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[elpa] externals/heap 2d51c84 01/31: Version 0.1 of the predictive compl

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/heap 2d51c84 01/31: Version 0.1 of the predictive completion package.
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 12:13:32 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/heap
commit 2d51c847e774764c18867b4865aa52a0d77dbc87
Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Version 0.1 of the predictive completion package.
 heap.el | 243 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 243 insertions(+)

diff --git a/heap.el b/heap.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..648caa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/heap.el
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+;;; Copyright (C) 2004 Toby Cubitt
+;;; This file is part of the Emacs Predictive Completion package.
+;;; The Emacs Predicive Completion package is free software; you can
+;;; redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+;;; General Public License as published by the Free Software
+;;; Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+;;; any later version.
+;;; The Emacs Predicive Completion package is distributed in the hope
+;;; that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+;;; PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with the Emacs Predicive Completion package; if not, write
+;;; to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; A heap consists of two cons cells, the first one holding the tag 'HEAP in
+;;; the car cell and the second one having the heap in the car and the compare
+;;; function in the cdr cell. The compare function must take two arguments of
+;;; the type which is to be stored in the heap and must return non-nil or
+;;; nil. To implement a max-heap, it should return non-nil if the first
+;;; argument is "greater" than the second. To implement a min-heap, it should
+;;; return non-nil if the first argument is "less than" the second.
+;;; Note that this package implements a ternary heap, since ternary
+;;; heaps are about 12% more efficient than binary heaps for heaps
+;;; containing more than about 10 elements. And for very small heaps,
+;;; the difference is negligable.
+;;; Code:
+(provide 'heap)
+;;; ================================================================
+;;;       Internal functions for use in the heap package
+(defmacro hp-vect (heap)
+  ;; Return the heap vector.  ;; INTERNAL USE ONLY
+  `(car (cdr ,heap))
+(defmacro hp-cmpfun (heap)
+  ;; Return the comparison function of a heap.  ;; INTERNAL USE ONLY
+  `(cdr (cdr ,heap))
+(defmacro hp-set-vect (heap vect)
+  ;; Set the vector containing the heap itself to VECT.
+  `(setcar (cdr ,heap) ,vect)
+(defun hp-sift-up (heap n)
+  ;; Sift-up starting from element N of the heap vector belonging to
+  ;; heap HEAP.  ;; INTERNAL USE ONLY
+  (let* ((i n) (j nil) (vect (hp-vect heap)) (v (aref vect n)))
+    ;; Keep moving element up until it reaches top or is smaller/bigger
+    ;; than its parent.
+    (while (and (> i 0)
+               (funcall (hp-cmpfun heap) v
+                        (aref vect (setq j (/ (1- i) 3)))))
+      (vswap vect i j)
+      (setq i j)))
+(defun hp-sift-down (heap n)
+  ;; Sift-down from element N of the heap vector belonging to
+  ;; heap HEAP.  ;; INTERNAL USE ONLY
+  (let* ((vect (hp-vect heap))
+       (cmpfun (hp-cmpfun heap))
+       (i n) (j (hp-child heap i)) (len (length vect)) (v (aref vect n)))
+    ;; Keep moving the element down until it reaches the bottom of the tree or
+    ;; reaches a position where it is bigger/smaller than all its children.
+    (while (and j (funcall cmpfun (aref vect j) v))
+      (vswap vect i j)
+      (setq i j)
+      (setq j (hp-child heap i)))
+  )
+(defmacro hp-child (heap i)
+  ;; Compare the 3 children of element I, and return element reference of the
+  ;; smallest/largest (depending on whethen it's a min- or max-heap).
+  `(let* ((vect (hp-vect ,heap))
+       (cmpfun (hp-cmpfun ,heap))
+       (len (length vect)) (j nil) (k (* 3 ,i)))
+     ;; Lots of if's in case I has less than three children.
+     (if (>= (1+ k) len) nil
+       (if (>= (+ 2 k) len) (1+ k)
+        (setq j (if (funcall cmpfun (aref vect (1+ k)) (aref vect (+ 2 k)))
+               (1+ k) (+ 2 k)))
+         (if (>= (+ 3 k) len) j
+           (if (funcall cmpfun (aref vect j) (aref vect (+ 3 k))) j (+ 3 k)))
+         )))
+;;; ================================================================
+;;;         Utility functions used in the heap package
+(defmacro vswap (vect i j)
+  ;; Swap elements I and J of vector VECT.
+  `(let ((tmp (aref ,vect ,i)))
+     (aset ,vect ,i (aref ,vect ,j))
+     (aset ,vect ,j tmp) ,vect)
+;;; ================================================================
+;;;          The public functions which operate on heaps.
+(defun heap-create (compare-function)
+  "Create an empty heap using COMPARE-FUNCTION as the comparison
+function. COMPARE-FUNCTION takes two arguments, A and B, and returns non-nil
+or nil. To implement a max-heap, it should return non-nil if A is greater than
+B. To implemenet a min-heap, it should return non-nil if A is less than B."
+  (cons 'HEAP (cons [] compare-function))
+(defun heap-copy (heap)
+  "Return a copy of heap HEAP."
+  (let ((newheap (heap-create (hp-cmpfun heap))))
+    (hp-set-vect newheap (hp-vect heap))
+    newheap)
+(defun heap-p (obj)
+  "Return t if OBJ is a heap, nil otherwise."
+  (eq (car-safe obj) 'HEAP)
+(defun heap-empty (heap)
+  "Return t if the heap is empty, nil otherwise."
+  (= 0 (length (hp-vect heap)))
+(defun heap-size (heap)
+  "Return the number of entries in the heap."
+  (length (hp-vect heap))
+(defun heap-compare-function (heap)
+  "Return the comparison function for the heap HEAP."
+  (hp-cmpfun heap)
+(defun heap-add (heap data)
+  "Add DATA to the heap."
+  ;; Add data to bottom of heap and sift-up from bottom.
+  (hp-set-vect heap (vconcat (hp-vect heap) (vector data)))
+  (hp-sift-up heap (1- (length (hp-vect heap))))
+(defun heap-delete-root (heap)
+  "Return the root of the heap and delete it from the heap."
+  (let ((vect (hp-vect heap))
+       (root nil) (len nil))
+    ;; Deal with special cases of empty heap and heap with just one element.
+    (if (heap-empty heap) nil
+      (setq len (length vect))
+      (setq root (aref vect 0))
+      (if (= 1 len) (hp-set-vect heap [])
+       ;; Delete root, swap last element to top, and sift-down from top.
+       (hp-set-vect heap (vconcat (vector (aref vect (1- len)))
+                                  (subseq vect 1 (1- len))))
+       (hp-sift-down heap 0))
+      root)
+  )
+(defun heap-modify (heap match-function data)
+  "Replace the first heap entry identified by MATCH-FUNCTION with DATA, if a
+match exists. Return t if there was a match, nil otherwise.
+The function MATCH-FUNCTION should take one argument of the type stored in the
+heap, and return non-nil if it should be modified, nil otherwise.
+Note that only the match highest up the heap is modified."
+  (let ((vect (hp-vect heap)) (i 0))
+    ;; search vector for the first match
+    (while (and (< i (length vect))
+               (not (funcall match-function (aref vect i))))
+      (setq i (1+ i)))
+    ;; if a match was found, modify it
+    (if (< i (length vect))
+       (let ((olddata (aref vect i)))
+         (aset vect i data)
+         ;; if the new data is greater than old data, sift-up, otherwise
+         ;; sift-down
+         (if (funcall (hp-cmpfun heap) data olddata)
+             (hp-sift-up heap i)
+           (hp-sift-down heap i))
+         t  ; return t if the match was successfully modified
+       )
+      nil  ; return nil if no match was found
+    )
+  )

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