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[elpa] externals/ebdb dcd6803 3/3: Implement record caches as structs, n

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: [elpa] externals/ebdb dcd6803 3/3: Implement record caches as structs, not objects
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2020 17:46:25 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ebdb
commit dcd6803724ace2270cfd9723929a17ca31d64af0
Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
Commit: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>

    Implement record caches as structs, not objects
    There was no need for them to be full-blown objects, this might win us
    some speed. Also normalize cache accessor functions so the rest of
    the code doesn't need to know about the cache.
    * ebdb.el (ebdb-add-to-list, ebdb-remove-from-list): Inlines used
    where we were using object-add-to|remove-from-list before.
    (ebdb-record-cache): Define as a struct.
    (ebdb-record-databases, ebdb-record-mail-aka, ebdb-record-mail-canon,
    ebdb-record-alt-names, ebdb-record-name-string,
    ebdb-record-organizations, ebdb-record-sortkey): Accessors defined
    with define-inline. setf-able! Remove some random methods and
    defsubsts that were doing the same job.
    * ebdb.el:
    * ebdb-com.el:
    * ebdb-mua.el: Change much code.
 ebdb-com.el |   8 +-
 ebdb-mua.el |   4 +-
 ebdb.el     | 350 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 ebdb.info   |   2 +-
 ebdb.org    |   2 +-
 ebdb.texi   |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 191 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ebdb-com.el b/ebdb-com.el
index 8fee692..02f9e16 100644
--- a/ebdb-com.el
+++ b/ebdb-com.el
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ choice: that formatter should be selected explicitly."
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-record-db-char-string ((record ebdb-record))
   "Return a char string indicating RECORDs databases."
-  (let* ((dbs (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'database))
+  (let* ((dbs (ebdb-record-databases record))
           (delq nil
@@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@ reloaded with `ebdb-reload-database'."
                              ;; Only disappear records that belong to
                              ;; no other database.
                              (= 1 (length
-                                   (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache r) 
+                                   (ebdb-record-databases r))))
                            (slot-value db 'records))))
       (ebdb-redisplay-records recs 'remove)
       (ebdb-db-disable db)
@@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@ runs `ebdb-after-change-hook', and redisplays the record."
   ;; within "body".  Hopefully that's not wrong.
   `(condition-case err
-        (dolist (d (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache ,record) 'database) nil)
+        (dolist (d (ebdb-record-databases ,record) nil)
           (ebdb-db-editable d))
         (run-hook-with-args 'ebdb-change-hook ,record)
@@ -1765,7 +1765,7 @@ do the reverse."
    (list (ebdb-current-record)))
   (let ((make-org (if (object-of-class-p rec 'ebdb-record-person)
                      t nil))
-       (db (car (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache rec) 'database)))
+       (db (car (ebdb-record-databases rec)))
        new-rec role-field)
diff --git a/ebdb-mua.el b/ebdb-mua.el
index c3f8bb8..51a6e26 100644
--- a/ebdb-mua.el
+++ b/ebdb-mua.el
@@ -302,9 +302,7 @@ accordingly."
           (unless self-rec
             (user-error "`ebdb-user-mail-address-re' set to 'self, but 
`ebdb-record-self' is not set"))
           (setq ebdb-user-mail-address-re
-                (regexp-opt (slot-value
-                             (ebdb-record-cache self-rec)
-                             'mail-canon)))))
+                (regexp-opt (ebdb-record-mail-canon self-rec)))))
        ((and (eq ebdb-user-mail-address-re 'message)
              (boundp 'message-alternative-emails))
         (setq ebdb-user-mail-address-re
diff --git a/ebdb.el b/ebdb.el
index a8e1e0d..e4a5547 100644
--- a/ebdb.el
+++ b/ebdb.el
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
 ;; This file contains the basic data structures and behavior for EBDB,
 ;; including the class definitions for databases, records, and fields.
+;; The order of appearance of code in this file is mostly determined
+;; by the order in which the compiler wants to see things.
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'timezone)
@@ -832,12 +835,52 @@ You really should not disable debugging.  But it will 
speed things up."
       `(let ((debug-on-error t))
-(defmacro ebdb-add-to-list (list-var element)
+;; These two inlines are used along with `object-add-to-list' and
+;; `object-remove-from-list' -- typically the former are used to
+;; manipulate record cache slots (as caches are structs and can't use
+;; the object-* functions), and the latter to manipulate record slots
+;; directly.  But presumably we could replace all the object-*
+;; functions with the ebdb-* inlines.
+(define-inline ebdb-add-to-list (list-var element)
   "Add ELEMENT to the value of LIST-VAR if it isn't there yet and non-nil.
 The test for presence of ELEMENT is done with `equal'."
-  `(when ,element (cl-pushnew ,element ,list-var :test #'equal)))
-;;; Fields.
+  (inline-quote (when ,element (cl-pushnew ,element ,list-var :test #'equal))))
+(define-inline ebdb-remove-from-list (list-var element)
+  "Remove ELEMENT from LIST-VAR, if present.
+Test for presence is done with `equal'."
+  (inline-quote (when (and ,element ,list-var)
+                 (setf ,list-var
+                       (delete ,element ,list-var)))))
+;;; Struct and object definitions.
+;; The calls to `cl-defstruct' and `defclass' are all up here
+;; together, to help with order of definition.
+(cl-defstruct ebdb-record-cache
+  "Structure holding cached values for a record."
+  (name-string "" :type string :documentation
+              "Canonical name string")
+  (alt-names nil :type list :documentation
+            "List of alternate names")
+  (organizations nil :type list :documentation
+                "List of related organization name strings")
+  ;; FIXME: Nothing seems to use this mail-aka information.  Delete
+  ;; it, and/or consider a general re-working of how EBDB handles
+  ;; name-mail pairs.
+  (mail-aka nil :type list :documentation
+           "List of akas associated with mail addresses")
+  (mail-canon nil :type list :documentation
+             "List of all record's mail addresses")
+  ;; FIXME: Erm, we don't sort EBDB records at all!  And setting a
+  ;; single string as a sortkey is way too limiting: instead offer
+  ;; multiple sorting strategies.
+  (sortkey nil :type string :documentation
+          "String used for sorting record against other records")
+  (databases nil :type list :documentation
+            "List of database instances this record belongs to"))
 (defclass ebdb-field ()
@@ -850,9 +893,79 @@ The test for presence of ELEMENT is done with `equal'."
   :abstract t :documentation "Abstract class for EBDB fields.
   Subclass this to produce real field types.")
+(defclass ebdb-record (eieio-instance-tracker)
+  ((uuid
+    :initarg :uuid
+    :type (or null ebdb-field-uuid)
+    :initform nil)
+   (tracking-symbol
+    :initform ebdb-record-tracker)
+   (creation-date
+    :initarg :creation-date
+    :type (or null ebdb-field-creation-date)
+    :initform nil)
+   (timestamp
+    :initarg :timestamp
+    :type (or null ebdb-field-timestamp)
+    :initform nil)
+   (fields
+    :initarg :fields
+    :type (list-of ebdb-field-user)
+    :initform nil
+    :documentation "This slot contains all record fields except
+    those built in to record subclasses.")
+   (image
+    :initarg :image
+    :type (or null ebdb-field-image)
+    :initform nil)
+   (notes
+    :initarg :notes
+    :type (or null ebdb-field-notes)
+    :initform nil
+    :documentation "User notes for this contact.")
+   (dirty
+    :initarg :dirty
+    :type boolean
+    :initform nil
+    :documentation "Does this record have changed fields?")
+   (cache
+    :initarg :cache
+    :type (or null ebdb-record-cache)
+    :initform nil
+    ))
+  :abstract t
+  :allow-nil-initform t
+  :documentation "An abstract base class for creating EBDB
+  records.")
+(define-inline ebdb-record-databases (record)
+  "Record cache function: return RECORD's databases."
+  (inline-quote (ebdb-record-cache-databases (slot-value ,record 'cache))))
+(define-inline ebdb-record-mail-aka (record)
+  "Record cache function: return mail-aka for RECORD."
+  (inline-quote (ebdb-record-cache-mail-aka (slot-value ,record 'cache))))
+(define-inline ebdb-record-mail-canon (record)
+  "Record cache function: return all RECORD's mail addresses."
+  (inline-quote (ebdb-record-cache-mail-canon (slot-value ,record 'cache))))
+(define-inline ebdb-record-alt-names (record)
+  "Record cache function: return all RECORD's alternative names."
+  (inline-quote (ebdb-record-cache-alt-names (slot-value ,record 'cache))))
 (define-inline ebdb-record-name-string (record)
   "Record cache function: return RECORD's name as a string."
-  (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'name-string))
+  (inline-quote (ebdb-record-cache-name-string (slot-value ,record 'cache))))
+(define-inline ebdb-record-organizations (record)
+  "Record cache function: return RECORD's organizations.
+Returns a list of strings."
+  (inline-quote (ebdb-record-cache-organizations (slot-value ,record 'cache))))
+(define-inline ebdb-record-sortkey (record)
+  "Record cache function: return RECORD's string sortkey."
+  (inline-quote (ebdb-record-cache-sortkey (slot-value ,record 'cache))))
 (cl-defgeneric ebdb-init-field (field record)
   "Initialize FIELD.
@@ -1338,24 +1451,26 @@ first one."
     ;; Also hash against "first last", as an alternate search
     ;; strategy.
     (ebdb-puthash fl record)
-    (object-add-to-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names lf-full)
-    (object-add-to-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names fl-full)
-    (object-add-to-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names fl))
+    (ebdb-add-to-list (ebdb-record-alt-names record) lf-full)
+    (ebdb-add-to-list (ebdb-record-alt-names record) fl-full)
+    (ebdb-add-to-list (ebdb-record-alt-names record) fl))
-(cl-defmethod ebdb-delete-field ((name ebdb-field-name-complex) record 
&optional _unload)
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-delete-field ((name ebdb-field-name-complex)
+                                record &optional _unload)
   (let ((lf-full (ebdb-name-lf name t))
        (fl-full (ebdb-name-fl name t))
        (fl (ebdb-name-fl name)))
     (ebdb-remhash lf-full record)
     (ebdb-remhash fl-full record)
     (ebdb-remhash fl record)
-    (object-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names lf-full)
-    (object-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names fl-full)
-    (object-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names fl))
+    (ebdb-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-alt-names record) lf-full)
+    (ebdb-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-alt-names record) fl-full)
+    (ebdb-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-alt-names record) fl))
-(cl-defmethod ebdb-read ((class (subclass ebdb-field-name-complex)) &optional 
slots obj)
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-read ((class (subclass ebdb-field-name-complex))
+                        &optional slots obj)
   (if ebdb-read-name-articulate
       (let* ((surname-default (when obj (ebdb-name-last obj)))
             (given-default (when obj (ebdb-name-given obj t)))
@@ -1441,7 +1556,8 @@ first one."
       ;; `ebdb-init-field' should change a record's slots.
       (unless role-record-uuid
        (setf role-record-uuid record-uuid))
-      (object-add-to-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'organizations org-string)
+      (ebdb-add-to-list (ebdb-record-organizations record)
+                       org-string)
       ;; Init the role mail against the record.
       (when (and mail (slot-value mail 'mail))
        (ebdb-init-field mail record))
@@ -1470,8 +1586,8 @@ first one."
                      (object-assoc-list 'record-uuid org-entry))))
       ;; RECORD no long has any roles at ORG.
-      (object-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-cache record)
-                              'organizations org-string)))
+      (ebdb-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-organizations record)
+                            org-string)))
   (when (slot-value role 'mail)
     (ebdb-delete-field (slot-value role 'mail) record unload))
@@ -1541,22 +1657,21 @@ first one."
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-init-field ((field ebdb-field-mail) record)
   (with-slots (aka mail) field
     (ebdb-puthash mail record)
-    (object-add-to-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'mail-canon mail)
-    (cl-pushnew (ebdb-dwim-mail record field) ebdb-dwim-completion-cache
-               :test #'equal)
+    (ebdb-add-to-list (ebdb-record-mail-canon record) mail)
+    (ebdb-add-to-list ebdb-dwim-completion-cache (ebdb-dwim-mail record field))
     (when aka
       (ebdb-puthash aka record)
-      (object-add-to-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'mail-aka aka))))
+      (ebdb-add-to-list (ebdb-record-mail-aka record) aka))))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-delete-field ((field ebdb-field-mail) record &optional 
   (with-slots (aka mail) field
     (when aka
       (ebdb-remhash aka record)
-      (object-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'mail-aka aka))
+      (ebdb-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-mail-aka record) aka))
     (setq ebdb-dwim-completion-cache (delete (ebdb-dwim-mail record field)
     (ebdb-remhash mail record)
-    (object-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'mail-canon mail))
+    (ebdb-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-mail-canon record) mail))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-string ((mail ebdb-field-mail))
@@ -2598,60 +2713,6 @@ record uuids.")
             "%F" (apply #'encode-time 0 0 0
                         (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute expiration-date))))))
-;;; The cache class
-;; This probably bears some re-thinking.  It would be nice to make it
-;; behave as a "real" cache, in the sense that all the accessors are
-;; accessors on the records themselves -- the records don't need to be
-;; aware of the cache.  The (probably multiple) cache classes should
-;; be parent classes, not slots on the record (or rather, the cache
-;; slot on the record comes from the cache parent class).  We ask the
-;; record for information, and the cache method intercepts the call,
-;; returns the value if it has it, and if not then asks the record for
-;; the value then stores it.  Ie, a real cache.  Not all the cache
-;; slots would work that way, of course -- for instance, a record has
-;; no way of knowing its databases except via the cache.
-(defclass ebdb-cache ()
-  ((name-string
-    :initarg :name-string
-    :type string
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation "The \"canonical\" name for the record, as
-    displayed in the *EBDB* buffer.")
-   (alt-names
-    :initarg :alt-names
-    :type (list-of string)
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation "A list of strings representing all other
-    alternate names for this record.")
-   (organizations
-    :initarg :organizations
-    :type list
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation
-    "A list of strings representing the organizations this record
-    is associated with.")
-   (mail-aka
-    :initarg :mail-aka
-    :type list
-    :initform nil)
-   (mail-canon
-    :initarg :mail-canon
-    :type list
-    :initform nil)
-   (sortkey
-    :initarg :sortkey
-    :type string
-    :initform nil)
-   (database
-    :initarg :database
-    :type (list-of ebdb-db)
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation
-    "The database(s) this record belongs to."))
-  :allow-nil-initform t)
 ;;; Records
 ;; The basic, abstract `ebdb-record' class should require no user
@@ -2659,51 +2720,6 @@ record uuids.")
 ;; "fields" bucket, of course).  It takes care of all the fundamental
 ;; setup and housekeeping automatically.
-(defclass ebdb-record (eieio-instance-tracker)
-  ((uuid
-    :initarg :uuid
-    :type (or null ebdb-field-uuid)
-    :initform nil)
-   (tracking-symbol
-    :initform ebdb-record-tracker)
-   (creation-date
-    :initarg :creation-date
-    :type (or null ebdb-field-creation-date)
-    :initform nil)
-   (timestamp
-    :initarg :timestamp
-    :type (or null ebdb-field-timestamp)
-    :initform nil)
-   (fields
-    :initarg :fields
-    :type (list-of ebdb-field-user)
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation "This slot contains all record fields except
-    those built in to record subclasses.")
-   (image
-    :initarg :image
-    :type (or null ebdb-field-image)
-    :initform nil)
-   (notes
-    :initarg :notes
-    :type (or null ebdb-field-notes)
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation "User notes for this contact.")
-   (dirty
-    :initarg :dirty
-    :type boolean
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation "Does this record have changed fields?")
-   (cache
-    :initarg :cache
-    :type (or null ebdb-cache)
-    :initform nil
-    ))
-  :abstract t
-  :allow-nil-initform t
-  :documentation "An abstract base class for creating EBDB
-  records.")
 (cl-defgeneric ebdb-init-record (record)
   "Initialize RECORD.
 Specific behavior is determined by subclass, but usually involves
@@ -2746,8 +2762,8 @@ RECORD is responsible for parsing it correctly.")
     (apply 'make-instance class slots)))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-delete-record ((record ebdb-record) &optional db unload)
-  (let ((dbs (if db (list db)
-              (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'database)))
+  (let ((dbs (if db (if (consp db) db (list db))
+              (ebdb-record-databases record)))
        (uuid (ebdb-record-uuid record)))
     ;; If DB is passed in, assume that it will be responsible for
     ;; calling `ebdb-db-remove-record'.
@@ -2760,10 +2776,12 @@ RECORD is responsible for parsing it correctly.")
     (delete-instance record)))
 (cl-defmethod initialize-instance ((record ebdb-record) &optional slots)
-  "Add a cache to RECORD."
+  "Initialize RECORD.
+Adds a cache to the cache slot, and ensures the 'timestamp and
+'creation-date slots are filled."
   ;; This is the very first thing that happens to a record after it is
   ;; created (whether manually or loaded).
-  (let ((cache (make-instance 'ebdb-cache)))
+  (let ((cache (make-ebdb-record-cache)))
     (setq slots (plist-put slots :cache cache))
     (unless (plist-get slots :timestamp)
       (setq slots
@@ -2780,7 +2798,7 @@ RECORD is responsible for parsing it correctly.")
     (cl-call-next-method record slots)))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-init-record ((record ebdb-record))
-  "Initiate RECORD after loading or creation."
+  "Initialize RECORD after loading or creation."
   (dolist (field (ebdb-record-user-fields record))
     (ebdb-init-field field record))
   (ebdb-record-set-sortkey record))
@@ -2855,7 +2873,7 @@ OLD-FIELD's values as defaults.")
   ;; First, the databases "actually" add the field to the record, ie
   ;; persistence.  The rest of this method is just updating the
   ;; existing record instance with the new field.
-  (dolist (db (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'database))
+  (dolist (db (ebdb-record-databases record))
     (when field
       (setq field (ebdb-db-add-record-field db record slot field))))
   (when field
@@ -2884,7 +2902,7 @@ OLD-FIELD's values as defaults.")
   "Delete FIELD from RECORD's SLOT, or set SLOT to nil, if no FIELD."
   ;; We don't use `slot-makeunbound' because that's a huge pain in the
   ;; ass, and why would anyone want those errors?
-  (dolist (db (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'database))
+  (dolist (db (ebdb-record-databases record))
     (ebdb-db-remove-record-field db record slot field))
   (if (listp (slot-value record slot))
       (object-remove-from-list record slot field)
@@ -2967,9 +2985,6 @@ only return fields that are suitable for user editing.")
       (push (cons 'notes notes) f-list)))
-(cl-defmethod ebdb-record-alt-names ((record ebdb-record))
-  (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names))
 (cl-defmethod cl-print-object ((record ebdb-record) stream)
   (princ (format "#<%S %s>"
                 (eieio-object-class-name record)
@@ -3216,9 +3231,6 @@ If FIELD doesn't specify a year, use the current year."
        (ebdb-string name))
   (ebdb-record-insert-field record name 'name))
-(cl-defmethod ebdb-record-organizations ((_record ebdb-record-entity))
-  nil)
 (cl-defgeneric ebdb-compose-mail (records &rest args)
   "Prepare to compose a mail message to RECORDS.
 Mail-sending MUAs can override this method to do extra setup
@@ -3290,8 +3302,7 @@ ARGS are passed to `ebdb-compose-mail', and then to
   (with-slots (name aka relations organizations) record
     (when name
       (ebdb-init-field name record)
-      (setf (ebdb-record-name-string record)
-           (ebdb-string name)))
+      (setf (ebdb-record-name-string record) (ebdb-string name)))
     (dolist (f (append aka relations organizations))
       (ebdb-init-field f record)))
@@ -3410,24 +3421,22 @@ FIELD."
    (ebdb-gethash (slot-value field 'org-uuid) 'uuid)
    (signal 'ebdb-related-unfound (list (slot-value field 'org-uuid)))))
-(cl-defmethod ebdb-record-organizations ((record ebdb-record-person))
-  "Return a list of organization string names from RECORD's cache."
-  (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'organizations))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-init-field ((name ebdb-field-name-simple)
                               (record ebdb-record-person))
-  (object-add-to-list
-   (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names
-   (concat (ebdb-string name) " "
+  (ebdb-add-to-list
+   (ebdb-record-alt-names record)
+   (format "%s %s"
+          (ebdb-string name)
           (ebdb-name-last (slot-value record 'name))))
+  ;; FIXME: Also add nickname-plus-surname to the hashtable.
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-delete-field ((name ebdb-field-name-simple)
                                 (record ebdb-record-person)
                                 &optional _unload)
-  (object-remove-from-list
-   (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names
-   (concat (ebdb-string name) " "
+  (ebdb-remove-from-list
+   (ebdb-record-alt-names record)
+   (format "%s %s" (ebdb-string name)
           (ebdb-name-last (slot-value record 'name))))
@@ -3478,7 +3487,7 @@ FIELD."
   (let ((name (slot-value record 'name)))
     (ebdb-init-field name record)
     (setf (ebdb-record-name-string record)
-         (ebdb-string name)))
+         (ebdb-string name))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-delete-record ((org ebdb-record-organization) &optional _db 
@@ -3915,8 +3924,7 @@ DB.")
     (condition-case err
          ;; Tell it about the database.
-         (object-add-to-list (ebdb-record-cache rec)
-                             'database db)
+         (ebdb-add-to-list (ebdb-record-databases rec) db)
          ;; Make sure its UUID is unique.  Doesn't create new UUIDs.
          (ebdb-check-uuid (ebdb-record-uuid rec))
@@ -3941,7 +3949,7 @@ DB.")
         ;; switch our assumptions about which record to delete.  This
         ;; at least gives us a fighting chance to update a writeable
         ;; database from a read-only one, and avoid an error.
-        (dolist (d (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache double) 'database))
+        (dolist (d (ebdb-record-databases double))
           (when (slot-value d 'read-only)
             (setq delete-double nil)))
@@ -3965,13 +3973,12 @@ DB.")
         ;; Make sure the right record is hashed against the duplicate uuid.
         (ebdb-puthash (ebdb-record-uuid keeper) keeper)
-        (dolist (d (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache deleter) 'database))
+        (dolist (d (ebdb-record-databases deleter))
           ;; Use low-level functions for this so we don't set the
           ;; database dirty.
           (object-remove-from-list d 'records deleter)
           (object-add-to-list d 'records keeper)
-          (object-add-to-list (ebdb-record-cache keeper)
-                              'database d)
+          (ebdb-add-to-list (ebdb-record-databases keeper) d)
           (ebdb-delete-record deleter d t)))))))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-db-unload ((db ebdb-db))
@@ -3981,9 +3988,9 @@ that doesn't belong to a different database."
   (dolist (r (slot-value db 'records))
     ;; Only disappear the record if it doesn't belong to any other
     ;; databases.
-    (if (= 1 (length (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache r) 'database)))
+    (if (= 1 (length (ebdb-record-databases r)))
        (ebdb-delete-record r db t)
-      (object-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-cache r) 'database db))))
+      (ebdb-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-databases r) db))))
 (defun ebdb-db-reload (db)
   "Reload DB.
@@ -4112,7 +4119,7 @@ the persistent save, or allow them to propagate.")
           :uuid (ebdb-make-uuid (slot-value db 'uuid-prefix))))
     (ebdb-puthash (ebdb-record-uuid record) record))
   (object-add-to-list db 'records record)
-  (object-add-to-list (ebdb-record-cache record) 'database db)
+  (ebdb-add-to-list (ebdb-record-databases record) db)
   (setf (slot-value db 'dirty) t)
   ;; TODO: Is there any need to sort the DB's records after insertion?
   ;; What about sorting ebdb-record-tracker?
@@ -4120,8 +4127,7 @@ the persistent save, or allow them to propagate.")
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-db-remove-record ((db ebdb-db) record)
   (object-remove-from-list db 'records record)
-  (object-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-cache record)
-                          'database db)
+  (ebdb-remove-from-list (ebdb-record-databases record) db)
   (setf (slot-value db 'dirty) t)
@@ -4228,8 +4234,7 @@ process.")
   "Move RECORD from its existing database to TO-DB."
   ;; It's not quite right to assume that we're *only* removing the
   ;; record from the first db in its list of dbs.
-  (let ((existing (car (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record)
-                                  'database))))
+  (let ((existing (car (ebdb-record-databases record))))
     (unless (equal existing to-db)
       (ebdb-db-add-record to-db record)
       (ebdb-db-remove-record existing record))))
@@ -4432,9 +4437,6 @@ If RECORDS are given, only search those records."
 ;; TODO: Use :accessor tags for the simple cases.
-(defun ebdb-record-cache (record)
-  (slot-value record 'cache))
 (defun ebdb-record-user-fields (record)
   (slot-value record 'fields))
@@ -4913,14 +4915,6 @@ This strips garbage from the user full NAME string."
   ;; Remove text properties
   (substring-no-properties name))
-(defsubst ebdb-record-mail-aka (record)
-  "Record cache function: Return mail-aka for RECORD."
-  (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'mail-aka))
-(defsubst ebdb-record-mail-canon (record)
-  "Record cache function: Return mail-canon for RECORD."
-  (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'mail-canon))
 ;; `ebdb-hashtable' associates with each KEY a list of matching records.
 ;; KEY includes fl-name, lf-name, organizations, AKAs and email addresses.
 ;; When loading the database the hash table is initialized by calling
@@ -5018,21 +5012,15 @@ may correspond to RECORD without raising an error."
               (remq record records))
           (error "%s is already in EBDB" name)))))
-(defun ebdb-record-sortkey (record)
-  "Record cache function: Return the sortkey for RECORD.
-Set and store it if necessary."
-  (or (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'sortkey)
-      (ebdb-record-set-sortkey record)))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-record-set-sortkey ((record ebdb-record-person))
   "Record cache function: Set and return RECORD's sortkey."
-   (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'sortkey)
+   (ebdb-record-sortkey record)
    (downcase (ebdb-name-lf (slot-value record 'name)))))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-record-set-sortkey ((record ebdb-record-organization))
-   (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'sortkey)
+   (ebdb-record-sortkey record)
    (downcase (ebdb-string (slot-value record 'name)))))
 (cl-defgeneric ebdb-record-field (record field)
@@ -5674,7 +5662,7 @@ values, by default the search is not handed to the name 
field itself."
    (lambda (o)
      (string-match-p regexp o))
-   (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'organizations)))
+   (ebdb-record-organizations record)))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-record-search ((record ebdb-record-organization)
                                  (_type (eql organization))
@@ -5706,7 +5694,7 @@ values, by default the search is not handed to the name 
field itself."
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-record-search ((record ebdb-record)
                                  (_type (eql database))
                                  (db ebdb-db))
-  (member db (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache record) 'database)))
+  (member db (ebdb-record-databases record)))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-record-search ((record ebdb-record)
                                  (_type (eql record-class))
diff --git a/ebdb.info b/ebdb.info
index c51b00b..9fbd5a8 100644
--- a/ebdb.info
+++ b/ebdb.info
@@ -1080,7 +1080,7 @@ belongs to:
      (setq ebdb-gnus-post-style-function
            (lambda (rec _mail)
-             (let ((dbs (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache rec) 'database)))
+             (let ((dbs (ebdb-record-databases rec)))
                (if (object-assoc "File: work.dat" 'label dbs)
diff --git a/ebdb.org b/ebdb.org
index c4e0d24..1d744d1 100644
--- a/ebdb.org
+++ b/ebdb.org
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ belongs to:
 #+BEGIN_SRC elisp
   (setq ebdb-gnus-post-style-function
         (lambda (rec _mail)
-          (let ((dbs (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache rec) 'database)))
+          (let ((dbs (ebdb-record-databases rec)))
             (if (object-assoc "File: work.dat" 'label dbs)
diff --git a/ebdb.texi b/ebdb.texi
index 8c3959e..b4620be 100644
--- a/ebdb.texi
+++ b/ebdb.texi
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ belongs to:
 (setq ebdb-gnus-post-style-function
       (lambda (rec _mail)
-        (let ((dbs (slot-value (ebdb-record-cache rec) 'database)))
+        (let ((dbs (ebdb-record-databases rec)))
           (if (object-assoc "File: work.dat" 'label dbs)

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