--normalize-sexp-form (form action-or-condition &optional 
+  "Normalize flat sexp form FORM into a full edna sexp form.
+ACTION-OR-CONDITION is either 'action or 'condition, indicating
+which of the two types is allowed in FORM.
+FROM-STRING is used internally, and is non-nil if FORM was
+originally a string.
+the remainder of FORM after the current scope was parsed."
+  (let* ((remaining-form (copy-sequence form))
+         (state 'finder)
+         final-form
+         need-break)
+    (while (and remaining-form (not need-break))
+      (let ((current-form (pop remaining-form)))
+        (pcase (car current-form)
+          ('if
+              ;; Check the car of each r*-form for the expected
+              ;; ending.  If it doesn't match, throw an error.
+              (let (cond-form then-form else-form have-else)
+                (pcase-let* ((`(,temp-form ,r-form)
+                              (org-edna--normalize-sexp-form
+                               remaining-form
+                               ;; Only allow conditions in cond forms
+                               'condition
+                               from-string)))
+                  ;; Use car-safe to catch r-form = nil
+                  (unless (equal (car-safe r-form) '(then))
+                    (org-edna--syntax-error
+                     "Malformed if-construct; expected then terminator"
+                     from-string current-form))
+                  (setq cond-form temp-form
+                        remaining-form (cdr r-form)))
+                (pcase-let* ((`(,temp-form ,r-form)
+                              (org-edna--normalize-sexp-form remaining-form
+                                                             from-string)))
+                  (unless (member (car-safe r-form) '((else) (endif)))
+                    (org-edna--syntax-error
+                     "Malformed if-construct; expected else or endif 
+                     from-string current-form))
+                  (setq have-else (equal (car r-form) '(else))
+                        then-form temp-form
+                        remaining-form (cdr r-form)))
+                (when have-else
+                  (pcase-let* ((`(,temp-form ,r-form)
+                                (org-edna--normalize-sexp-form remaining-form
+                                                               from-string)))
+                    (unless (equal (car-safe r-form) '(endif))
+                      (org-edna--syntax-error "Malformed if-construct; 
expected endif terminator"
+                                              from-string current-form))
+                    (setq else-form temp-form
+                          remaining-form (cdr r-form))))
+                (push `(if ,cond-form ,then-form ,else-form) final-form)))
+          ((or 'then 'else 'endif)
+           (setq need-break t)
+           ;; Push the object back on remaining-form so the if knows where we 
+           (setq remaining-form (cons current-form remaining-form)))
+          (_
+           ;; Determine the type of the form
+           ;; If we need to change state, return from this scope
+           (pcase-let* ((`(,type . ,func) (org-edna--function-for-key (car 
+             (unless (and type func)
+               (org-edna--syntax-error "Unrecognized Form"
+                                       from-string current-form))
+             (pcase type
+               ('finder
+                (unless (memq state '(finder consideration))
+                  ;; We changed back to finders, so we need to start a new 
+                  (setq need-break t)))
+               ('action
+                (unless (eq action-or-condition 'action)
+                  (org-edna--syntax-error "Actions aren't allowed in this 
+                                          from-string current-form)))
+               ('condition
+                (unless (eq action-or-condition 'condition)
+                  (org-edna--syntax-error "Conditions aren't allowed in this 
+                                          from-string current-form))))
+             ;; Update state
+             (setq state type)
+             (if need-break ;; changing state
+                 ;; Keep current-form on remaining-form so we have it for the
+                 ;; next scope, since we didn't process it here.
+                 (setq remaining-form (cons current-form remaining-form))
+               (push current-form final-form)))))))
+    (when (and (eq state 'finder)
+               (eq action-or-condition 'condition))
+      ;; Finders have to have something at the end, so we need to add that
+      ;; something.  No default actions, so this must be a blocker.
+      (push '(!done?) final-form))
+    (list (nreverse final-form) remaining-form)))
+(defun org-edna-string-form-to-sexp-form (string-form action-or-condition)
+  "Parse string form STRING-FORM into an Edna sexp form.
+ACTION-OR-CONDITION is either 'action or 'condition, indicating
+which of the two types is allowed in STRING-FORM."
+  (car
+   (org-edna--normalize-sexp-form
+    (car (org-edna--convert-form string-form))
+    action-or-condition
+    string-form)))
 (defun org-edna--handle-condition (func mod args targets consideration)
-  "Handle a condition."
+  "Handle a condition.
+FUNC is the condition function.
+MOD is the modifier to pass to FUNC.
+ARGS are any arguments to pass to FUNC.
+TARGETS is a list of targets on which to operate.
+CONSIDERATION is the consideration symbol, if any."
+  (when (seq-empty-p targets)
+    (message "Warning: Condition specified without targets"))
   ;; Check the condition at each target
   (when-let* ((blocks
@@ -160,69 +322,112 @@ function."
     ;; Apply consideration
     (org-edna-handle-consideration consideration blocks)))
-(defun org-edna-process-form (form action-or-condition)
-  "Process FORM.
-ACTION-OR-CONDITION is a symbol, either 'action or 'condition,
-indicating whether FORM accepts actions or conditions."
-  (let ((targets)
-        (blocking-entry)
-        (consideration 'all)
-        (state nil) ;; Type of operation
-        ;; Keep track of the current heading
-        (last-entry (point-marker))
-        (pos 0))
-    (while (< pos (length form))
-      (pcase-let* ((`(,key ,args ,mod ,new-pos) (org-edna-parse-form form pos))
-                   (`(,type . ,func) (org-edna--function-for-key key)))
-        (unless (and key type func)
-          (org-edna--syntax-error "Unrecognized Form" form pos))
-        (pcase type
-          ('finder
-           (unless (eq state 'finder)
-             ;; We just executed some actions, so reset the entries.
-             (setq targets nil))
-           (setq state 'finder)
-           (let ((markers (apply func args)))
-             (setq targets (seq-uniq `(,@targets ,@markers)))))
-          ('action
-           (unless (eq action-or-condition 'action)
-             (org-edna--syntax-error "Actions aren't allowed in this context" 
form pos))
-           (unless targets
-             (message "Warning: Action specified without targets"))
-           (setq state 'action)
-           (dolist (target targets)
-             (org-with-point-at target
-               (apply func last-entry args))))
-          ('condition
-           (unless (eq action-or-condition 'condition)
-             (org-edna--syntax-error "Conditions aren't allowed in this 
context" form pos))
-           (unless targets
-             (message "Warning: Condition specified without targets"))
-           (setq state 'condition)
-           (setq blocking-entry
-                 (or blocking-entry  ;; We're already blocking
-                     (org-edna--handle-condition func mod args targets 
-          ('consideration
-           (unless (= (length args) 1)
-             (org-edna--syntax-error "Consideration requires a single 
argument" form pos))
-           ;; Consideration must be at the start of the targets, so clear out
-           ;; any old targets.
-           (setq targets nil
-                 consideration (nth 0 args))))
-        (setq pos new-pos)))
-    ;; We exhausted the input string, but didn't find a condition when we were
-    ;; expecting one.
-    (when (and (eq action-or-condition 'condition) ;; Looking for conditions
-               (eq state 'finder)                  ;; but haven't found any
-               (not blocking-entry))                 ;; ever
-      (setq blocking-entry
-            (org-edna--handle-condition 'org-edna-condition/done?
-                                        t nil targets consideration)))
-    ;; Only blockers care about the return value, and this will be non-nil if
-    ;; the entry should be blocked.
-    (setq org-block-entry-blocking blocking-entry)
-    (not blocking-entry)))
+(defun org-edna--add-targets (old-targets new-targets)
+  "Add targets in NEW-TARGETS to OLD-TARGETS.
+Neither argument is modified."
+  (seq-uniq (append old-targets new-targets)))
+(defun org-edna--handle-action (action targets last-entry args)
+  "Process ACTION on TARGETS.
+LAST-ENTRY is the source entry.
+ARGS is a list of arguments to pass to ACTION."
+  (when (seq-empty-p targets)
+    (message "Warning: Action specified without targets"))
+  (dolist (target targets)
+    (org-with-point-at target
+      (apply action last-entry args))))
+(defun org-edna--expand-single-sexp-form (single-form
+                                          target-var
+                                          consideration-var
+                                          blocking-var)
+  "Expand sexp form SINGLE-FORM into a Lisp form.
+correspond to internal variables."
+  (pcase-let* ((`(,mkey . ,args) single-form)
+               (`(,mod . ,key)   (org-edna-break-modifier mkey))
+               (`(,type . ,func) (org-edna--function-for-key key)))
+    (pcase type
+      ('finder
+       `(setq ,target-var (org-edna--add-targets ,target-var (,func ,@args))))
+      ('action
+       `(org-edna--handle-action ',func ,target-var (point-marker) ',args))
+      ('condition
+       `(setq ,blocking-var (or ,blocking-var
+                                (org-edna--handle-condition ',func ',mod ',args
+                                                            ,target-var
+      ('consideration
+       `(setq ,consideration-var ,(nth 0 args))))))
+(defun org-edna--expand-sexp-form (form &optional
+                                        use-old-scope
+                                        old-target-var
+                                        old-consideration-var
+                                        old-blocking-var)
+  "Expand sexp form FORM into a Lisp form.
+OLD-BLOCKING-VAR are used internally."
+  (when form
+    ;; We inherit the original targets, consideration, and blocking-entry when
+    ;; we create a new scope in an if-construct.
+    (let* ((target-var (if use-old-scope old-target-var (cl-gentemp 
+           (consideration-var (if use-old-scope
+                                  old-consideration-var
+                                (cl-gentemp "consideration")))
+           (blocking-var (if use-old-scope
+                             old-blocking-var
+                           (cl-gentemp "blocking-entry")))
+           ;; These won't be used if use-old-scope is non-nil
+           (let-binds `((,target-var ,old-target-var)
+                        (,consideration-var ,old-consideration-var)
+                        (,blocking-var ,old-blocking-var)))
+           (wrapper-form (if use-old-scope
+                             '(progn)
+                           `(let (,@let-binds)))))
+      (pcase form
+        (`(if ,cond ,then . ,else)
+         ;; Don't pass the old variables into the condition form; it should be
+         ;; evaluated on its own to avoid clobbering the old targets.
+         `(if (not ,(org-edna--expand-sexp-form cond))
+              ,(org-edna--expand-sexp-form
+                then
+                '(progn)
+                old-target-var old-consideration-var old-blocking-var)
+            ,(when else
+               (org-edna--expand-sexp-form
+                ;; else is wrapped in a list, so take the first argument
+                (car else)
+                '(progn)
+                old-target-var old-consideration-var old-blocking-var))))
+        ((pred (lambda (arg) (symbolp (car arg))))
+         (org-edna--expand-single-sexp-form
+          form old-target-var old-consideration-var old-blocking-var))
+        (_
+         ;; List of forms
+         ;; Only use new variables if we're asked to
+         `(,@wrapper-form
+           ,@(mapcar
+              (lambda (f) (org-edna--expand-sexp-form
+                      f '(progn) target-var consideration-var blocking-var))
+              form)))))))
+(defun org-edna-eval-sexp-form (sexp-form)
+  "Evaluate Edna sexp form SEXP-FORM."
+  (eval
+   (org-edna--expand-sexp-form sexp-form)))
+(defun org-edna-process-form (string-form action-or-condition)
+  "Process STRING-FORM.
+ACTION-OR-CONDITION is either 'action or 'condition, indicating
+which of the two types is allowed in STRING-FORM."
+  (org-edna-eval-sexp-form
+   (org-edna-string-form-to-sexp-form string-form action-or-condition)))
@@ -273,7 +478,8 @@ See `org-edna-run' for CHANGE-PLIST explanation.
 This shouldn't be run from outside of `org-blocker-hook'."
   (org-edna-run change-plist
     (if-let* ((form (org-entry-get pos "BLOCKER" org-edna-use-inheritance)))
-        (org-edna-process-form form 'condition)
+        ;; Return nil if there is no blocking entry
+        (not (setq org-block-entry-blocking (org-edna-process-form form 
@@ -324,7 +530,7 @@ SCOPE defaults to agenda, and SKIP defaults to nil.
 ;; ID finder
 (defun org-edna-finder/ids (&rest ids)
-  "Find a list of headings with given IDs.
+  "Find a list of headings with given IDS.
 Edna Syntax: ids(ID1 ID2 ...)
@@ -357,7 +563,11 @@ Edna Syntax: self"
 (defun org-edna-goto-sibling (&optional previous wrap)
-  "Move to the next sibling on the same level as the current heading."
+  "Move to the next sibling on the same level as the current heading.
+If PREVIOUS is non-nil, go to the previous sibling.
+f WRAP is non-nil, wrap around when the beginning (or end) is
   (let ((next (save-excursion
                 (if previous (org-get-last-sibling) (org-get-next-sibling)))))
@@ -384,12 +594,12 @@ Edna Syntax: self"
 START is a point or marker from which to start collection.
-BACKWARDS means go backward through the level instead of forward.
+BACKWARD means go backward through the level instead of forward.
 If WRAP is non-nil, wrap around when the end of the current level
 is reached.
-If INCLUDE-START is non-nil, include the current point."
+If INCLUDE-POINT is non-nil, include the current point."
    (let ((markers))
      (goto-char start)
@@ -402,6 +612,12 @@ If INCLUDE-START is non-nil, include the current point."
      (nreverse markers))))
 (defun org-edna-collect-ancestors (&optional with-self)
+  "Collect the ancestors of the current subtree.
+If WITH-SELF is non-nil, include the current subtree in the list
+of ancestors.
+Return a list of markers for the ancestors."
   (let ((markers))
     (when with-self
       (push (point-marker) markers))
@@ -411,6 +627,12 @@ If INCLUDE-START is non-nil, include the current point."
     (nreverse markers)))
 (defun org-edna-collect-descendants (&optional with-self)
+  "Collect the descendants of the current subtree.
+If WITH-SELF is non-nil, include the current subtree in the list
+of descendants.
+Return a list of markers for the descendants."
   (let ((targets
@@ -422,7 +644,7 @@ If INCLUDE-START is non-nil, include the current point."
 (defun org-edna-entry-has-tags-p (&rest tags)
-  "Returns non-nil if the current entry has any tags in TAGS."
+  "Return non-nil if the current entry has any tags in TAGS."
   (when-let* ((entry-tags (org-get-tags-at)))
     (seq-intersection tags entry-tags)))
@@ -491,8 +713,7 @@ All arguments are symbols, unless noted otherwise.
 - scheduled-up:    Scheduled time, farthest first
 - scheduled-down:  Scheduled time, closest first
 - deadline-up:     Deadline time, farthest first
-- deadline-down:   Deadline time, closest first
+- deadline-down:   Deadline time, closest first"
   (let (targets
@@ -1021,8 +1242,8 @@ required."
              (when (= delta 0) (setq delta -7)))
            (when (> n 1) (setq delta (+ delta (* (1- n) (if (= dir ?-) -7 
            (list delta "d" rel))))
-         (if (or (not have-landing)
-                 (member what '("M" "h"))) ;; Don't change landing for minutes 
or hours
+        (if (or (not have-landing)
+                (member what '("M" "h"))) ;; Don't change landing for minutes 
or hours
             ret ;; Don't worry about landing, just return
           (pcase-let* ((`(,del ,what _) ret)
                        (mod-index (cdr (assoc what type-strings)))
@@ -1076,7 +1297,10 @@ MONTH may be a month string or an integer.  Use 0 for the
 following or previous month.
 DAY is an optional integer.  If not given, it will be 1 (for
-forward) or the last day of MONTH (backward)."
+forward) or the last day of MONTH (backward).
+Time is computed relative to either THIS-TIME (+/-) or
+DEFAULT (++/--)."
   (require 'parse-time)
   (let* ((case-fold-search t)
          (weekdays (mapcar 'car parse-time-weekdays))
@@ -1163,7 +1387,10 @@ forward) or the last day of MONTH (backward)."
         (list (- abs-days-then abs-days-now) "d" rel)))))
 (defun org-edna--handle-planning (type last-entry args)
-  "Handle planning of type TYPE."
+  "Handle planning of type TYPE.
+LAST-ENTRY is a marker to the source entry.
+ARGS is a list of arguments; currently, only the first is used."
   (let* ((arg (nth 0 args))
          (last-ts (org-with-point-at last-entry (org-edna--get-planning-info 
          (this-ts (org-edna--get-planning-info type))
@@ -1508,19 +1735,37 @@ starting from target's position."
 (defun org-edna-handle-consideration (consideration blocks)
   "Handle consideration CONSIDERATION.
-Edna Syntax: consideration(all) [1]
-Edna Syntax: consideration(N)   [2]
-Edna Syntax: consideration(P)   [3]
+Edna Syntax: consider(all) [1]
+Edna Syntax: consider(N)   [2]
+Edna Syntax: consider(P)   [3]
+Edna Syntax: consider(any) [4]
 Form 1: consider all targets when evaluating conditions.
 Form 2: consider the condition met if only N of the targets pass.
-Form 3: consider the condition met if only P% of the targets pass."
-  (let ((first-block (seq-find #'identity blocks))
-        (total-blocks (seq-length blocks)))
+Form 3: consider the condition met if only P% of the targets pass.
+Form 4: consider the condition met if any target meets it
+If CONSIDERATION is nil, default to 'all.
+The \"consideration\" keyword is also provided.  It functions the
+same as \"consider\"."
+  ;; BLOCKS is a list of blocking entries; if one isn't blocked, its entry will
+  ;; be nil.
+  (let ((consideration (or consideration 'all))
+        (first-block (seq-find #'identity blocks))
+        (total-blocks (seq-length blocks))
+        (fulfilled (seq-count #'not blocks)))
     (pcase consideration
        ;; All of them must be fulfilled, so find the first one that isn't.
+      ('any
+       ;; Any of them can be fulfilled, so find the first one that is
+       (if (> fulfilled 0)
+           ;; Have one fulfilled
+           nil
+         ;; None of them are fulfilled
+         first-block))
       ((pred integerp)
        ;; A fixed number of them must be fulfilled, so check how many aren't.
        (let* ((fulfilled (seq-count #'not blocks)))
@@ -1548,6 +1793,7 @@ Form 3: consider the condition met if only P% of the 
targets pass."
   :group 'org-edna)
 (defun org-edna-in-edit-buffer-p ()
+  "Return non-nil if inside the Edna edit buffer."
   (string-equal (buffer-name) org-edna-edit-buffer-name))
 (defun org-edna-replace-newlines (string)
@@ -1560,6 +1806,7 @@ Form 3: consider the condition met if only P% of the 
targets pass."
                     (marker-position second-marker)))
 (defun org-edna-edit-blocker-section-text ()
+  "Collect the BLOCKER section text from an edit buffer."
   (when (org-edna-in-edit-buffer-p)
     (let ((original-text (org-edna-edit-text-between-markers
@@ -1569,6 +1816,7 @@ Form 3: consider the condition met if only P% of the 
targets pass."
         (org-edna-replace-newlines (match-string 1 original-text))))))
 (defun org-edna-edit-trigger-section-text ()
+  "Collect the TRIGGER section text from an edit buffer."
   (when (org-edna-in-edit-buffer-p)
     (let ((original-text (org-edna-edit-text-between-markers
@@ -1625,6 +1873,7 @@ the source buffer.  Finish with `C-c C-c' or abort with 
`C-c C-k'\n\n")
     (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions 'org-edna-completion-at-point nil 
 (defun org-edna-edit-finish ()
+  "Finish an Edna property edit."
   (let ((blocker (org-edna-edit-blocker-section-text))
         (trigger (org-edna-edit-trigger-section-text))
@@ -1641,6 +1890,7 @@ the source buffer.  Finish with `C-c C-c' or abort with 
`C-c C-k'\n\n")
     (kill-buffer org-edna-edit-buffer-name)))
 (defun org-edna-edit-abort ()
+  "Abort an Edna property edit."
   (let ((pos-marker org-edna-edit-original-marker)
         (wc org-window-configuration)
@@ -1675,6 +1925,9 @@ the source buffer.  Finish with `C-c C-c' or abort with 
`C-c C-k'\n\n")
 (defun org-edna--collect-keywords (keyword-type &optional suffix)
+  "Collect known Edna keywords of type KEYWORD-TYPE.
+SUFFIX is an additional suffix to use when matching keywords."
   (let* ((suffix (or suffix ""))
          (edna-rx (rx-to-string `(and
@@ -1693,12 +1946,15 @@ the source buffer.  Finish with `C-c C-c' or abort with 
`C-c C-k'\n\n")
 (defun org-edna--collect-finders ()
+  "Return a list of finder keywords."
   (org-edna--collect-keywords "finder"))
 (defun org-edna--collect-actions ()
+  "Return a list of action keywords."
   (org-edna--collect-keywords "action" "!"))
 (defun org-edna--collect-conditions ()
+  "Return a list of condition keywords."
   (org-edna--collect-keywords "condition" "?"))
 (defun org-edna-completions-for-blocker ()
@@ -1713,6 +1969,10 @@ the source buffer.  Finish with `C-c C-c' or abort with 
`C-c C-k'\n\n")
 (defun org-edna-completion-table-function (string pred action)
+  "Completion table function for Edna keywords.
+See `minibuffer-completion-table' for description of STRING,
   (let ((completions (cond
                       ;; Don't offer completion inside of arguments
                       ((> (syntax-ppss-depth (syntax-ppss)) 0) nil)
@@ -1735,6 +1995,7 @@ the source buffer.  Finish with `C-c C-c' or abort with 
`C-c C-k'\n\n")
                      (cycle-sort-function . identity)))))))
 (defun org-edna-completion-at-point ()
+  "Complete the Edna keyword at point."
   (when-let* ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))
     (list (car bounds) (cdr bounds) 'org-edna-completion-table-function)))
@@ -1743,6 +2004,9 @@ the source buffer.  Finish with `C-c C-c' or abort with 
`C-c C-k'\n\n")
 (declare-function lm-report-bug "lisp-mnt" (topic))
 (defun org-edna-submit-bug-report (topic)
+  "Submit a bug report to the Edna developers.
+TOPIC is the topic for the bug report."
   (interactive "sTopic: ")
   (require 'lisp-mnt)
   (let* ((src-file (locate-library "org-edna.el" t))
diff --git a/org-edna.info b/org-edna.info
index eddda64..1da4b0c 100644
--- a/org-edna.info
+++ b/org-edna.info
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ Advanced Features
 * Conditions::                   More than just DONE headings
 * Consideration::                Only some of them
+* Conditional Forms::            If/Then/Else
 * Setting the Properties::       The easy way to set BLOCKER and TRIGGER
@@ -106,8 +107,17 @@ Contributing
+* 1.0beta3: 10beta3.
 * 1.0beta2: 10beta2.
+* Conditional Forms: Conditional Forms (1).
+* Overhauled Internal Parsing::
+* Fixed consideration keywords::
+* Added 'any consideration::
 * Added interactive keyword editor with completion::
@@ -1005,6 +1015,7 @@ Advanced Features
 * Conditions::                   More than just DONE headings
 * Consideration::                Only some of them
+* Conditional Forms::            If/Then/Else
 * Setting the Properties::       The easy way to set BLOCKER and TRIGGER
@@ -1122,32 +1133,39 @@ Any condition can be negated by using ’!’ before the 
 heading tagged “test” does *not* have the property PROP set to “1”.
-File: org-edna.info,  Node: Consideration,  Next: Setting the Properties,  
Prev: Conditions,  Up: Advanced Features
+File: org-edna.info,  Node: Consideration,  Next: Conditional Forms,  Prev: 
Conditions,  Up: Advanced Features
 “Consideration” is a special keyword that’s only valid for blockers.
+   This says “Allow a task to complete if CONSIDERATION of its targets
+pass the given condition”.
    This keyword can allow specifying only a portion of tasks to
   1. consider(PERCENT)
   2. consider(NUMBER)
   3. consider(all) (Default)
+  4. consider(any)
    (1) tells the blocker to only consider some portion of the targets.
 If at least PERCENT of them are in a DONE state, allow the task to be
-set to DONE. PERCENT must be a decimal.
+set to DONE. PERCENT must be a decimal, and doesn’t need to include a
    (2) tells the blocker to only consider NUMBER of the targets.
    (3) tells the blocker to consider all following targets.
-   A consideration must be specified before the targets to which it
+   (4) tells the blocker to allow passage if any of the targets pass.
+   A consideration must be specified before the conditions to which it
-     consider(0.5) siblings consider(all) match("find_me")
+     consider(0.5) siblings match("find_me") consider(all) !done?
    The above code will allow task completion if at least half the
 siblings are complete, and all tasks tagged “find_me” are complete.
@@ -1160,8 +1178,81 @@ are complete.
    If no consideration is given, ALL is assumed.
+   Both “consider” and “consideration” are valid keywords; they both
+mean the same thing.
+File: org-edna.info,  Node: Conditional Forms,  Next: Setting the Properties,  
Prev: Consideration,  Up: Advanced Features
+Conditional Forms
+Let’s say you’ve got the following checklist:
+     * TODO Nightly
+       DEADLINE: <2017-12-22 Fri 22:00 +1d>
+       :PROPERTIES:
+       :ID:       12345
+       :BLOCKER:  match("nightly")
+       :TRIGGER:  match("nightly") todo!(TODO)
+       :END:
+     * TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     
+     * TODO Lock Back Door                                               
+     * TODO Feed Dog                                                     
+   You don’t know in what order you want to perform each task, nor
+should it matter.  However, you also want the parent heading, “Nightly”,
+to be marked as DONE when you’re finished with the last task.
+   There are two solutions to this: 1.  Have each task attempt to mark
+“Nightly” as DONE, which will spam blocking messages after each task.
+   The second is to use conditional forms.  Conditional forms are
+simple; it’s just if/then/else/endif:
+     if CONDITION then THEN else ELSE endif
+   Here’s how that reads:
+   “If CONDITION would not block, execute THEN. Otherwise, execute
+   For our nightly entries, this looks as follows:
+     * TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     
+       :PROPERTIES:
+       :TRIGGER:  if match("nightly") then ids(12345) todo!(DONE) endif
+       :END:
+   Thus, we replicate our original blocking condition on all of them, so
+it won’t trigger the original until the last one is marked DONE.
+   Occasionally, you may find that you’d rather execute a form if the
+condition *would* block.  There are two options.
+   The first is confusing: use ‘consider(any)’.  This will tell Edna to
+pass so long as one of the targets meets the condition.  This is the
+opposite of Edna’s standard operation, which only allows passage if all
+targets meet the condition.
+     * TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     
+       :PROPERTIES:
+       :TRIGGER:  if consider(any) match("nightly") then ids(12345) 
todo!(DONE) endif
+       :END:
+   The second is a lot easier to understand: just switch the then and
+else clauses:
+     * TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     
+       :PROPERTIES:
+       :TRIGGER:  if match("nightly") then else ids(12345) todo!(DONE) endif
+       :END:
+   The conditional block tells it to evaluate that section.  Thus, you
+can conditionally add targets, or conditionally check conditions.
-File: org-edna.info,  Node: Setting the Properties,  Prev: Consideration,  Up: 
Advanced Features
+File: org-edna.info,  Node: Setting the Properties,  Prev: Conditional Forms,  
Up: Advanced Features
 Setting the Properties
@@ -1377,10 +1468,56 @@ Changelog
 * Menu:
+* 1.0beta3: 10beta3.
 * 1.0beta2: 10beta2.
-File: org-edna.info,  Node: 10beta2,  Up: Changelog
+File: org-edna.info,  Node: 10beta3,  Next: 10beta2,  Up: Changelog
+HUGE addition here
+* Menu:
+* Conditional Forms: Conditional Forms (1).
+* Overhauled Internal Parsing::
+* Fixed consideration keywords::
+* Added 'any consideration::
+File: org-edna.info,  Node: Conditional Forms (1),  Next: Overhauled Internal 
Parsing,  Up: 10beta3
+Conditional Forms
+   • See *note Conditional Forms:: for more information
+File: org-edna.info,  Node: Overhauled Internal Parsing,  Next: Fixed 
consideration keywords,  Prev: Conditional Forms (1),  Up: 10beta3
+Overhauled Internal Parsing
+File: org-edna.info,  Node: Fixed consideration keywords,  Next: Added 'any 
consideration,  Prev: Overhauled Internal Parsing,  Up: 10beta3
+Fixed consideration keywords
+   • Both consider and consideration are accepted now
+File: org-edna.info,  Node: Added 'any consideration,  Prev: Fixed 
consideration keywords,  Up: 10beta3
+Added ’any consideration
+   • Allows passage if just one target is fulfilled
+File: org-edna.info,  Node: 10beta2,  Prev: 10beta3,  Up: Changelog
@@ -1400,7 +1537,7 @@ File: org-edna.info,  Node: Added interactive keyword 
editor with completion,  N
 Added interactive keyword editor with completion
-See *note Setting the Properties:: for how to do that
+   • See *note Setting the Properties:: for how to do that
 File: org-edna.info,  Node: New uses of schedule! and deadline!,  Next: New 
``relatives'' finder,  Prev: Added interactive keyword editor with completion,  
Up: 10beta2
@@ -1437,71 +1574,77 @@ New finders
 Tag Table:
 Node: Top225
-Node: Copying3713
-Node: Introduction4530
-Node: Installation and Setup5478
-Node: Basic Operation6271
-Node: Blockers8122
-Node: Triggers8408
-Node: Syntax8670
-Node: Basic Features9360
-Node: Finders9663
-Node: ancestors11428
-Node: children12022
-Node: descendants12432
-Node: file12954
-Node: first-child13703
-Node: ids13963
-Node: match14624
-Node: next-sibling15262
-Node: next-sibling-wrap15519
-Node: olp15833
-Node: org-file16245
-Node: parent16890
-Node: previous-sibling17088
-Node: previous-sibling-wrap17349
-Node: relatives17628
-Node: rest-of-siblings21249
-Node: rest-of-siblings-wrap21534
-Node: self21883
-Node: siblings22044
-Node: siblings-wrap22281
-Node: Actions22585
-Node: Scheduled/Deadline23327
-Node: TODO State26902
-Node: Archive27270
-Node: Chain Property27590
-Node: Clocking27873
-Node: Property28285
-Node: Priority28607
-Node: Tag29176
-Node: Effort29393
-Node: Advanced Features29782
-Node: Conditions30120
-Node: done30735
-Node: headings30899
-Node: todo-state31275
-Node: variable-set31531
-Node: has-property31960
-Node: re-search32229
-Node: Negating Conditions32589
-Node: Consideration32976
-Node: Setting the Properties34208
-Node: Extending Edna35288
-Node: Naming Conventions35778
-Node: Finders (1)36241
-Node: Actions (1)36607
-Node: Conditions (1)37072
-Node: Contributing37962
-Node: Bugs38513
-Node: Development38865
-Node: Documentation40018
-Node: Changelog40463
-Node: 10beta240587
-Node: Added interactive keyword editor with completion40853
-Node: New uses of schedule! and deadline!41145
-Node: New ``relatives'' finder41640
-Node: New finders42036
+Node: Copying3930
+Node: Introduction4747
+Node: Installation and Setup5695
+Node: Basic Operation6488
+Node: Blockers8339
+Node: Triggers8625
+Node: Syntax8887
+Node: Basic Features9577
+Node: Finders9880
+Node: ancestors11645
+Node: children12239
+Node: descendants12649
+Node: file13171
+Node: first-child13920
+Node: ids14180
+Node: match14841
+Node: next-sibling15479
+Node: next-sibling-wrap15736
+Node: olp16050
+Node: org-file16462
+Node: parent17107
+Node: previous-sibling17305
+Node: previous-sibling-wrap17566
+Node: relatives17845
+Node: rest-of-siblings21466
+Node: rest-of-siblings-wrap21751
+Node: self22100
+Node: siblings22261
+Node: siblings-wrap22498
+Node: Actions22802
+Node: Scheduled/Deadline23544
+Node: TODO State27119
+Node: Archive27487
+Node: Chain Property27807
+Node: Clocking28090
+Node: Property28502
+Node: Priority28824
+Node: Tag29393
+Node: Effort29610
+Node: Advanced Features29999
+Node: Conditions30383
+Node: done30998
+Node: headings31162
+Node: todo-state31538
+Node: variable-set31794
+Node: has-property32223
+Node: re-search32492
+Node: Negating Conditions32852
+Node: Consideration33239
+Node: Conditional Forms34808
+Node: Setting the Properties37464
+Node: Extending Edna38548
+Node: Naming Conventions39038
+Node: Finders (1)39501
+Node: Actions (1)39867
+Node: Conditions (1)40332
+Node: Contributing41222
+Node: Bugs41773
+Node: Development42125
+Node: Documentation43278
+Node: Changelog43723
+Node: 10beta343868
+Node: Conditional Forms (1)44126
+Node: Overhauled Internal Parsing44325
+Node: Fixed consideration keywords44522
+Node: Added 'any consideration44781
+Node: 10beta244996
+Node: Added interactive keyword editor with completion45278
+Node: New uses of schedule! and deadline!45577
+Node: New ``relatives'' finder46072
+Node: New finders46468
 End Tag Table
diff --git a/org-edna.org b/org-edna.org
index 7009570..c23f80a 100644
--- a/org-edna.org
+++ b/org-edna.org
@@ -928,24 +928,30 @@ tagged "test" does *not* have the property PROP set to 
 "Consideration" is a special keyword that's only valid for blockers.
+This says "Allow a task to complete if CONSIDERATION of its targets pass the
+given condition".
 This keyword can allow specifying only a portion of tasks to consider:
 1. consider(PERCENT)
 2. consider(NUMBER)
 3. consider(all) (Default)
+4. consider(any)
 (1) tells the blocker to only consider some portion of the targets.  If at 
 PERCENT of them are in a DONE state, allow the task to be set to DONE.  PERCENT
-must be a decimal.
+must be a decimal, and doesn't need to include a %-sign.
 (2) tells the blocker to only consider NUMBER of the targets.
 (3) tells the blocker to consider all following targets.
-A consideration must be specified before the targets to which it applies:
+(4) tells the blocker to allow passage if any of the targets pass.
+A consideration must be specified before the conditions to which it applies:
-consider(0.5) siblings consider(all) match("find_me")
+consider(0.5) siblings match("find_me") consider(all) !done?
 The above code will allow task completion if at least half the siblings are
@@ -960,6 +966,86 @@ are complete, and at least two of ID3, ID4, ID5, and ID6 
are complete.
 If no consideration is given, ALL is assumed.
+Both "consider" and "consideration" are valid keywords; they both mean the same
+** Conditional Forms
+:CUSTOM_ID: conditional_forms
+Let's say you've got the following checklist:
+#+begin_src org
+,* TODO Nightly
+  DEADLINE: <2017-12-22 Fri 22:00 +1d>
+  :ID:       12345
+  :BLOCKER:  match("nightly")
+  :TRIGGER:  match("nightly") todo!(TODO)
+  :END:
+,* TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     :nightly:
+,* TODO Lock Back Door                                               :nightly:
+,* TODO Feed Dog                                                     :nightly:
+You don't know in what order you want to perform each task, nor should it
+matter.  However, you also want the parent heading, "Nightly", to be marked as
+DONE when you're finished with the last task.
+There are two solutions to this: 1. Have each task attempt to mark "Nightly" as
+DONE, which will spam blocking messages after each task.
+The second is to use conditional forms.  Conditional forms are simple; it's 
+if CONDITION then THEN else ELSE endif
+Here's how that reads:
+"If CONDITION would not block, execute THEN.  Otherwise, execute ELSE."
+For our nightly entries, this looks as follows:
+#+begin_src org
+,* TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     :nightly:
+  :TRIGGER:  if match("nightly") then ids(12345) todo!(DONE) endif
+  :END:
+Thus, we replicate our original blocking condition on all of them, so it won't
+trigger the original until the last one is marked DONE.
+Occasionally, you may find that you'd rather execute a form if the condition
+*would* block.  There are two options.
+The first is confusing: use ~consider(any)~.  This will tell Edna to pass so
+long as one of the targets meets the condition.  This is the opposite of Edna's
+standard operation, which only allows passage if all targets meet the 
+#+begin_src org
+,* TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     :nightly:
+  :TRIGGER:  if consider(any) match("nightly") then ids(12345) todo!(DONE) 
+  :END:
+The second is a lot easier to understand: just switch the then and else 
+#+begin_src org
+,* TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     :nightly:
+  :TRIGGER:  if match("nightly") then else ids(12345) todo!(DONE) endif
+  :END:
+The conditional block tells it to evaluate that section.  Thus, you can
+conditionally add targets, or conditionally check conditions.
 ** Setting the Properties
 :DESCRIPTION: The easy way to set BLOCKER and TRIGGER
@@ -991,7 +1077,6 @@ of any valid keyword within the BLOCKER or TRIGGER 
sections using
 When finished, type ~C-c C-c~ to apply the changes, or ~C-c C-k~ to throw out 
 * Extending Edna
 :DESCRIPTION: What else can it do?
@@ -1149,16 +1234,24 @@ making any changes:
 1. Update the info page in the repository with ~C-c C-e i i~
 2. If you're updating the HTML documentation, switch to a theme that can easily
    be read on a white background; we recommend the "adwaita" theme
 * Changelog
 :DESCRIPTION: List of changes by version
+** 1.0beta3
+HUGE addition here
+*** Conditional Forms
+- See [[#conditional_forms][Conditional Forms]] for more information
+*** Overhauled Internal Parsing
+*** Fixed consideration keywords
+- Both consider and consideration are accepted now
+*** Added 'any consideration
+- Allows passage if just one target is fulfilled
 ** 1.0beta2
 Big release here, with three new features.
 *** Added interactive keyword editor with completion
-See [[#setting_keywords][Setting the Properties]] for how to do that
+- See [[#setting_keywords][Setting the Properties]] for how to do that
 *** New uses of schedule! and deadline!
 - New "float" form that mimics diary-float

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