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[elpa] externals/fsm 384864d 03/16: fsm: Fix formatting

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/fsm 384864d 03/16: fsm: Fix formatting
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 12:00:23 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/fsm
commit 384864d3beb85028168e5742f8ab18c4747683e7
Author: Thomas Fitzsimmons <fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
Commit: Thomas Fitzsimmons <fitzsim@fitzsim.org>

    fsm: Fix formatting
 fsm.el | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fsm.el b/fsm.el
index db2a17a..2535e05 100644
--- a/fsm.el
+++ b/fsm.el
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
 ;; Version 0.2:
 ;; -- Delete trailing whitespace.
+;; -- Fix formatting.
 ;; NOTE: This is version 0.1ttn4 of fsm.el, with the following
 ;; mods (an exercise in meta-meta-programming ;-) by ttn:
@@ -126,9 +127,9 @@ FORMAT and ARGS are passed to `format'."
        (goto-char (point-max))
        (insert (if fsm-debug-timestamp-format
-                    (format-time-string fsm-debug-timestamp-format)
-                  (concat (current-time-string) ": "))
-                (apply 'format format args) "\n")))))
+                   (format-time-string fsm-debug-timestamp-format)
+                 (concat (current-time-string) ": "))
+               (apply 'format format args) "\n")))))
 (defmacro* define-state-machine (name &key start sleep)
   "Define a state machine class called NAME.
@@ -156,26 +157,26 @@ arguments.
                                 stringp def-body)]
                           [":sleep" function-form])))
   (let ((start-name (intern (format "start-%s" name)))
-        interactive-spec)
+       interactive-spec)
     (destructuring-bind (arglist docstring &body body) start
       (when (and (consp (car body)) (eq 'interactive (caar body)))
-          (setq interactive-spec (list (pop body))))
+       (setq interactive-spec (list (pop body))))
       (unless (stringp docstring)
        (error "Docstring is not a string"))
-         (put ',name :fsm-enter (make-hash-table :size 11 :test 'eq))
-         (put ',name :fsm-event (make-hash-table :size 11 :test 'eq))
+        (put ',name :fsm-enter (make-hash-table :size 11 :test 'eq))
+        (put ',name :fsm-event (make-hash-table :size 11 :test 'eq))
         (defun ,start-name ,arglist
-           ,@interactive-spec
+          ,@interactive-spec
           (fsm-debug-output "Starting %s" ',name)
           (let ((fsm (list :fsm ',name)))
             (destructuring-bind (state state-data &optional timeout)
                 (progn ,@body)
               (nconc fsm (list :state nil :state-data nil
                                :sleep ,(or sleep (lambda (secs)
-                                                    (accept-process-output
-                                                     nil secs)))
+                                                   (accept-process-output
+                                                    nil secs)))
                                :deferred nil))
               (fsm-update fsm state state-data timeout)
@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ which case the event will be resent when the state machine 
 another state."
   (declare (debug (&define name name :name handler lambda-list def-body)))
   `(setf (gethash ',state-name (get ',fsm-name :fsm-event))
-         (lambda ,arglist ,@body)))
+        (lambda ,arglist ,@body)))
 (defmacro* define-enter-state (fsm-name state-name arglist &body body)
   "Define a function to call when FSM-NAME enters the state STATE-NAME.
@@ -228,14 +229,14 @@ TIMEOUT        A number: send timeout event after this 
many seconds
                :keep: let existing timer continue"
   (declare (debug (&define name name :name enter lambda-list def-body)))
   `(setf (gethash ',state-name (get ',fsm-name :fsm-enter))
-         (lambda ,arglist ,@body)))
+        (lambda ,arglist ,@body)))
 (defmacro* define-fsm (name &key
-                            start sleep states
-                            (fsm-name 'fsm)
-                            (state-data-name 'state-data)
-                            (callback-name 'callback)
-                            (event-name 'event))
+                           start sleep states
+                           (fsm-name 'fsm)
+                           (state-data-name 'state-data)
+                           (callback-name 'callback)
+                           (event-name 'event))
   "Define a state machine class called NAME, along with its STATES.
 This macro is (further) syntatic sugar for `define-state-machine',
 `define-state' and `define-enter-state' macros, q.v.
@@ -254,18 +255,18 @@ used to construct the state functions' arglists."
      (define-state-machine ,name :start ,start :sleep ,sleep)
      ,@(loop for (state-name . spec) in states
-             if (assq :enter spec) collect
-             `(define-enter-state ,name ,state-name
-                (,fsm-name ,state-data-name)
-                ,@(cdr it))
-             end
-             if (assq :event spec) collect
-             `(define-state ,name ,state-name
-                (,fsm-name ,state-data-name
-                           ,event-name
-                           ,callback-name)
-                ,@(cdr it))
-             end)))
+            if (assq :enter spec) collect
+            `(define-enter-state ,name ,state-name
+               (,fsm-name ,state-data-name)
+               ,@(cdr it))
+            end
+            if (assq :event spec) collect
+            `(define-state ,name ,state-name
+               (,fsm-name ,state-data-name
+                          ,event-name
+                          ,callback-name)
+               ,@(cdr it))
+            end)))
 (defun fsm-goodbye-cruel-world (name)
   "Unbind functions related to fsm NAME (a symbol).
@@ -321,7 +322,7 @@ CALLBACK with the response as only argument."
 (defun fsm-update (fsm new-state new-state-data timeout)
   (let ((fsm-name (cadr fsm))
-        (old-state (plist-get (cddr fsm) :state)))
+       (old-state (plist-get (cddr fsm) :state)))
     (plist-put (cddr fsm) :state new-state)
     (plist-put (cddr fsm) :state-data new-state-data)
     (fsm-maybe-change-timer fsm timeout)
@@ -370,9 +371,10 @@ CALLBACK with the response as only argument."
         ((eq result :defer)
          (let ((deferred (plist-get (cddr fsm) :deferred)))
            (plist-put (cddr fsm) :deferred
-                       (cons (list event callback) deferred))))
+                      (cons (list event callback) deferred))))
         ((null result)
-         (fsm-debug-output "Warning: event %S ignored in state %s/%s" event 
fsm-name state))
+         (fsm-debug-output "Warning: event %S ignored in state %s/%s"
+                           event fsm-name state))
         ((eq (car-safe result) :error-signaled)
          (fsm-debug-output "Error in %s/%s: %s"
                            fsm-name state
@@ -380,7 +382,8 @@ CALLBACK with the response as only argument."
         ((and (listp result)
               (<= 2 (length result))
               (<= (length result) 3))
-         (destructuring-bind (new-state new-state-data &optional timeout) 
+         (destructuring-bind (new-state new-state-data &optional timeout)
+                             result
            (fsm-update fsm new-state new-state-data timeout)))
          (fsm-debug-output "Incorrect return value in %s/%s: %S"

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