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[elpa] externals/dict-tree 48ab389 092/154: Simplified persistent-storag

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/dict-tree 48ab389 092/154: Simplified persistent-storage code for tries and dict-trees.
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 12:21:52 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/dict-tree
commit 48ab389c72038a46f00b0d356025686a8646b939
Author: Toby S. Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
Commit: Toby S. Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>

    Simplified persistent-storage code for tries and dict-trees.
    Removed avl trie print transformer functions, obsoleted by Emacs' 
    ability to print and read circular data structures. (Note: requires
    print-circle to be enabled when printing avl tries).
    Don't convert dict-tree hash tables to alists in dictree-write if Emacs
    version supports print-readable hash tables.
 dict-tree.el | 458 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------
 1 file changed, 198 insertions(+), 260 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dict-tree.el b/dict-tree.el
index 15f09de..3972928 100644
--- a/dict-tree.el
+++ b/dict-tree.el
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;; Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Toby Cubitt
 ;; Author: Toby Cubitt <toby-predictive@dr-qubit.org>
-;; Version: 0.12.6
+;; Version: 0.12.7
 ;; Keywords: dictionary, tree
 ;; URL: http://www.dr-qubit.org/emacs.php
@@ -52,6 +52,13 @@
 ;;; Change log:
+;; Version 0.12.7
+;; * create defstruct copier functions for dict-trees and
+;;   meta-dict-trees
+;; * don't transform hash tables to alists when writing dictionaries if
+;;   running in an Emacs version that supports print-readable hash tables
+;; * simplified `dictree-write', `dictree--write-dict-code' and
+;;   `dictree--write-meta-dict-code'
 ;; Version 0.12.6
 ;; * replaced obsolete `interactive-p' with `called-interactively-p'
@@ -487,7 +494,7 @@ If START or END is negative, it counts from the end."
                  (metadict-list nil)
-   (:copier nil))
+   (:copier dictree--copy))
   name filename autosave modified
   comparison-function insert-function insfun rank-function rankfun
   cache-policy cache-update-policy
@@ -553,7 +560,7 @@ If START or END is negative, it counts from the end."
                       (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
-   (:copier nil))
+   (:copier dictree--meta-dict-copy))
   name filename autosave modified
   combine-function combfun
   cache-policy cache-update-policy
@@ -2561,7 +2568,7 @@ both forms. See `dictree-write'.
 Interactively, DICT is read from the mini-buffer."
   (interactive (list (read-dict "Dictionary: ")))
-  (let* ((filename (dictree-filename dict)))
+  (let ((filename (dictree-filename dict)))
     ;; if dictionary has no associated file, prompt for one
     (unless (and filename (> (length filename) 0))
@@ -2581,8 +2588,10 @@ Interactively, DICT is read from the mini-buffer."
-(defun dictree-write (dict filename &optional overwrite compilation)
+(defun dictree-write (dict &optional filename overwrite compilation)
   "Write dictionary DICT to file FILENAME.
+Defaults to dictionary's current filename if FILENAME is not
+specified (like `dictree-save').
 If optional argument OVERWRITE is non-nil, no confirmation will
 be asked for before overwriting an existing file.
@@ -2605,16 +2614,18 @@ and OVERWRITE is the prefix argument."
                     (read-file-name "Write dictionary to file: "
                                     nil "")
-  (if (and (called-interactively-p 'any) (string= filename ""))
+  ;; default to DICT's current file, if any
+  (when (or (null filename)
+           (and (called-interactively-p 'any) (string= filename "")))
+    (setq filename (dictree-filename dict)))
+  (if (null filename)
        (message "Dictionary %s NOT written" (dictree-name dict))
        nil)  ; indicate dictionary wasn't written
     (let (dictname buff tmpfile)
-      ;; add .el(c) extension to the filename if not already there
+      ;; remove any .el(c) extension from filename
-       ;; remove .el(c) extension from filename
        ((and (> (length filename) 3)
             (string= (substring filename -3) ".el"))
        (setq filename (substring filename 0 -3)))
@@ -2666,7 +2677,8 @@ and OVERWRITE is the prefix argument."
                    (rename-file (concat tmpfile ".elc")
                                 (concat filename ".elc") t)
                  (error ""))))
-         (error "Error saving. Dictionary %s NOT saved" dictname))
+         (error "Error writing dictionary. Dictionary %s NOT saved"
+                dictname))
        ;; if writing to a different name, unload dictionary under old
        ;; name and reload it under new one
@@ -2907,177 +2919,114 @@ is the prefix argument."
     ;; --- convert caches for writing to file ---
-    ;; convert lookup cache hash table to alist, if it exists
-    (when (dictree--lookup-cache-threshold dict)
-      (maphash
-       (lambda (key val)
-        (push
-         (cons key
-               (cons (mapcar 'car (dictree--cache-results val))
-                     (dictree--cache-maxnum val)))
-         lookup-alist))
-       (dictree--lookup-cache dict))
-      ;; generate code to reconstruct the lookup hash table
-      (setq hashcode
-           (concat
-            hashcode
-            "(let ((lookup-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal))\n"
-            "      (trie (dictree--trie " dictname ")))\n"
-            "  (mapc\n"
-            "   (lambda (entry)\n"
-            "     (puthash\n"
-            "      (car entry)\n"
-            "      (dictree--cache-create\n"
-            "       (mapcar\n"
-            "        (lambda (key)\n"
-            "          (cons key (trie-member trie key)))\n"
-            "        (dictree--cache-results (cdr entry)))\n"
-            "       (dictree--cache-maxnum (cdr entry)))\n"
-            "      lookup-cache))\n"
-            "   (dictree--lookup-cache " dictname "))\n"
-            "  (setf (dictree--lookup-cache " dictname ")\n"
-            "        lookup-cache))\n"
-            )))
-    ;; convert query caches, if they exist
-    (dolist (cache-details
-            '((dictree--complete-cache-threshold
-               complete-alist dictree--complete-cache)
-              (dictree--complete-ranked-cache-threshold
-               complete-ranked-alist dictree--complete-ranked-cache)
-              (dictree--regexp-cache-threshold
-               regexp-alist dictree--regexp-cache)
-              (dictree--regexp-ranked-cache-threshold
-               regexp-ranked-alist dictree--regexp-ranked-cache)))
-      (when (funcall (nth 0 cache-details) dict)
-       ;; convert hash table to alist
-       (set (nth 1 cache-details)
-            (let (alist)
-              (maphash
-               (lambda (key val)
-                 (push
-                  (cons key
-                        (cons
-                         (mapcar 'car (dictree--cache-results val))
-                         (dictree--cache-maxnum val)))
-                  alist))
-               (funcall (nth 2 cache-details) dict))
-              alist))
-       ;; generate code to reconstruct hash table from alist
-       (setq
-        hashcode
-        (concat
-         hashcode
-         "(let ((cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal))\n"
-         "      (trie (dictree--trie " dictname ")))\n"
-         "  (mapc\n"
-         "   (lambda (entry)\n"
-         "     (puthash\n"
-         "      (car entry)\n"
-         "      (dictree--cache-create\n"
-         "       (mapcar\n"
-         "        (lambda (key)\n"
-         "          (cons key\n"
-         "                (trie-member\n"
-         "                 trie (if (stringp key) key (car key)))))\n"
-         "        (dictree--cache-results (cdr entry)))\n"
-         "       (dictree--cache-maxnum (cdr entry)))\n"
-         "      cache))\n"
-         "   (" (symbol-name (nth 2 cache-details)) " " dictname "))\n"
-         "  (setf (" (symbol-name (nth 2 cache-details)) " "
-                   dictname ")\n"
-         "        cache))\n"
-         ))
-       ))
+    ;; hash tables have no read syntax in older Emacsen, so we convert
+    ;; them to alists for writing
+    (unless (featurep 'hashtable-print-readable)
+      ;; convert lookup cache hash table to alist, if it exists
+      (when (dictree--lookup-cache-threshold dict)
+       (maphash
+        (lambda (key val)
+          (push
+           (cons key
+                 (cons (mapcar 'car (dictree--cache-results val))
+                       (dictree--cache-maxnum val)))
+           lookup-alist))
+        (dictree--lookup-cache dict))
+       ;; generate code to reconstruct the lookup hash table
+       (setq hashcode
+             (concat
+              hashcode
+              "(let ((lookup-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal))\n"
+              "      (trie (dictree--trie " dictname ")))\n"
+              "  (mapc\n"
+              "   (lambda (entry)\n"
+              "     (puthash\n"
+              "      (car entry)\n"
+              "      (dictree--cache-create\n"
+              "       (mapcar\n"
+              "        (lambda (key)\n"
+              "          (cons key (trie-member trie key)))\n"
+              "        (dictree--cache-results (cdr entry)))\n"
+              "       (dictree--cache-maxnum (cdr entry)))\n"
+              "      lookup-cache))\n"
+              "   (dictree--lookup-cache " dictname "))\n"
+              "  (setf (dictree--lookup-cache " dictname ")\n"
+              "        lookup-cache))\n")))
+      ;; convert query caches, if they exist
+      (dolist (cache-details
+              '((dictree--complete-cache-threshold
+                 complete-alist dictree--complete-cache)
+                (dictree--complete-ranked-cache-threshold
+                 complete-ranked-alist dictree--complete-ranked-cache)
+                (dictree--regexp-cache-threshold
+                 regexp-alist dictree--regexp-cache)
+                (dictree--regexp-ranked-cache-threshold
+                 regexp-ranked-alist dictree--regexp-ranked-cache)))
+       (when (funcall (nth 0 cache-details) dict)
+         ;; convert hash table to alist
+         (set (nth 1 cache-details)
+              (let (alist)
+                (maphash
+                 (lambda (key val)
+                   (push
+                    (cons key
+                          (cons
+                           (mapcar 'car (dictree--cache-results val))
+                           (dictree--cache-maxnum val)))
+                    alist))
+                 (funcall (nth 2 cache-details) dict))
+                alist))
+         ;; generate code to reconstruct hash table from alist
+         (setq
+          hashcode
+          (concat
+           hashcode
+           "(let ((cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal))\n"
+           "      (trie (dictree--trie " dictname ")))\n"
+           "  (mapc\n"
+           "   (lambda (entry)\n"
+           "     (puthash\n"
+           "      (car entry)\n"
+           "      (dictree--cache-create\n"
+           "       (mapcar\n"
+           "        (lambda (key)\n"
+           "          (cons key\n"
+           "                (trie-member\n"
+           "                 trie (if (stringp key) key (car key)))))\n"
+           "        (dictree--cache-results (cdr entry)))\n"
+           "       (dictree--cache-maxnum (cdr entry)))\n"
+           "      cache))\n"
+           "   (" (symbol-name (nth 2 cache-details)) " " dictname "))\n"
+           "  (setf (" (symbol-name (nth 2 cache-details)) " "
+                     dictname ")\n"
+           "        cache))\n")))))
     ;; --- write to file ---
     ;; generate the structure to save
-    (setq tmpdict (dictree-create))
+    (setq tmpdict (dictree--copy dict))
     (setf (dictree--trie tmpdict) tmptrie
          (dictree--name tmpdict) dictname
          (dictree--filename tmpdict) filename
-         (dictree--autosave tmpdict) (dictree--autosave dict)
          (dictree--modified tmpdict) nil
-         (dictree--comparison-function tmpdict)
-           (dictree--comparison-function dict)
-         (dictree--insert-function tmpdict)
-           (dictree--insert-function dict)
-         (dictree--insfun tmpdict)
-           (dictree--insfun dict)
-         (dictree--rank-function tmpdict)
-           (dictree--rank-function dict)
-         (dictree--rankfun tmpdict)
-           (dictree--rankfun dict)
-         (dictree--cache-policy tmpdict)
-           (dictree--cache-policy dict)
-         (dictree--cache-update-policy tmpdict)
-           (dictree--cache-update-policy dict)
-         (dictree--lookup-cache tmpdict)
-           lookup-alist
-         (dictree--lookup-cache-threshold tmpdict)
-           (dictree--lookup-cache-threshold dict)
-         (dictree--complete-cache tmpdict)
-           complete-alist
-         (dictree--complete-cache-threshold tmpdict)
-           (dictree--complete-cache-threshold dict)
-         (dictree--complete-ranked-cache tmpdict)
-           complete-ranked-alist
-         (dictree--complete-ranked-cache-threshold tmpdict)
-           (dictree--complete-ranked-cache-threshold dict)
-         (dictree--regexp-cache tmpdict)
-           regexp-alist
-         (dictree--regexp-cache-threshold tmpdict)
-           (dictree--regexp-cache-threshold dict)
-         (dictree--regexp-ranked-cache tmpdict)
-           regexp-ranked-alist
-         (dictree--regexp-ranked-cache-threshold tmpdict)
-           (dictree--regexp-ranked-cache-threshold dict)
-         (dictree--key-savefun tmpdict)
-           (dictree--key-savefun dict)
-         (dictree--key-loadfun tmpdict)
-           (dictree--key-loadfun dict)
-         (dictree--data-savefun tmpdict)
-           (dictree--data-savefun dict)
-         (dictree--data-loadfun tmpdict)
-           (dictree--data-loadfun dict)
-         (dictree--plist-savefun tmpdict)
-           (dictree--plist-savefun dict)
-         (dictree--plist-loadfun tmpdict)
-           (dictree--plist-loadfun dict)
          (dictree--meta-dict-list tmpdict) nil)
+    (unless (featurep 'hashtable-print-readable)
+      (setf (dictree--lookup-cache tmpdict) lookup-alist
+           (dictree--complete-cache tmpdict) complete-alist
+           (dictree--complete-ranked-cache tmpdict) complete-ranked-alist
+           (dictree--regexp-cache tmpdict) regexp-alist
+           (dictree--regexp-ranked-cache tmpdict) regexp-ranked-alist))
     ;; write lisp code that generates the dictionary object
-    (let ((restore-print-circle print-circle)
-         (restore-print-level print-level)
-         (restore-print-length print-length))
-      (setq print-circle nil
-           print-level nil
-           print-length nil)
+    (let ((print-circle t) (print-level nil) (print-length nil))
       (insert "(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))\n")
       (insert "(require 'dict-tree)\n")
-      (insert "(defvar " dictname " nil \"Dictionary "
-             dictname ".\")\n")
-      (unwind-protect
-         (progn
-           ;; transform trie to print form
-           (trie-transform-for-print (dictree--trie tmpdict))
-           (insert "(setq " dictname
-                   " '" (prin1-to-string tmpdict) ")\n"))
-       ;; if dictionary doesn't use any custom save functions,
-       ;; tmpdict's trie is identical to original dict, so transform it
-       ;; back to usable form
-       (unless (or (dictree--data-savefun dict)
-                   (dictree--plist-savefun dict))
-         (trie-transform-from-read (dictree--trie tmpdict))))
-      (insert "(trie-transform-from-read (dictree--trie "
-             dictname "))\n")
+      (insert "(defvar " dictname " nil \"Dictionary " dictname ".\")\n")
+      (insert "(setq " dictname " " (prin1-to-string tmpdict) ")\n")
       (when hashcode (insert hashcode))
       (insert "(unless (memq " dictname " dictree-loaded-list)\n"
-             "  (push " dictname " dictree-loaded-list))\n")
-      (setq print-circle restore-print-circle
-           print-level restore-print-level
-           print-length restore-print-length))))
+             "  (push " dictname " dictree-loaded-list))\n"))))
@@ -3089,111 +3038,100 @@ is the prefix argument."
        regexp-alist regexp-ranked-alist)
     ;; --- convert caches for writing to file ---
-    ;; convert lookup cache hash table to an alist, if it exists
-    (when (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache-threshold dict)
-      (maphash (lambda (key val)
-                (push (cons key (mapcar 'car val)) lookup-alist))
-              (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache dict))
-      ;; generate code to reconstruct the lookup hash table
-      (setq hashcode
-           (concat
-            hashcode
-            "(let ((cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))\n"
-            "  (mapc (lambda (entry)\n"
-            "    (puthash (car entry) (cdr entry) cache))\n"
-            "    (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache " dictname "))\n"
-            "  (setf (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache " dictname ")\n"
-            "        cache))\n")))
-    ;; convert query caches, if they exist
-    (dolist (cache-details
-            '((dictree--meta-dict-complete-cache-threshold
-               complete-alist
-               dictree--meta-dict-complete-cache)
-              (dictree--meta-dict-complete-ranked-cache-threshold
-               complete-ranked-alist
-               dictree--meta-dict-complete-ranked-cache)
-              (dictree--meta-dict-regexp-cache-threshold
-               regexp-alist
-               dictree--meta-dict-regexp-cache)
-              (dictree--meta-dict-regexp-ranked-cache-threshold
-               regexp-ranked-alist
-               dictree--meta-dict-regexp-ranked-cache)))
-      (when (funcall (nth 0 cache-details) dict)
-       ;; convert hash table to alist
-       (set (nth 1 cache-details)
-            (let (alist)
-              (maphash
-               (lambda (key val) (push (cons key val) alist))
-               (funcall (nth 2 cache-details) dict))
-              alist))
-       ;; generate code to reconstruct hash table from alist
-       (setq
-        hashcode
-        (concat
-         hashcode
-         "(let ((cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))\n"
-         "  (mapc (lambda (entry)\n"
-         "    (puthash (car entry) (cdr entry) cache))\n"
-         "    (" (symbol-name (nth 2 cache-details)) " "
-                 dictname "))\n"
-         "  (setf (" (symbol-name (nth 2 cache-details)) " "
-                     dictname ")\n"
-         "        cache))\n"))))
+    ;; hash tables have no read syntax in older Emacsen, so we convert
+    ;; them to alists for writing
+    (unless (featurep 'hashtable-print-readable)
+      ;; convert lookup cache hash table to an alist, if it exists
+      (when (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache-threshold dict)
+       (maphash (lambda (key val)
+                  (push (cons key (mapcar 'car val)) lookup-alist))
+                (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache dict))
+       ;; generate code to reconstruct the lookup hash table
+       (setq hashcode
+             (concat
+              hashcode
+              "(let ((cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))\n"
+              "  (mapc (lambda (entry)\n"
+              "    (puthash (car entry) (cdr entry) cache))\n"
+              "    (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache " dictname "))\n"
+              "  (setf (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache " dictname ")\n"
+              "        cache))\n")))
+      ;; convert query caches, if they exist
+      (dolist (cache-details
+              '((dictree--meta-dict-complete-cache-threshold
+                 complete-alist
+                 dictree--meta-dict-complete-cache)
+                (dictree--meta-dict-complete-ranked-cache-threshold
+                 complete-ranked-alist
+                 dictree--meta-dict-complete-ranked-cache)
+                (dictree--meta-dict-regexp-cache-threshold
+                 regexp-alist
+                 dictree--meta-dict-regexp-cache)
+                (dictree--meta-dict-regexp-ranked-cache-threshold
+                 regexp-ranked-alist
+                 dictree--meta-dict-regexp-ranked-cache)))
+       (when (funcall (nth 0 cache-details) dict)
+         ;; convert hash table to alist
+         (set (nth 1 cache-details)
+              (let (alist)
+                (maphash
+                 (lambda (key val) (push (cons key val) alist))
+                 (funcall (nth 2 cache-details) dict))
+                alist))
+         ;; generate code to reconstruct hash table from alist
+         (setq
+          hashcode
+          (concat
+           hashcode
+           "(let ((cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))\n"
+           "  (mapc (lambda (entry)\n"
+           "    (puthash (car entry) (cdr entry) cache))\n"
+           "    (" (symbol-name (nth 2 cache-details)) " "
+                   dictname "))\n"
+           "  (setf (" (symbol-name (nth 2 cache-details)) " "
+                       dictname ")\n"
+           "        cache))\n")))))
     ;; --- write to file ---
     ;; generate the structure to save
-    (setq tmpdict (dictree-meta-dict-create nil))
+    (setq tmpdict (dictree--meta-dict-copy dict))
     (setf (dictree--meta-dict-name tmpdict) dictname
          (dictree--meta-dict-filename tmpdict) filename
-         (dictree--meta-dict-autosave tmpdict)
-           (dictree--meta-dict-autosave dict)
          (dictree--meta-dict-modified tmpdict) nil
-         (dictree--meta-dict-combine-function tmpdict)
-           (dictree--meta-dict-combine-function dict)
-         (dictree--meta-dict-combfun tmpdict)
-           (dictree--meta-dict-combfun dict)
-         (dictree--meta-dict-cache-policy tmpdict)
-           (dictree--meta-dict-cache-policy dict)
-         (dictree--meta-dict-cache-update-policy tmpdict)
-           (dictree--meta-dict-cache-update-policy dict)
-         (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache tmpdict)
-           lookup-alist
-         (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache-threshold tmpdict)
-           (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache-threshold dict)
-         (dictree--meta-dict-complete-cache tmpdict)
-           complete-alist
-         (dictree--meta-dict-complete-cache-threshold tmpdict)
-           (dictree--meta-dict-complete-cache-threshold dict)
-         (dictree--meta-dict-complete-ranked-cache tmpdict)
-           complete-ranked-alist
-         (dictree--meta-dict-complete-ranked-cache-threshold tmpdict)
-           (dictree--meta-dict-complete-ranked-cache-threshold dict)
+         (dictree--meta-dict-meta-dict-list tmpdict) nil
          (dictree--meta-dict-dictlist tmpdict)
            (mapcar (lambda (dic) (intern (dictree-name dic)))
-                   (dictree--meta-dict-dictlist dict))
-         (dictree--meta-dict-meta-dict-list tmpdict) nil)
+                   (dictree--meta-dict-dictlist dict)))
+    (unless (featurep 'hashtable-print-readable)
+      (setf (dictree--meta-dict-lookup-cache tmpdict) lookup-alist
+           (dictree--meta-dict-complete-cache tmpdict) complete-alist
+           (dictree--meta-dict-complete-ranked-cache tmpdict)
+             complete-ranked-alist
+           (dictree--meta-dict-regexp-cache tmpdict) regexp-alist
+           (dictree--meta-dict-regexp-ranked-cache tmpdict)
+             regexp-ranked-alist))
     ;; write lisp code that generates the dictionary object
-    (insert "(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))\n"
-           "(require 'dict-tree)\n")
-    (mapc
-     (lambda (dic)
-       (insert "(unless (dictree-load \"" (dictree-filename dic) "\")\n"
-              "        (error \"Failed to load dictionary \\\""
-              (dictree-name dic) "\\\" required by meta-dict \\\""
-              dictname "\\\"\"))\n"))
-     (dictree--meta-dict-dictlist dict))
-    (insert "(defvar " dictname " nil \"Dictionary " dictname ".\")\n"
-           "(setq " dictname " '" (prin1-to-string tmpdict) ")\n"
-           "(setf (dictree--meta-dict-dictlist " dictname ")\n"
-           "      (mapcar 'eval (dictree--meta-dict-dictlist "
-                                 dictname ")))\n")
-    (when hashcode (insert hashcode))
-    (insert "(unless (memq " dictname " dictree-loaded-list)"
-           " (push " dictname " dictree-loaded-list))\n")
-    ))
+    (let ((print-circle t) (print-level nil) (print-length nil))
+      (insert "(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))\n"
+             "(require 'dict-tree)\n")
+      (mapc
+       (lambda (dic)
+        (insert "(unless (dictree-load \"" (dictree-filename dic) "\")\n"
+                "        (error \"Failed to load dictionary \\\""
+                (dictree-name dic) "\\\" required by meta-dict \\\""
+                dictname "\\\"\"))\n"))
+       (dictree--meta-dict-dictlist dict))
+      (insert "(defvar " dictname " nil \"Dictionary " dictname ".\")\n"
+             "(setq " dictname " " (prin1-to-string tmpdict) ")\n"
+             "(setf (dictree--meta-dict-dictlist " dictname ")\n"
+             "      (mapcar 'eval (dictree--meta-dict-dictlist "
+                                   dictname ")))\n")
+      (when hashcode (insert hashcode))
+      (insert "(unless (memq " dictname " dictree-loaded-list)"
+             " (push " dictname " dictree-loaded-list))\n"))))

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