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[elpa] externals/csv-mode c1989f3 01/34: Add csv-mode.el.

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/csv-mode c1989f3 01/34: Add csv-mode.el.
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 18:46:11 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/csv-mode
commit c1989f3f35db751e5aaf6612315c5da25fcb5a14
Author: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>

    Add csv-mode.el.
 csv-mode.el | 1286 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1286 insertions(+)

diff --git a/csv-mode.el b/csv-mode.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5285015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csv-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1286 @@
+;;; csv-mode.el --- major mode for editing comma-separated value files
+;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Francis J. Wright
+;; Author: Francis J. Wright <F.J.Wright at qmul.ac.uk>
+;; Time-stamp: <23 August 2004>
+;; URL: http://centaur.maths.qmul.ac.uk/Emacs/
+;; Version: $Id: csv-mode.el,v 1.50 2004/08/23 17:51:26 fjw Exp $
+;; Keywords: convenience
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package is intended for use with GNU Emacs 21 (only) and
+;; implements the following commands to process records of CSV
+;; (comma-separated value) type: `csv-sort-fields' and
+;; `csv-sort-numeric-fields' sort respectively lexicographically and
+;; numerically on a specified field or column; `csv-reverse-region'
+;; reverses the order.  They are based closely on, and use, code in
+;; `sort.el'.  `csv-kill-fields' and `csv-yank-fields' respectively
+;; kill and yank fields or columns, although they do not use the
+;; normal kill ring.  `csv-kill-fields' can kill more than one field
+;; at once, but multiple killed fields can be yanked only as a fixed
+;; group equivalent to a single field.  `csv-align-fields' aligns
+;; fields into columns; `csv-unalign-fields' undoes such alignment;
+;; separators can be hidden within aligned records.  `csv-transpose'
+;; interchanges rows and columns.  For details, see the documentation
+;; for the individual commands.
+;; CSV mode supports a generalised comma-separated values format
+;; (character-separated values) in which the fields can be separated
+;; by any of several single characters, specified by the value of the
+;; customizable user option `csv-separators'.  CSV data fields can be
+;; delimited by quote characters (and must if they contain separator
+;; characters).  This implementation supports quoted fields, where the
+;; quote characters allowed are specified by the value of the
+;; customizable user option `csv-field-quotes'.  By default, the only
+;; separator is a comma and the only field quote is a double quote.
+;; These user options can be changed ONLY by CUSTOMIZING them,
+;; e.g. via the command `customize-variable'.
+;; CSV mode commands ignore blank lines and comment lines beginning
+;; with the value of the buffer local variable `csv-comment-start',
+;; which by default is #.  The user interface is similar to that of
+;; the standard commands `sort-fields' and `sort-numeric-fields', but
+;; see the major mode documentation below.
+;; The global minor mode `csv-field-index-mode' provides display of
+;; the current field index in the mode line, cf. `line-number-mode'
+;; and `column-number-mode'.  It is on by default.
+;;; Installation:
+;; Put this file somewhere that Emacs can find it (i.e. in one of the
+;; directories in your `load-path' such as `site-lisp'), optionally
+;; byte-compile it (recommended), and put this in your .emacs file:
+;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]\\'" . csv-mode))
+;; (autoload 'csv-mode "csv-mode"
+;;   "Major mode for editing comma-separated value files." t)
+;;; History:
+;; Begun on 15 November 2003 to provide lexicographic sorting of
+;; simple CSV data by field and released as csv.el.  Facilities to
+;; kill multiple fields and customize separator added on 9 April 2004.
+;; Converted to a major mode and renamed csv-mode.el on 10 April 2004,
+;; partly at the suggestion of Stefan Monnier <monnier at
+;; IRO.UMontreal.CA> to avoid conflict with csv.el by Ulf Jasper.
+;; Field alignment, comment support and CSV mode customization group
+;; added on 1 May 2004.  Support for index ranges added on 6 June
+;; 2004.  Multiple field separators added on 12 June 2004.
+;; Transposition added on 22 June 2004.  Separator invisibility added
+;; on 23 June 2004.
+;;; See also:
+;; the standard GNU Emacs 21 packages align.el, which will align
+;; columns within a region, and delim-col.el, which helps to prettify
+;; columns in a text region or rectangle;
+;; csv.el by Ulf Jasper <ulf.jasper at web.de>, which provides
+;; functions for reading/parsing comma-separated value files and is
+;; available at http://de.geocities.com/ulf_jasper/emacs.html (and in
+;; the gnu.emacs.sources archives).
+;;; To do (maybe):
+;; Make separators and quotes buffer-local and locally settable.
+;; Support (La)TeX tables: set separator and comment; support record
+;; end string.
+;; Convert comma-separated to space- or tab-separated.
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup CSV nil
+  "Major mode for editing files of comma-separated value type."
+  :group 'convenience)
+(defvar csv-separator-chars nil
+  "Field separators as a list of character.
+Set by customizing `csv-separators' -- do not set directly!")
+(defvar csv-separator-regexp nil
+  "Regexp to match a field separator.
+Set by customizing `csv-separators' -- do not set directly!")
+(defvar csv-skip-regexp nil
+  "Regexp used by `skip-chars-forward' etc. to skip fields.
+Set by customizing `csv-separators' -- do not set directly!")
+(defvar csv-font-lock-keywords nil
+  "Font lock keywords to highlight the field separators in CSV mode.
+Set by customizing `csv-separators' -- do not set directly!")
+(defcustom csv-separators '(",")
+  "Field separators: a list of *single-character* strings.
+For example: (\",\"), the default, or (\",\" \";\" \":\").
+Neighbouring fields may be separated by any one of these characters.
+The first is used when inserting a field separator into the buffer.
+All must be different from the field quote characters, `csv-field-quotes'."
+  ;; Suggested by Eckhard Neber <neber@mwt.e-technik.uni-ulm.de>
+  :group 'CSV
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  ;; Character would be better, but in Emacs 21.3 does not display
+  ;; correctly in a customization buffer.
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+        (mapc (lambda (x)
+                (if (or (/= (length x) 1)
+                        (and (boundp 'csv-field-quotes)
+                             (member x csv-field-quotes)))
+                    (error)))
+              value)
+        (custom-set-default variable value)
+        (setq csv-separator-chars (mapcar 'string-to-char value)
+              csv-skip-regexp (apply 'concat "^\n" csv-separators)
+              csv-separator-regexp (apply 'concat `("[" ,@value "]"))
+              csv-font-lock-keywords
+              ;; NB: csv-separator-face variable evaluates to itself.
+              `((,csv-separator-regexp . csv-separator-face)))))
+(defcustom csv-field-quotes '("\"")
+  "Field quotes: a list of *single-character* strings.
+For example: (\"\\\"\"), the default, or (\"\\\"\" \"'\" \"`\").
+A field can be delimited by a pair of any of these characters.
+All must be different from the field separators, `csv-separators'."
+  :group 'CSV
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  ;; Character would be better, but in Emacs 21 does not display
+  ;; correctly in a customization buffer.
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+        (mapc (lambda (x)
+                (if (or (/= (length x) 1)
+                        (member x csv-separators))
+                    (error)))
+              value)
+        (when (boundp 'csv-mode-syntax-table)
+          ;; FIRST remove old quote syntax:
+          (with-syntax-table text-mode-syntax-table
+            (mapc (lambda (x)
+                    (modify-syntax-entry
+                     (string-to-char x)
+                     (string (char-syntax (string-to-char x)))
+                     ;; symbol-value to avoid compiler warning:
+                     (symbol-value 'csv-mode-syntax-table)))
+                  csv-field-quotes))
+          ;; THEN set new quote syntax:
+          (csv-set-quote-syntax value))
+        ;; BEFORE setting new value of `csv-field-quotes':
+        (custom-set-default variable value)))
+(defun csv-set-quote-syntax (field-quotes)
+  "Set syntax for field quote characters FIELD-QUOTES to be \"string\".
+FIELD-QUOTES should be a list of single-character strings."
+  (mapc (lambda (x)
+         (modify-syntax-entry
+          (string-to-char x) "\""
+          ;; symbol-value to avoid compiler warning:
+          (symbol-value 'csv-mode-syntax-table)))
+       field-quotes))
+(defvar csv-comment-start nil
+  "String that starts a comment line, or nil if no comment syntax.
+Such comment lines are ignored by CSV mode commands.
+This variable is buffer local\; its default value is that of
+`csv-comment-start-default'.  It is set by the function
+`csv-set-comment-start' -- do not set it directly!")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'csv-comment-start)
+(defcustom csv-comment-start-default "#"
+  "String that starts a comment line, or nil if no comment syntax.
+Such comment lines are ignored by CSV mode commands.
+Default value of buffer-local variable `csv-comment-start'.
+Changing this variable does not affect any existing CSV mode buffer."
+  :group 'CSV
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "None" nil) string)
+  :set (lambda (variable value)
+        (custom-set-default variable value)
+        (set-default 'csv-comment-start value)))
+(defcustom csv-align-style 'left
+  "Aligned field style: one of 'left, 'centre, 'right or 'auto.
+Alignment style used by `csv-align-fields'.
+Auto-alignment means left align text and right align numbers."
+  :group 'CSV
+  :type '(choice (const left) (const centre)
+                (const right) (const auto)))
+(defcustom csv-align-padding 1
+  "Aligned field spacing: must be a positive integer.
+Number of spaces used by `csv-align-fields' after separators."
+  :group 'CSV
+  :type 'integer)
+(defcustom csv-header-lines 0
+  "Header lines to skip when setting region automatically."
+  :group 'CSV
+  :type 'integer)
+(defcustom csv-invisibility-default nil
+  "If non-nil, make separators in aligned records invisible."
+  :group 'CSV
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defface csv-separator-face
+  '((((class color)) (:foreground "red"))
+    (t (:weight bold)))
+  "CSV mode face used to highlight separators."
+  :group 'CSV)
+;; This mechanism seems to keep XEmacs happy:
+(defvar csv-separator-face 'csv-separator-face
+  "Face name to use to highlight separators.")
+;;;  Mode definition, key bindings and menu
+(defconst csv-mode-line-help-echo
+  ;; See bindings.el for details of `mode-line-format' construction.
+  (get-text-property 0 'help-echo (car default-mode-line-format))
+  "Primary default mode line help echo text.")
+(defconst csv-mode-line-format
+  ;; See bindings.el for details of `mode-line-format' construction.
+  (append (butlast default-mode-line-format 2)
+         (cons `(csv-field-index-string
+                 ("" csv-field-index-string
+                  ,(propertize "--" 'help-echo csv-mode-line-help-echo)))
+               (last default-mode-line-format 2)))
+  "Mode line format string for CSV mode.")
+(define-derived-mode csv-mode text-mode "CSV"
+  "Major mode for editing files of comma-separated value type.
+CSV mode is derived from `text-mode', and runs `text-mode-hook' before
+running `csv-mode-hook'.  It turns `auto-fill-mode' off by default.
+CSV mode can be customized by user options in the CSV customization
+group.  The separators are specified by the value of `csv-separators'.
+CSV mode commands ignore blank lines and comment lines beginning with
+the value of `csv-comment-start', which delimit \"paragraphs\".
+\"Sexp\" is re-interpreted to mean \"field\", so that `forward-sexp'
+\(\\[forward-sexp]), `kill-sexp' (\\[kill-sexp]), etc. all apply to fields.
+Standard comment commands apply, such as `comment-dwim' (\\[comment-dwim]).
+If `font-lock-mode' is enabled then separators, quoted values and
+comment lines are highlighted using respectively `csv-separator-face',
+`font-lock-string-face' and `font-lock-comment-face'.
+The user interface (UI) for CSV mode commands is similar to that of
+the standard commands `sort-fields' and `sort-numeric-fields', except
+that if there is no prefix argument then the UI prompts for the field
+index or indices.  In `transient-mark-mode' only: if the region is not
+set then the UI attempts to set it to include all consecutive CSV
+records around point, and prompts for confirmation; if there is no
+prefix argument then the UI prompts for it, offering as a default the
+index of the field containing point if the region was not set
+explicitly.  The region set automatically is delimited by blank lines
+and comment lines, and the number of header lines at the beginning of
+the region given by the value of `csv-header-lines' are skipped.
+Sort order is controlled by `csv-descending'.
+CSV mode provides the following specific keyboard key bindings:
+  (turn-off-auto-fill)
+  ;; Set syntax for field quotes:
+  (csv-set-quote-syntax csv-field-quotes)
+  ;; Make sexp functions apply to fields:
+  (set (make-local-variable 'forward-sexp-function) 'csv-forward-field)
+  ;; Paragraph means a group of contiguous records:
+  (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
+  (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
+  ;; Comment support:
+  (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
+  (csv-set-comment-start csv-comment-start)
+  (setq
+   ;; Font locking -- separator plus syntactic:
+   font-lock-defaults '(csv-font-lock-keywords)
+   buffer-invisibility-spec csv-invisibility-default
+   ;; Mode line to support `csv-field-index-mode':
+   mode-line-format csv-mode-line-format)
+  ;; Enable or disable `csv-field-index-mode' (could probably do this
+  ;; a bit more efficiently):
+  (csv-field-index-mode (symbol-value 'csv-field-index-mode)))
+(defun csv-set-comment-start (string)
+  "Set comment start for this CSV mode buffer to STRING.
+It must be either a string or nil."
+  (interactive
+   (list (edit-and-eval-command
+         "Comment start (string or nil): " csv-comment-start)))
+  (setq csv-comment-start string
+       paragraph-separate "[:space:]*$" ; white space
+       paragraph-start "\n")           ; must include \n explicitly!
+  (if string
+      (progn
+       (setq paragraph-separate (concat paragraph-separate "\\|" string)
+             paragraph-start (concat paragraph-start "\\|" string)
+             comment-start string)
+       (modify-syntax-entry
+        (string-to-char string) "<" csv-mode-syntax-table)
+       (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" csv-mode-syntax-table))
+    (with-syntax-table text-mode-syntax-table
+      (modify-syntax-entry (string-to-char string)
+                          (string (char-syntax (string-to-char string)))
+                          csv-mode-syntax-table)
+      (modify-syntax-entry ?\n
+                          (string (char-syntax ?\n))
+                          csv-mode-syntax-table))))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]\\'" . csv-mode))
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?v)] 'csv-toggle-invisibility)
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?t)] 'csv-transpose)
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?c)] 'csv-set-comment-start)
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?u)] 'csv-unalign-fields)
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?a)] 'csv-align-fields)
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?z)] 'csv-yank-as-new-table)
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?y)] 'csv-yank-fields)
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?k)] 'csv-kill-fields)
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?d)] 'csv-toggle-descending)
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?r)] 'csv-reverse-region)
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?n)] 'csv-sort-numeric-fields)
+(define-key csv-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?s)] 'csv-sort-fields)
+(defvar csv-descending nil
+  "If non-nil, CSV mode sort functions sort in order of descending sort key.
+Usually they sort in order of ascending sort key.")
+(defun csv-toggle-descending ()
+  "Toggle `csv-descending'."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq csv-descending (not csv-descending))
+  (message "Sort order is %sscending" (if csv-descending "de" "a")))
+(defun csv-toggle-invisibility ()
+  "Toggle `buffer-invisibility-spec'."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq buffer-invisibility-spec (not buffer-invisibility-spec))
+  (message "Separators in aligned records will be %svisible \
+\(after re-aligning if soft\)"
+          (if buffer-invisibility-spec "in" ""))
+  (redraw-frame (selected-frame)))
+  csv-menu
+  csv-mode-map
+  "CSV major mode menu keymap"
+  '("CSV"
+    ["Sort By Field Lexicographically" csv-sort-fields :active t
+     :help "Sort lines in region lexicographically by the specified field"]
+    ["Sort By Field Numerically" csv-sort-numeric-fields :active t
+     :help "Sort lines in region numerically by the specified field"]
+    ["Reverse Order of Lines" csv-reverse-region :active t
+     :help "Reverse the order of the lines in the region"]
+    ["Use Descending Sort Order" csv-toggle-descending :active t
+     :style toggle :selected csv-descending
+     :help "If selected, use descending order when sorting"]
+    "--"
+    ["Kill Fields (Columns)" csv-kill-fields :active t
+     :help "Kill specified fields of each line in the region"]
+    ["Yank Fields (Columns)" csv-yank-fields :active t
+     :help "Yank killed fields as specified field of each line in region"]
+    ["Yank As New Table" csv-yank-as-new-table :active t
+     :help "Yank killed fields as a new table at point"]
+    ["Align Fields into Columns" csv-align-fields :active t
+     :help "Align the start of every field of each line in the region"]
+    ["Unalign Columns into Fields" csv-unalign-fields :active t
+     :help "Undo soft alignment and optionally remove redundant white space"]
+    ["Transpose Rows and Columns" csv-transpose :active t
+     :help "Rewrite rows (which may have different lengths) as columns"]
+    "--"
+    ["Forward Field" forward-sexp :active t
+     :help "Move forward across one field\; with ARG, do it that many times"]
+    ["Backward Field" backward-sexp :active t
+     :help "Move backward across one field\; with ARG, do it that many times"]
+    ["Kill Field Forward" kill-sexp :active t
+     :help "Kill field following cursor\; with ARG, do it that many times"]
+    ["Kill Field Backward" backward-kill-sexp :active t
+     :help "Kill field preceding cursor\; with ARG, do it that many times"]
+    "--"
+    ("Alignment Style"
+     ["Left" (setq csv-align-style 'left) :active t
+      :style radio :selected (eq csv-align-style 'left)
+      :help "If selected, `csv-align-fields' left aligns fields"]
+     ["Centre" (setq csv-align-style 'centre) :active t
+      :style radio :selected (eq csv-align-style 'centre)
+      :help "If selected, `csv-align-fields' centres fields"]
+     ["Right" (setq csv-align-style 'right) :active t
+      :style radio :selected (eq csv-align-style 'right)
+      :help "If selected, `csv-align-fields' right aligns fields"]
+     ["Auto" (setq csv-align-style 'auto) :active t
+      :style radio :selected (eq csv-align-style 'auto)
+      :help "\
+If selected, `csv-align-fields' left aligns text and right aligns numbers"]
+     )
+    ["Show Current Field Index" csv-field-index-mode :active t
+     :style toggle :selected csv-field-index-mode
+     :help "If selected, display current field index in mode line"]
+    ["Make Separators Invisible" csv-toggle-invisibility :active t
+     :style toggle :selected buffer-invisibility-spec
+     :help "If selected, separators in aligned records are invisible"]
+    ["Set Buffer's Comment Start" csv-set-comment-start :active t
+     :help "Set comment start string for this buffer"]
+    ["Customize CSV Mode" (customize-group 'CSV) :active t
+     :help "Open a customization buffer to change CSV mode options"]
+    ))
+(require 'sort)
+(defsubst csv-not-looking-at-record ()
+  "Return t if looking at blank or comment line, nil otherwise.
+Assumes point is at beginning of line."
+  (looking-at paragraph-separate))
+(defun csv-interactive-args (&optional type)
+  "Get arg or field(s) and region interactively, offering sensible defaults.
+Signal an error if the buffer is read-only.
+If TYPE is noarg then return a list `(beg end)'.
+Otherwise, return a list `(arg beg end)', where arg is:
+  the raw prefix argument by default\;
+  a single field index if TYPE is single\;
+  a list of field indices or index ranges if TYPE is multiple.
+Field defaults to the current prefix arg\; if not set, prompt user.
+A field index list consists of positive or negative integers or ranges,
+separated by any non-integer characters.  A range has the form m-n,
+where m and n are positive or negative integers, m < n, and n defaults
+to the last field index if omitted.
+In transient mark mode, if the mark is not active then automatically
+select and highlight CSV records around point, and query user.
+The default field when read interactively is the current field."
+  ;; Must be run interactively to activate mark!
+  (let* ((arg current-prefix-arg) (default-field 1)
+        (region
+         (if (and transient-mark-mode (not mark-active))
+             ;; Set region automatically:
+             (save-excursion
+               (let (startline lbp)
+                 (if arg
+                     (beginning-of-line)
+                   (setq lbp (line-beginning-position))
+                   (while (re-search-backward csv-separator-regexp lbp 1)
+                     ;; Move as far as possible, i.e. to beginning of line.
+                     (setq default-field (1+ default-field))))
+                 (if (csv-not-looking-at-record)
+                     (error "Point may not be within CSV records"))
+                 (setq startline (point))
+                 ;; Set mark at beginning of region:
+                 (while (not (or (bobp) (csv-not-looking-at-record)))
+                   (forward-line -1))
+                 (if (csv-not-looking-at-record) (forward-line 1))
+                 ;; Skip header lines:
+                 (forward-line csv-header-lines)
+                 (set-mark (point))    ; OK since in save-excursion
+                 ;; Move point to end of region:
+                 (goto-char startline)
+                 (beginning-of-line)
+                 (while (not (or (eobp) (csv-not-looking-at-record)))
+                   (forward-line 1))
+                 ;; Show mark briefly if necessary:
+                 (unless (and (pos-visible-in-window-p)
+                              (pos-visible-in-window-p (mark)))
+                   (exchange-point-and-mark)
+                   (sit-for 1)
+                   (exchange-point-and-mark))
+                 (or (y-or-n-p "Region OK? ")
+                     (error "Action aborted by user"))
+                 (message nil)         ; clear y-or-n-p message
+                 (list (region-beginning) (region-end))))
+           ;; Use region set by user:
+           (list (region-beginning) (region-end)))))
+    (setq default-field (number-to-string default-field))
+    (cond
+     ((eq type 'multiple)
+      (if arg
+         ;; Ensure that field is a list:
+         (or (consp arg)
+             (setq arg (list (prefix-numeric-value arg))))
+       ;; Read field interactively, ignoring non-integers:
+       (setq arg
+             (mapcar
+              (lambda (x)
+                (if (string-match "-" x 1) ; not first character
+                    ;; Return a range as a pair - the cdr may be nil:
+                    (let ((m (substring x 0 (match-beginning 0)))
+                          (n (substring x (match-end 0))))
+                      (cons (car (read-from-string m))
+                            (and (not (string= n ""))
+                                 (car (read-from-string n)))))
+                  ;; Return a number as a number:
+                  (car (read-from-string x))))
+              (split-string
+               (read-string
+                "Fields (sequence of integers or ranges): " default-field)
+               "[^-+0-9]+")))))
+     ((eq type 'single)
+      (if arg
+         (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+       (while (not (integerp arg))
+         (setq arg (eval-minibuffer "Field (integer): " default-field))))))
+    (if (eq type 'noarg) region (cons arg region))))
+;;;  Sorting by field
+(defun csv-nextrecfun ()
+  "Called by `csv-sort-fields-1' with point at end of previous record.
+It moves point to the start of the next record.
+It should move point to the end of the buffer if there are no more records."
+  (forward-line)
+  (while (and (not (eobp)) (csv-not-looking-at-record))
+    (forward-line)))
+(defun csv-sort-fields-1 (field beg end startkeyfun endkeyfun)
+  "Modified version of `sort-fields-1' that skips blank or comment lines.
+FIELD is a single field index, and BEG and END specify the region to
+STARTKEYFUN moves from the start of the record to the start of the key.
+It may return either a non-nil value to be used as the key, or
+else the key is the substring between the values of point after
+STARTKEYFUN and ENDKEYFUN are called.  If STARTKEYFUN is nil, the key
+starts at the beginning of the record.
+ENDKEYFUN moves from the start of the sort key to the end of the sort key.
+ENDKEYFUN may be nil if STARTKEYFUN returns a value or if it would be the
+same as ENDRECFUN."
+  (let ((tbl (syntax-table)))
+    (if (zerop field) (setq field 1))
+    (unwind-protect
+       (save-excursion
+         (save-restriction
+           (narrow-to-region beg end)
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (set-syntax-table sort-fields-syntax-table)
+           (sort-subr csv-descending
+                      'csv-nextrecfun 'end-of-line
+                      startkeyfun endkeyfun)))
+      (set-syntax-table tbl))))
+(defun csv-sort-fields (field beg end)
+  "Sort lines in region lexicographically by the ARGth field of each line.
+If not set, the region defaults to the CSV records around point.
+Fields are separated by `csv-separators' and null fields are allowed anywhere.
+Field indices increase from 1 on the left or decrease from -1 on the right.
+A prefix argument specifies a single field, otherwise prompt for field index.
+Ignore blank and comment lines.  The variable `sort-fold-case'
+determines whether alphabetic case affects the sort order.
+When called non-interactively, FIELD is a single field index\;
+BEG and END specify the region to sort."
+  ;; (interactive "*P\nr")
+  (interactive (csv-interactive-args 'single))
+  (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+  (csv-sort-fields-1 field beg end
+                    (lambda () (csv-sort-skip-fields field) nil)
+                    (lambda () (skip-chars-forward csv-skip-regexp))))
+(defun csv-sort-numeric-fields (field beg end)
+  "Sort lines in region numerically by the ARGth field of each line.
+If not set, the region defaults to the CSV records around point.
+Fields are separated by `csv-separators'.
+Null fields are allowed anywhere and sort as zeros.
+Field indices increase from 1 on the left or decrease from -1 on the right.
+A prefix argument specifies a single field, otherwise prompt for field index.
+Specified non-null field must contain a number in each line of the region,
+which may begin with \"0x\" or \"0\" for hexadecimal and octal values.
+Otherwise, the number is interpreted according to sort-numeric-base.
+Ignore blank and comment lines.
+When called non-interactively, FIELD is a single field index\;
+BEG and END specify the region to sort."
+  ;; (interactive "*P\nr")
+  (interactive (csv-interactive-args 'single))
+  (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+  (csv-sort-fields-1 field beg end
+                (lambda ()
+                  (csv-sort-skip-fields field)
+                  (let* ((case-fold-search t)
+                         (base
+                          (if (looking-at "\\(0x\\)[0-9a-f]\\|\\(0\\)[0-7]")
+                              (cond ((match-beginning 1)
+                                     (goto-char (match-end 1))
+                                     16)
+                                    ((match-beginning 2)
+                                     (goto-char (match-end 2))
+                                     8)
+                                    (t nil)))))
+                    (string-to-number (buffer-substring (point)
+                                                        (save-excursion
+                                                          (forward-sexp 1)
+                                                          (point)))
+                                      (or base sort-numeric-base))))
+                nil))
+(defun csv-reverse-region (beg end)
+  "Reverse the order of the lines in the region.
+This is just a CSV-mode style interface to `reverse-region', which is
+the function that should be used non-interactively.  It takes two
+point or marker arguments, BEG and END, delimiting the region."
+  ;; (interactive "*P\nr")
+  (interactive (csv-interactive-args 'noarg))
+  (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+  (reverse-region beg end))
+;;;  Moving by field
+(defsubst csv-end-of-field ()
+  "Skip forward over one field."
+  (skip-syntax-forward " ")
+  (if (eq (char-syntax (following-char)) ?\")
+      (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) 1)))
+  (skip-chars-forward csv-skip-regexp))
+(defsubst csv-beginning-of-field ()
+  "Skip backward over one field."
+  (skip-syntax-backward " ")
+  (if (eq (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ?\")
+      (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) -1)))
+  (skip-chars-backward csv-skip-regexp))
+(defun csv-forward-field (arg)
+  "Move forward across one field, cf. `forward-sexp'.
+With ARG, do it that many times.  Negative arg -N means
+move backward across N fields."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (if (< arg 0)
+      (csv-backward-field (- arg))
+    (while (>= (setq arg (1- arg)) 0)
+      (if (or (bolp)
+             (when (and (not (eobp)) (eolp)) (forward-char) t))
+         (while (and (not (eobp)) (csv-not-looking-at-record))
+           (forward-line 1)))
+      (if (memq (following-char) csv-separator-chars) (forward-char))
+      (csv-end-of-field))))
+(defun csv-backward-field (arg)
+  "Move backward across one field, cf. `backward-sexp'.
+With ARG, do it that many times.  Negative arg -N means
+move forward across N fields."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (if (< arg 0)
+      (csv-forward-field (- arg))
+    (while (>= (setq arg (1- arg)) 0)
+      (when (or (eolp)
+               (when (and (not (bobp)) (bolp)) (backward-char) t))
+       (while (progn
+                (beginning-of-line)
+                (csv-not-looking-at-record))
+         (backward-char))
+       (end-of-line))
+      (if (memq (preceding-char) csv-separator-chars) (backward-char))
+      (csv-beginning-of-field))))
+(defun csv-sort-skip-fields (n &optional yank)
+  "Position point at the beginning of field N on the current line.
+Fields are separated by `csv-separators'\; null terminal field allowed.
+Assumes point is initially at the beginning of the line.
+YANK non-nil allows N to be greater than the number of fields, in
+which case extend the record as necessary."
+  (if (> n 0)
+      ;; Skip across N - 1 fields.
+      (let ((i (1- n)))
+       (while (> i 0)
+         (csv-end-of-field)
+         (if (eolp)
+             (if yank
+                 (if (> i 1) (insert (car csv-separators)))
+               (error "Line has too few fields: %s"
+                      (buffer-substring
+                       (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point))
+                       (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))))
+           (forward-char))             ; skip separator
+         (setq i (1- i))))
+    (end-of-line)
+    ;; Skip back across -N - 1 fields.
+    (let ((i (1- (- n))))
+      (while (> i 0)
+       (csv-beginning-of-field)
+       (if (bolp)
+           (error "Line has too few fields: %s"
+                  (buffer-substring
+                   (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point))
+                   (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))))
+       (backward-char)                 ; skip separator
+       (setq i (1- i)))
+      ;; Position at the front of the field
+      ;; even if moving backwards.
+      (csv-beginning-of-field))))
+;;;  Field index mode
+;; Based partly on paren.el
+(defcustom csv-field-index-delay 0.125
+  "Time in seconds to delay before updating field index display."
+  :group 'CSV
+  :type '(number :tag "seconds"))
+(defvar csv-field-index-idle-timer nil)
+(defvar csv-field-index-string nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'csv-field-index-string)
+(defvar csv-field-index-old nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'csv-field-index-old)
+(define-minor-mode csv-field-index-mode
+  "Toggle CSV-Field-Index mode.
+With prefix ARG, turn CSV-Field-Index mode on if and only if ARG is positive.
+Returns the new status of CSV-Field-Index mode (non-nil means on).
+When CSV-Field-Index mode is enabled, the current field index appears in
+the mode line after `csv-field-index-delay' seconds of Emacs idle time."
+  :group 'CSV
+  :global t
+  :init-value t                       ; for documentation, since default is t
+  ;; This macro generates a function that first sets the mode
+  ;; variable, then runs the following code, runs the mode hooks,
+  ;; displays a message if interactive, updates the mode line and
+  ;; finally returns the variable value.
+  ;; First, always disable the mechanism (to avoid having two timers):
+  (when csv-field-index-idle-timer
+    (cancel-timer csv-field-index-idle-timer)
+    (setq csv-field-index-idle-timer nil))
+  ;; Now, if the mode is on and any buffer is in CSV mode then
+  ;; re-initialize and enable the mechanism by setting up a new timer:
+  (if csv-field-index-mode
+      (if (memq t (mapcar (lambda (buffer)
+                           (with-current-buffer buffer
+                             (when (eq major-mode 'csv-mode)
+                               (setq csv-field-index-string nil
+                                     csv-field-index-old nil)
+                               t)))
+                         (buffer-list)))
+         (setq csv-field-index-idle-timer
+               (run-with-idle-timer csv-field-index-delay t
+                                    'csv-field-index)))
+    ;; but if the mode is off then remove the display from the mode
+    ;; lines of all CSV buffers:
+    (mapc (lambda (buffer)
+           (with-current-buffer buffer
+             (when (eq major-mode 'csv-mode)
+               (setq csv-field-index-string nil
+                     csv-field-index-old nil)
+               (force-mode-line-update))))
+           (buffer-list))))
+(defun csv-field-index ()
+  "Construct `csv-field-index-string' to display in mode line.
+Called by `csv-field-index-idle-timer'."
+  (if (eq major-mode 'csv-mode)
+      (save-excursion
+       (let ((lbp (line-beginning-position)) (field 1))
+         (while (re-search-backward csv-separator-regexp lbp 1)
+           ;; Move as far as possible, i.e. to beginning of line.
+           (setq field (1+ field)))
+         (if (csv-not-looking-at-record) (setq field nil))
+         (when (not (eq field csv-field-index-old))
+           (setq csv-field-index-old field
+                 csv-field-index-string
+                 (and field (propertize (format "F%d" field)
+                                        'help-echo csv-mode-line-help-echo)))
+           (force-mode-line-update))))))
+;;;  Killing and yanking fields
+(defvar csv-killed-fields nil
+  "A list of the fields or sub-records last killed by `csv-kill-fields'.")
+(defun csv-kill-fields (fields beg end)
+  "Kill specified fields of each line in the region.
+If not set, the region defaults to the CSV records around point.
+Fields are separated by `csv-separators' and null fields are allowed anywhere.
+Field indices increase from 1 on the left or decrease from -1 on the right.
+The fields are stored for use by `csv-yank-fields'.  Fields can be
+specified in any order but are saved in increasing index order.
+Ignore blank and comment lines.
+When called interactively, a prefix argument specifies a single field,
+otherwise prompt for a field list, which may include ranges in the form
+m-n, where m < n and n defaults to the last field index if omitted.
+When called non-interactively, FIELDS is a single field index or a
+list of field indices, with ranges specified as (m.n) or (m), and BEG
+and END specify the region to process."
+  ;; (interactive "*P\nr")
+  (interactive (csv-interactive-args 'multiple))
+  (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+  ;; Kill the field(s):
+  (setq csv-killed-fields nil)
+  (save-excursion
+    (save-restriction
+      (narrow-to-region beg end)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (if (or (cdr fields) (consp (car fields)))
+         (csv-kill-many-columns fields)
+       (csv-kill-one-column (car fields)))))
+  (setq csv-killed-fields (nreverse csv-killed-fields)))
+(defmacro csv-kill-one-field (field killed-fields)
+  "Kill field with index FIELD in current line.
+Save killed field by `push'ing onto KILLED-FIELDS.
+Assumes point is at beginning of line.
+Called by `csv-kill-one-column' and `csv-kill-many-columns'."
+  `(progn
+     ;; Move to start of field to kill:
+     (csv-sort-skip-fields ,field)
+     ;; Kill to end of field (cf. `kill-region'):
+     (push (delete-and-extract-region
+           (point)
+           (progn (csv-end-of-field) (point)))
+          ,killed-fields)
+     (if (eolp) (delete-char -1)    ; delete trailing separator at eol
+       (delete-char 1))))          ; or following separator otherwise
+(defun csv-kill-one-column (field)
+  "Kill field with index FIELD in all lines in (narrowed) buffer.
+Save killed fields in `csv-killed-fields'.
+Assumes point is at `point-min'.  Called by `csv-kill-fields'.
+Ignore blank and comment lines."
+  (while (not (eobp))
+    (or (csv-not-looking-at-record)
+       (csv-kill-one-field field csv-killed-fields))
+    (forward-line)))
+(defun csv-kill-many-columns (fields)
+  "Kill several fields in all lines in (narrowed) buffer.
+FIELDS is an unordered list of field indices.
+Save killed fields in increasing index order in `csv-killed-fields'.
+Assumes point is at `point-min'.  Called by `csv-kill-fields'.
+Ignore blank and comment lines."
+  (if (eolp) (error "First record is empty"))
+  ;; Convert non-positive to positive field numbers:
+  (let ((last 1) (f fields))
+    (csv-end-of-field)
+    (while (not (eolp))
+      (forward-char)                   ; skip separator
+      (csv-end-of-field)
+      (setq last (1+ last)))        ; last = # fields in first record
+    (while f
+      (cond ((consp (car f))
+            ;; Expand a field range: (m.n) -> m m+1 ... n-1 n.
+            ;; If n is nil then it defaults to the number of fields.
+            (let* ((range (car f)) (cdrf (cdr f))
+                   (m (car range)) (n (cdr range)))
+              (if (< m 0) (setq m (+ m last 1)))
+              (if n
+                  (if (< n 0) (setq n (+ n last 1)))
+                (setq n last))
+              (setq range (list n))
+              (while (> n m) (push (setq n (1- n)) range))
+              (setcar f (car range))
+              (setcdr f (cdr range))
+              (setcdr (setq f (last range)) cdrf)))
+           ((zerop (car f)) (setcar f 1))
+           ((< (car f) 0) (setcar f (+ f last 1))))
+      (setq f (cdr f))))
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  ;; Kill from right to avoid miscounting:
+  (setq fields (sort fields '>))
+  (while (not (eobp))
+    (or (csv-not-looking-at-record)
+       (let ((fields fields) killed-fields field)
+         (while fields
+           (setq field (car fields)
+                 fields (cdr fields))
+           (beginning-of-line)
+           (csv-kill-one-field field killed-fields))
+         (push (mapconcat 'identity killed-fields (car csv-separators))
+               csv-killed-fields)))
+    (forward-line)))
+(defun csv-yank-fields (field beg end)
+  "Yank fields as the ARGth field of each line in the region.
+ARG may be arbitrarily large and records are extended as necessary.
+If not set, the region defaults to the CSV records around point\;
+if point is not in a CSV record then offer to yank as a new table.
+The fields yanked are those last killed by `csv-kill-fields'.
+Fields are separated by `csv-separators' and null fields are allowed anywhere.
+Field indices increase from 1 on the left or decrease from -1 on the right.
+A prefix argument specifies a single field, otherwise prompt for field index.
+Ignore blank and comment lines.  When called non-interactively, FIELD
+is a single field index\; BEG and END specify the region to process."
+  ;; (interactive "*P\nr")
+  (interactive (condition-case err
+                  (csv-interactive-args 'single)
+                (error (list nil nil err))))
+  (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+  (if (null beg)
+      (if (y-or-n-p (concat (error-message-string end)
+                           ".  Yank as a new table? "))
+         (csv-yank-as-new-table)
+       (error (error-message-string end)))
+    (if (<= field 0) (setq field (1+ field)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (save-restriction
+       (narrow-to-region beg end)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (let ((fields csv-killed-fields))
+         (while (not (eobp))
+           (unless (csv-not-looking-at-record)
+             ;; Yank at start of specified field if possible,
+             ;; otherwise yank at end of record:
+             (if (zerop field)
+                 (end-of-line)
+               (csv-sort-skip-fields field 'yank))
+             (and (eolp) (insert (car csv-separators)))
+             (when fields
+               (insert (car fields))
+               (setq fields (cdr fields)))
+             (or (eolp) (insert (car csv-separators))))
+           (forward-line)))))))
+(defun csv-yank-as-new-table ()
+  "Yank fields as a new table starting at point.
+The fields yanked are those last killed by `csv-kill-fields'."
+  (interactive "*")
+  (let ((fields csv-killed-fields))
+    (while fields
+      (insert (car fields) ?\n)
+      (setq fields (cdr fields)))))
+;;;  Aligning fields
+(defun csv-align-fields (hard beg end)
+  "Align all the fields in the region to form columns.
+The alignment style is specified by `csv-align-style'.  The number of
+spaces specified by `csv-align-fields' appears after each separator.
+Use soft alignment done by displaying virtual white space after the
+separators unless invoked with an argument, in which case insert real
+space characters into the buffer after the separators.
+Unalign first (see `csv-unalign-fields').  Ignore blank and comment lines.
+In hard-aligned records, separators become invisible whenever
+`buffer-invisibility-spec' is non-nil.  In soft-aligned records, make
+separators invisible if and only if `buffer-invisibility-spec' is
+non-nil when the records are aligned\; this can be changed only by
+re-aligning.  \(Unaligning always makes separators visible.)
+When called non-interactively, use hard alignment if HARD is non-nil\;
+BEG and END specify the region to align."
+  (interactive (csv-interactive-args))
+  (setq end (set-marker (make-marker) end))
+  (csv-unalign-fields hard beg end) ; if hard then barfs if buffer read only
+  (save-excursion
+    (save-restriction
+      (narrow-to-region beg end)
+      (set-marker end nil)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (let (widths)
+       ;; Construct list of column widths:
+       (while (not (eobp))             ; for each record...
+         (or (csv-not-looking-at-record)
+             (let ((w widths) x)
+               (setq beg (point))      ; beginning of current field
+               (while (not (eolp))
+                 (csv-end-of-field)
+                 (setq x (- (point) beg)) ; field width
+                 (if w
+                     (if (> x (car w)) (setcar w x))
+                   (setq w (list x)
+                         widths (nconc widths w)))
+                 (or (eolp) (forward-char)) ; skip separator
+                 (setq w (cdr w)
+                       beg (point)))))
+         (forward-line))
+       ;; Align fields:
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (not (eobp))             ; for each record...
+         (or (csv-not-looking-at-record)
+             (let ((w widths) (padding 0) x)
+               (setq beg (point))      ; beginning of current field
+               (while (and w (not (eolp)))
+                 (let ((left-padding 0) (right-padding 0) overlay)
+                   (csv-end-of-field)
+                   (set-marker end (point)) ; end of current field
+                   (setq x (- (point) beg) ; field width
+                         x (- (car w) x)) ; required padding
+                   ;; beg = beginning of current field
+                   ;; end = (point) = end of current field
+                   ;; Compute required padding:
+                   (cond
+                    ((eq csv-align-style 'left)
+                     ;; Left align -- pad on the right:
+                     (setq left-padding csv-align-padding
+                           right-padding x))
+                    ((eq csv-align-style 'right)
+                     ;; Right align -- pad on the left:
+                     (setq left-padding (+ csv-align-padding x)))
+                    ((eq csv-align-style 'auto)
+                     ;; Auto align -- left align text, right align numbers:
+                     (if (string-match "\\`[-+.[:digit:]]+\\'"
+                                       (buffer-substring beg (point)))
+                         ;; Right align -- pad on the left:
+                         (setq left-padding (+ csv-align-padding x))
+                       ;; Left align -- pad on the right:
+                       (setq left-padding csv-align-padding
+                             right-padding x)))
+                    ((eq csv-align-style 'centre)
+                     ;; Centre -- pad on both left and right:
+                     (let ((y (/ x 2))) ; truncated integer quotient
+                       (setq left-padding (+ csv-align-padding y)
+                             right-padding (- x y)))))
+                   (if hard
+                       ;; Hard alignment...
+                       (progn
+                         (when (> left-padding 0) ; pad on the left
+                           ;; Insert spaces before field:
+                           (if (= beg end) ; null field
+                               (insert (make-string left-padding ?\ ))
+                             (goto-char beg) ; beginning of current field
+                             (insert (make-string left-padding ?\ ))
+                             (goto-char end))) ; end of current field
+                         (unless (eolp)
+                           (if (> right-padding 0) ; pad on the right
+                               ;; Insert spaces after field:
+                               (insert (make-string right-padding ?\ )))
+                           ;; Make separator (potentially) invisible;
+                           ;; in Emacs 21.3, neighbouring overlays
+                           ;; conflict, so use the following only
+                           ;; with hard alignment:
+                           (overlay-put (make-overlay (point) (1+ (point)))
+                                        ;; 'face 'secondary-selection) ; test
+                                        'invisible t)
+                           (forward-char))) ; skip separator
+                     ;; Soft alignment...
+                     (if buffer-invisibility-spec ; csv-hide-separators
+                         ;; Hide separators...
+                         (progn
+                           ;; Merge right-padding from previous field
+                           ;; with left-padding from this field:
+                           (setq padding (+ padding left-padding))
+                           (when (> padding 0)
+                             (goto-char beg) ; beginning of current field
+                             (if (bolp)
+                                 ;; Display spaces before first field
+                                 ;; by overlaying first character:
+                                 (overlay-put
+                                  (make-overlay (point) (1+ (point)))
+                                  'before-string
+                                  (make-string padding ?\ ))
+                               ;; Display separator as spaces:
+                               (overlay-put
+                                  (make-overlay (1- (point)) (point))
+                                  ;; 'face 'secondary-selection)) ; test
+                                  ;; 'display (make-string padding ?\ )))
+                                  ;; Above 'display mangles buffer
+                                  ;; horribly if any string is empty!
+                                  'display `(space :width ,padding)))
+                             (goto-char end)) ; end of current field
+                           (unless (eolp)
+                             (setq padding right-padding)
+                             (forward-char))) ; skip separator
+                       ;; Do not hide separators...
+                       (when (> left-padding 0) ; pad on the left
+                         ;; Display spaces before field:
+                         (setq overlay (make-overlay beg (point)))
+                         (overlay-put overlay 'before-string
+                                      (make-string left-padding ?\ )))
+                       (unless (eolp)
+                         (if (> right-padding 0) ; pad on the right
+                             ;; Display spaces after field:
+                             (overlay-put
+                              (or overlay
+                                  (make-overlay beg (point)))
+                              'after-string (make-string right-padding ?\ )))
+                         (forward-char))) ; skip separator
+                     ))
+                 (setq w (cdr w)
+                       beg (point)))))
+         (forward-line)))))
+  (set-marker end nil))
+(defun csv-unalign-fields (hard beg end)
+  "Undo soft alignment and optionally remove redundant white space.
+Undo soft alignment introduced by `csv-align-fields'.  If invoked with
+an argument then also remove all spaces and tabs around separators.
+Also make all invisible separators visible again.
+Ignore blank and comment lines.  When called non-interactively, remove
+spaces and tabs if HARD non-nil\; BEG and END specify region to unalign."
+  (interactive (csv-interactive-args))
+  ;; Remove any soft alignment:
+  (mapc 'delete-overlay        (overlays-in beg end))
+  (when hard
+    (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+    ;; Remove any white-space padding around separators:
+    (save-excursion
+      (save-restriction
+       (narrow-to-region beg end)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (not (eobp))
+         (or (csv-not-looking-at-record)
+             (while (not (eolp))
+               ;; Delete horizontal white space forward:
+               ;; (delete-horizontal-space)
+               ;; This relies on left-to-right argument evaluation;
+               ;; see info node (elisp) Function Forms.
+               (delete-region (point)
+                              (+ (point) (skip-chars-forward " \t")))
+               (csv-end-of-field)
+               ;; Delete horizontal white space backward:
+               ;; (delete-horizontal-space t)
+               (delete-region (point)
+                              (+ (point) (skip-chars-backward " \t")))
+               (or (eolp) (forward-char))))
+         (forward-line))))))
+;;;  Transposing rows and columns
+(defun csv-transpose (beg end)
+  "Rewrite rows (which may have different lengths) as columns.
+Null fields are introduced as necessary within records but are
+stripped from the ends of records.  Preserve soft alignment.
+This function is its own inverse.  Ignore blank and comment lines.
+When called non-interactively, BEG and END specify region to process."
+  ;; (interactive "*P\nr")
+  (interactive (csv-interactive-args 'noarg))
+  (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+  (save-excursion
+    (save-restriction
+      (narrow-to-region beg end)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      ;; Delete rows and collect them as a reversed list of lists of
+      ;; fields, skipping comment and blank lines:
+      (let ((sep (car csv-separators))
+           (align (overlays-in beg end))
+           rows columns)
+       ;; Remove soft alignment if necessary:
+       (when align
+         (mapc 'delete-overlay align)
+         (setq align t))
+       (while (not (eobp))
+         (if (csv-not-looking-at-record)
+             ;; Skip blank and comment lines:
+             (forward-line)
+           (let ((lep (line-end-position)))
+             (push
+              (csv-split-string
+               (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) lep)
+               csv-separator-regexp nil t)
+              rows)
+             (delete-region (point) lep)
+             (or (eobp) (delete-char 1)))))
+       ;; Rows must have monotonic decreasing lengths to be
+       ;; transposable, so ensure this by padding with null fields.
+       ;; rows is currently a reversed list of field lists, which
+       ;; must therefore have monotonic increasing lengths.
+       (let ((oldlen (length (car rows))) newlen
+             (r (cdr rows)))
+         (while r
+           (setq newlen (length (car r)))
+           (if (< newlen oldlen)
+               (nconc (car r) (make-list (- oldlen newlen) nil))
+             (setq oldlen newlen))
+           (setq r (cdr r))))
+       ;; Collect columns as a reversed list of lists of fields:
+       (while rows
+         (let (column (r rows) row)
+           (while r
+             (setq row (car r))
+             ;; Provided it would not be a trailing null field, push
+             ;; field onto column:
+             (if (or column (string< "" (car row)))
+                 (push (car row) column))
+             ;; Pop field off row:
+             (setcar r (cdr row))
+             ;; If row is now empty then remove it:
+             (or (car r) (setq rows (cdr rows)))
+             (setq r (cdr r)))
+           (push column columns)))
+       ;; Insert columns into buffer as rows:
+       (setq columns (nreverse columns))
+       (while columns
+         (insert (mapconcat 'identity (car columns) sep) ?\n)
+         (setq columns (cdr columns)))
+       ;; Re-do soft alignment if necessary:
+       (if align (csv-align-fields nil (point-min) (point-max)))))))
+;; The following generalised version of `split-string' is taken from
+;; the development version of WoMan and should probably replace the
+;; standard version in subr.el.  However, CSV mode (currently) needs
+;; only the `allowbeg' option.
+(defun csv-split-string
+  (string &optional separators subexp allowbeg allowend)
+  "Splits STRING into substrings where there are matches for SEPARATORS.
+Each match for SEPARATORS is a splitting point.
+The substrings between the splitting points are made into a list
+which is returned.
+If SEPARATORS is absent, it defaults to \"[ \\f\\t\\n\\r\\v]+\".
+SUBEXP specifies a subexpression of SEPARATORS to be the splitting
+point\; it defaults to 0.
+If there is a match for SEPARATORS at the beginning of STRING, we do
+not include a null substring for that, unless ALLOWBEG is non-nil.
+Likewise, if there is a match at the end of STRING, we do not include
+a null substring for that, unless ALLOWEND is non-nil.
+Modifies the match data; use `save-match-data' if necessary."
+  (or subexp (setq subexp 0))
+  (let ((rexp (or separators "[ \f\t\n\r\v]+"))
+       (start 0)
+       notfirst
+       (list nil))
+    (while (and (string-match rexp string
+                             (if (and notfirst
+                                      (= start (match-beginning subexp))
+                                      (< start (length string)))
+                                 (1+ start) start))
+               (< (match-beginning subexp) (length string)))
+      (setq notfirst t)
+      (or (and (not allowbeg) (eq (match-beginning subexp) 0))
+         (and (eq (match-beginning subexp) (match-end subexp))
+              (eq (match-beginning subexp) start))
+         (push (substring string start (match-beginning subexp)) list))
+      (setq start (match-end subexp)))
+    (or (and (not allowend) (eq start (length string)))
+       (push (substring string start) list))
+    (nreverse list)))
+(provide 'csv-mode)
+;;; csv-mode.el ends here

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