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[elpa] externals/repology d2b6c8b 1/4: Initial commit

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/repology d2b6c8b 1/4: Initial commit
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2021 16:01:13 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/repology
commit d2b6c8ba3470a0e33e6903739f5a7944f8c734c1
Author: Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>

    Initial commit
 .gitignore  |    3 +
 repology.el | 1027 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1030 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b7dfdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/repology.el b/repology.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96e4c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repology.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1027 @@
+;;; repology.el --- Repology API access via Elisp    -*- lexical-binding: t; 
+;; Copyright (C) 2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;; Maintainer: Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;; Keywords: web
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;; Version: 0.9
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package provides tools to query Repology API
+;; (<https://repology.org/api>), process results, and display them.
+;; The results of a query revolve around three types of objects:
+;; projects, packages and problems.  Using this library, you can find
+;; projects matching certain criteria, packages in a given project,
+;; and possible problems in some repository.  See `repology-projects-search',
+;; `repology-project-lookup', and `repology-repository-problems'.
+;; Projects-related requests are limited to `repology-projects-limit'.
+;; All requests are cached during `repology-cache-duration' seconds.
+;; You can then access data from those various objects using dedicated
+;; accessors.  See, for example, `repology-project-name',
+;; `repology-project-packages', `repology-package-field',
+;; `repology-problem-field'.
+;; You can also decide to display (a subset of) results in a tabulated
+;; list.  See `repology-display-package', `repology-display-packages',
+;; `repology-display-projects' and `repology-display-problems'. You
+;; can control various aspects of the display, like the colors used
+;; (see `repology-status-faces'), or the columns shown (see
+;; `repology-display-packages-columns',`repology-display-projects-columns',
+;; and `repology-display-problems-columns').  In projects and packages
+;; display, pressing <RET> gives you more information about the item
+;; at point.
+;; For example, the following expressions display all outdated projects
+;; named after "emacs" and containing a package in GNU Guix repository
+;; that I do not ignore:
+;;    (repology-display-projects
+;;     (seq-filter (lambda (project)
+;;                   (not (member (repology-project-name project)
+;;                                my-ignored-projects)))
+;;                 (repology-projects-search
+;;                  :search "emacs" :inrepo "gnuguix" :outdated "on")))
+;; Eventually, this library provides an interactive function with
+;; a spartan interface wrapping this up: `repology'.  Since it builds
+;; and displays incrementally search filters, you may use it as
+;; a template to create your own queries.
+;; Known issues:
+;; - The library has no notion of distribution "family", since this
+;;   doesn't appear in the API.  As a consequence, display functions
+;;   cannot compute the "Spread" of a project.  It fall-backs to the
+;;   number of packages in the project instead.
+;; - It does not handle "maintainers" queries.
+;; - It is synchronous.  Don't go wild with `repology-projects-limit'!
+;;; Code:
+(require 'json)
+(require 'tabulated-list)
+;;; Upstream constants
+(defconst repology-base-url "https://repology.org/api/v1/";
+  "Base URL for Repology API.")
+(defconst repology-statistics-url 
+  "Base URL for \"Statistics\" page in Repology website.
+It is used as a source for all known repositories.")
+(defconst repology-package-all-fields
+  '(repo subrepo name srcname binname visiblename version origversion status
+         summary categories licenses maintainers www downloads)
+  "List of known package fields.")
+(defconst repology-package-all-status
+  '("newest" "devel" "unique" "outdated" "legacy" "rolling" "noscheme"
+    "incorrect" "untrusted" "ignored")
+  "List of known status values.")
+(defconst repology-projects-hard-limit 200
+  "Maximum number of projects Repology API can return.
+See URL `https://repology.org/api'.")
+;;; Macros
+(defmacro repology-display-compare-column (n)
+  "Build a function comparing entries by column N.
+Entries must follow the form defined in `tabulated-list-entries'.
+Compare values in collation order.  Case is ignored."
+  (unless (wholenump n)
+    (error "Invalid column number %S" n))
+  `(lambda (e1 e2)
+     (unless (< ,n (length repology-display-packages-columns))
+       (error "Invalid column number %S" ,n))
+     (let ((s1 (elt (cadr e1) ,n))
+           (s2 (elt (cadr e2) ,n)))
+       (string-collate-lessp s1 s2 nil t))))
+(defconst repology-project-filters-parameters
+  `((:search          "Name search (e.g. firefox): " nil)
+    (:maintainer      "Maintainer (e.g. foo@bar.com): " nil)
+    (:category        "Category (e.g. games): " nil)
+    (:inrepo          "In repository: " repology--query-repository)
+    (:notinrepo       "Not in repository: " repology--query-repository)
+    (:repos           "Repositories (e.g. 1 or 2- or 3-5): " nil)
+    (:families        "Families (e.g. 1 or 2- or 3-5): " nil)
+    (:repos_newest    "Repositories newest (e.g. 1 or 2- or 3-5): " nil)
+    (:families_newest "Families newest (e.g. 1 or 2- or 3-5): " nil)
+    (:newest          "Newest? " repology--query-y-or-n-p)
+    (:outdated        "Outdated? " repology--query-y-or-n-p)
+    (:problematic     "Problematic? " repology--query-y-or-n-p)
+    (:vulnerable      "Potentially vulnerable? " repology--query-y-or-n-p)
+    (:has_related     "Has related? " repology--query-y-or-n-p))
+  "Association list between project filters and query data.
+Each entry is a triplet (FILTER PROMPT QUERY) where FILTER is a keyword, PROMPT
+is a string, and QUERY is a function used to prompt the user, or nil.
+When setting the value of FILTER interactively, QUERY is called with
+two arguments, PROMPT and an initial value.  It must return a string.  If QUERY
+is nil, `read-string' is used.")
+;;; Internal variables
+(defconst repology--project-filters
+  (mapcar #'car repology-project-filters-parameters)
+  "List of known filters for projects.
+Other keywords are ignored when building the query string.")
+(defvar repology--cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+  "Hash table used to cache request to Repology API.
+Keys are triplets of arguments for `repology--get'. Values are
+cons cells like (TIME . REQUEST-RESULT).")
+(defvar repology--repositories nil
+  "List of repositories known to Repology.
+The list is populated by `repology-list-repositories'.  Call that function
+instead of using this variable.")
+;;; Internal functions
+(defun repology--cache-key (action value start)
+  "Return a cache key for current query.
+See `repology--get' for precision about ACTION, VALUE, and START."
+  (list action
+        (if (not (eq action 'projects)) value
+          ;; VALUE is a p-list.  Sort it in a fixed order so p-lists
+          ;; sorted differently are cached the same way.  Also ignore
+          ;; unknown filters.
+          (let ((normalized nil))
+            (dolist (prop repology--project-filters)
+              (when (plist-member value prop)
+                (setq normalized
+                      (plist-put normalized prop (plist-get value prop)))))
+            normalized))
+        start))
+(defun repology--cache-get (key)
+  "Return cached value associated to KEY, or nil.
+If the cached value is too old according to `repology-cache-duration',
+reset the cache and return nil."
+  (pcase (gethash key repology--cache)
+    (`(,time . ,value)
+     ;; Check if cached value is still valid.
+     (if (> repology-cache-duration (time-to-seconds (time-since time)))
+         value
+       ;; Time is over: reset cache and return nil.
+       (remhash key repology--cache)))
+    (_ nil)))
+(defun repology--cache-put (key value)
+  "Cache KEY with VALUE."
+  (puthash key (cons (current-time) value) repology--cache))
+(defun repology--parse-json (json-string)
+  "Parse a JSON string and returns an object.
+JSON objects become alists and JSON arrays become lists."
+  (if (null json-string)
+      nil
+    (let ((json-object-type 'alist)
+          (json-array-type 'list))
+      (condition-case err
+          (json-read-from-string json-string)
+        (json-readtable-error
+         (message "%s: Could not parse string into an object.  See %S"
+                  (error-message-string err)
+                  json-string))))))
+(defun repology--build-query-string (filters)
+  "Build a filter string from a given FILTERS plist."
+  (let ((query nil))
+    (dolist (keyword repology--project-filters)
+      (let ((value (plist-get filters keyword)))
+        (when value
+          (let ((key (substring (symbol-name keyword) 1)))
+            (push (format "%s=%s"
+                          (url-hexify-string key)
+                          (url-hexify-string value))
+                  query)))))
+    (if (null query) ""
+      (concat "?" (mapconcat #'identity query "&")))))
+(defun repology--build-url (action value start)
+  "Build a URL from an ACTION symbol.
+Value is a plist if ACTION is `projects', or a string otherwise."
+  (concat repology-base-url
+          (symbol-name action)
+          "/"
+          (pcase action
+            ('project value)
+            ('repository (concat value "/problems"))
+            ('projects
+             (concat (and start (concat start "/"))
+                     (repology--build-query-string value)))
+            (_ (error "Unknown action: %S" action)))))
+(defun repology--request (url &optional extra-headers)
+  "Perform a raw HTTP request on URL.
+EXTRA-HEADERS is an assoc list of headers/contents to send with
+the request."
+  (let* ((url-request-method "GET")
+         (url-request-extra-headers extra-headers)
+         (process-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url)))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (with-current-buffer process-buffer
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (let* ((status-line-regexp
+                  (rx bol
+                      (one-or-more (not (any " "))) " "
+                      (group (in "1-5") (= 2 digit)) " "
+                      (group (one-or-more (in "A-Z" "a-z" " ")))
+                      eol))
+                 (status
+                  (and (looking-at status-line-regexp)
+                       (list :code (string-to-number (match-string 1))
+                             :reason (match-string 2))))
+                 (header nil)
+                 (body nil))
+            (forward-line)
+            (while (looking-at "^\\([^:]+\\): \\(.*\\)")
+              (push (match-string 1) header)
+              (push (match-string 2) header)
+              (forward-line))
+            (forward-line)
+            (unless (eobp)
+              (setf body
+                    (url-unhex-string
+                     (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))))
+            (list :status status :header (nreverse header) :body body)))
+      (kill-buffer process-buffer))))
+(defun repology--get (action value start)
+  "Perform an HTTP GET request to Repology.
+ACTION is a symbol. If it is `projects', VALUE is a plist and START is a 
+Otherwise, VALUE is a string, and START is nil.
+Information is returned as parsed JSON."
+  (let ((key (repology--cache-key action value start)))
+    (or (repology--cache-get key)
+        (let ((request (repology--request
+                        (repology--build-url action value start)
+                        '(("Content-Type" . "application/json")))))
+          (pcase (plist-get (plist-get request :status) :reason)
+            ("OK"
+             (let ((body (repology--parse-json (plist-get request :body))))
+               (repology--cache-put key body)
+               ;; Information from `projects' is a list of projects,
+               ;; so, we can also cache each of them for a future
+               ;; project lookup.
+               (when (eq action 'projects)
+                 (dolist (project body)
+                   (let ((key (repology--cache-key
+                               'project (repology-project-name project) nil))
+                         (packages (repology-project-packages project)))
+                     (repology--cache-put key packages))))
+               ;; Return information.
+               body))
+            (status
+             (error "Cannot retrieve information: %S" status)))))))
+(defun repology--value-to-string (value)
+  "Change VALUE object into a string suitable for display."
+  (pcase value
+    (`nil "-")
+    ((and (pred listp) l)
+     (mapconcat (lambda (e) (format "%s" e))
+                (seq-uniq l)
+                " "))
+    (_
+     (format "%s" value))))
+(defun repology--package-status-face (package)
+  "Return face associated to status from PACKAGE."
+  (let ((status (repology-package-field package 'status)))
+    (alist-get status repology-status-faces 'default nil #'equal)))
+(defun repology--make-display (data buffer-name mode format-descriptors)
+  "Display DATA in a buffer named after BUFFER-NAME string.
+DATA is displayed in a major mode derived from `tabulated-list-mode', and set
+by function MODE.  Each entry is identified by the element from DATA, and
+formatted according to FORMAT-DESCRIPTORS function.  This function is called
+with one argument: an element from DATA."
+  (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)))
+    (with-current-buffer buffer
+      (funcall mode)
+      (setf tabulated-list-entries
+            (mapcar (lambda (datum)
+                      (list datum
+                            (apply #'vector
+                                   (funcall format-descriptors datum))))
+                    data))
+      (tabulated-list-print))
+    (pop-to-buffer buffer)))
+(defun repology--show-current-package ()
+  "Display packages associated to project at point."
+  (interactive)
+  (repology-display-package (tabulated-list-get-id)))
+(defun repology--show-current-project ()
+  "Display packages associated to project at point."
+  (interactive)
+  (repology-display-packages
+   (repology-project-packages (tabulated-list-get-id))))
+(defvar repology--display-projects-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (set-keymap-parent map tabulated-list-mode-map)
+    (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'repology--show-current-project)
+    map)
+  "Local keymap for `repology--display-projects-mode' buffers.")
+(defvar repology--display-packages-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (set-keymap-parent map tabulated-list-mode-map)
+    (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'repology--show-current-package)
+    map)
+  "Local keymap for `repology--display-packages-mode' buffers.")
+(defun repology--columns-to-header (specs)
+  "Return vector of column names according to SPECS.
+SPECS is an association list.  Each entry has the form (NAME _ WIDTH SORT)
+where NAME, WIDTH and SORT are of the expected type in 
+  (apply #'vector
+         (mapcar (lambda (format)
+                   (pcase format
+                     (`(,name ,_ ,width ,sort) (list name width sort))
+                     (other
+                      (user-error "Invalid package column format: %S" other))))
+                 specs)))
+(define-derived-mode repology--display-package-mode tabulated-list-mode
+  "Repology/Package"
+  "Major mode used to display packages returned by Repology API.
+  (setf tabulated-list-format [("Field" 15 t) ("Value" 0 t)])
+  (tabulated-list-init-header))
+(define-derived-mode repology--display-packages-mode tabulated-list-mode
+  "Repology/Packages"
+  "Major mode used to display packages returned by Repology API.
+  (setf tabulated-list-format
+        (repology--columns-to-header repology-display-packages-columns))
+  (tabulated-list-init-header))
+(define-derived-mode repology--display-projects-mode tabulated-list-mode
+  "Repology/Project"
+  "Major mode used to display projects returned by Repology API.
+  (setf tabulated-list-format
+        (repology--columns-to-header repology-display-projects-columns))
+  (tabulated-list-init-header))
+(define-derived-mode repology--display-problems-mode tabulated-list-mode
+  "Repology/Problems"
+  "Major mode used to display problems returned by Repology API.
+  (setf tabulated-list-format
+        (repology--columns-to-header repology-display-problems-columns))
+  (tabulated-list-init-header))
+(defun repology--column-to-descriptor (datum specs &optional symbol-handler)
+  "Return list of descriptors for DATUM according to SPECS.
+DATUM is a package, a problem, or a project.  SPECS is an association
+list.  Each entry has the form (_ VALUE _ _).
+VALUE is a function called with DATUM as its sole argument.  When VALUE is
+a symbol, and optional argument SYMBOL-HANDLER is a function, SYMBOL-HANDLER
+is called with two arguments: DATUM and VALUE.  In any case, the return value
+is then turned into a string and displayed."
+  (mapcar (lambda (spec)
+            (pcase spec
+              ;; Contents as a function.
+              (`(,_ ,(and (pred functionp) f) ,_ ,_)
+               (repology--value-to-string (funcall f datum)))
+              ;; Contents as a symbol.
+              ((and (guard symbol-handler)
+                    `(,_ ,(and (pred symbolp) field) ,_ ,_))
+               (repology--value-to-string (funcall symbol-handler datum 
+              ;; Invalid contents.
+              (other (user-error "Invalid format type: %S" other))))
+          specs))
+(defun repology--format-field-descriptors (field)
+  "Format an entry from FIELD.
+Format follows `repology-display-packages-columns' specifications.
+Return a list of descriptors."
+  (pcase field
+    (`(,name . ,value)
+     (list (symbol-name name)
+           (repology--value-to-string value) ))
+    (_
+     (error "Invalid field: %S" field))))
+(defun repology--format-package-descriptors (package)
+  "Format an entry from PACKAGE.
+Format follows `repology-display-packages-columns' specifications.
+Return a list of descriptors."
+  (repology--column-to-descriptor package
+                                  repology-display-packages-columns
+                                  #'repology-package-field))
+(defun repology--format-project-descriptors (project)
+  "Format an entry for PROJECT.
+Format follows `repology-display-packages-columns' specifications.
+Return a list of descriptors."
+  (repology--column-to-descriptor project repology-display-projects-columns))
+(defun repology--format-problem-descriptors (problem)
+  "Format an entry from PROBLEM.
+Format follows `repology-display-problems-columns' specifications.
+Return a list of descriptors."
+  (repology--column-to-descriptor problem
+                                  repology-display-problems-columns
+                                  #'repology-problem-field))
+(defun repology--query-y-or-n-p (prompt _)
+  "Ask user a \"y or n\" question, displaying PROMPT.
+Return \"on\" or \"off\"."
+  (if (y-or-n-p prompt) "on" "off"))
+(defun repology--query-repository (prompt initial)
+  "Ask user an existing repository by its full name, displaying PROMPT.
+INITIAL is the initial input.  Return a repository internal name."
+  (repology-repository-name
+   (completing-read prompt (repology-list-repositories t) nil t initial)))
+(defun repology--query-filter-value (filter initial)
+  "Ask user for FILTER value.
+FILTER is a project filter, as a keyword.  INITIAL is a string inserted as
+a first suggestion, or nil.  Return the answer as a string."
+  (pcase (assq filter repology-project-filters-parameters)
+    (`nil
+     (error "Unknown filter: %S" filter))
+    (`(,_ ,prompt nil)
+     (read-string prompt initial))
+    (`(,_ ,prompt ,(and (pred functionp) collection))
+     (funcall collection prompt initial))
+    (other
+     (error "Invalid value: %S" other))))
+;;; Configuration
+(defgroup repology nil
+  "Repology API access from Emacs"
+  :group 'emacs)
+(defcustom repology-projects-limit 200
+  "Maximum number of results for a single projects search.
+One request to Repology API can return at most `repology-projects-hard-limit'
+projects.  Setting the variable to a value greater than this implies the 
+will sent multiple requests upstream to collect the desired number results."
+  :type 'integer)
+(defcustom repology-cache-duration 3600
+  "Duration in seconds to cache Repology API requests.
+Repology claims to update its repository hourly.
+A value of 0 prevents any caching."
+  :type 'integer)
+(defcustom repology-status-faces
+  '(("incorrect" . error)
+    ("newest" . highlight)
+    ("outdated" . warning)
+    ("noscheme" . shadow)
+    ("untrusted" . shadow)
+    ("ignored" . shadow))
+  "Association list of status values and faces.
+Each entry is a construct like (STATUS . FACE) where STATUS is
+a possible package status value, as detailed in `repology-package-field',
+and FACE is the face to be applied by `repology-package-colorize-status'
+and `repology-package-colorize-version'.
+Un-handled status values are associated to the `default' face."
+  :type
+  `(repeat
+    (cons :tag "Association"
+          (choice :tag "Status"
+                  ,@(mapcar (lambda (status) `(const ,status))
+                            repology-package-all-status))
+          face)))
+(defcustom repology-display-problems-columns
+  `(("Project" effname 20 t)
+    ("Package name" visiblename 20 t)
+    ("Problem" type 40 t)
+    ("Maintainer" maintainers 0 nil))
+  "Columns format rules used to display a list of packages.
+The value is an association list.  Each entry has the form
+where NAME, WIDTH and SORT are of the expected type in `tabulated-list-format'.
+VALUE is either a problem field, as a symbol, or a function called with a 
+problem argument.  Its return value is then turned into a string and 
+  :type
+  '(repeat
+    (list :tag "Column definition"
+     (string :tag "Column name")
+     (choice symbol function)
+     (integer :tag "Width")
+     (choice (const :tag "Do not sort" nil)
+             (const :tag "Sort" t)
+             (function :tag "Custom sort predicate")))))
+(defcustom repology-display-packages-columns
+  `(("Repository" repology-package-repository-full-name 20
+     ,(repology-display-compare-column 0))
+    ("Name" visiblename 20 t)
+    ("Version" repology-package-colorized-version 12 nil)
+    ("Category" categories 25 t)
+    ("Maintainer(s)" maintainers 0 t))
+  "Columns format rules used to display a list of packages.
+The value is an association list.  Each entry has the form
+where NAME, WIDTH and SORT are of the expected type in `tabulated-list-format'.
+VALUE is either a valid package field, or a function called with a single
+package argument.  Its return value will be changed into a string and 
+  :type
+  `(repeat
+    (list :tag "Column definition"
+     (string :tag "Column name")
+     (choice ,@(mapcar (lambda (field) `(const ,field))
+                       repology-package-all-fields)
+             function)
+     (integer :tag "Width")
+     (choice (const :tag "Do not sort" nil)
+             (const :tag "Sort" t)
+             (function :tag "Custom sort predicate")))))
+(defcustom repology-display-projects-columns 
+  "Columns format rules used to display a list of projects.
+The value is an association list.  Each entry has the form
+where NAME, WIDTH and SORT are of the expected type in `tabulated-list-format'.
+VALUE is a function called with a single package argument.  Its return value
+is then turned into a string and displayed.
+It can also be a function called with two arguments: the list of projects,
+and a selected repository, as a string, or nil.  It must return a list
+of the above form."
+  :type '(choice
+          (repeat
+           (list (string :tag "Column name")
+                 function
+                 (integer :tag "Width")
+                 (choice (const :tag "Do not sort" nil)
+                         (const :tag "Sort" t)
+                         (function :tag "Custom sort predicate"))))
+          (function :tag "Function describing columns")))
+;;; Utilities
+(defun repology-package-p (object)
+  "Return t if OBJECT is a package."
+  (and (consp object)
+       ;; Mandatory fields.
+       (stringp (alist-get 'repo object))
+       (stringp (or (alist-get 'name object)
+                    (alist-get 'srcname object)
+                    (alist-get 'binname object)))
+       (stringp (alist-get 'version object))))
+(defun repology-project-p (object)
+  "Return t if OBJECT is a project."
+  (pcase object
+    (`(,(pred symbolp) . ,packages)
+     (seq-every-p #'repology-package-p packages)
+     t)
+    (_ nil)))
+(defun repology-project-name (project)
+  "Return PROJECT's name, as a string."
+  (unless (repology-project-p project)
+    (user-error "No valid project provided"))
+  (symbol-name (car project)))
+(defun repology-project-packages (project)
+  "Return list of packages associated to PROJECT."
+  (unless (repology-project-p project)
+    (user-error "No valid project provided"))
+  (cdr project))
+(defun repology-project-newest-version (project)
+  "Return newest version string for packages in PROJECT, or nil."
+  (let ((newest
+         (seq-find (lambda (package)
+                     (equal "newest" (repology-package-field package 'status)))
+                   (repology-project-packages project))))
+    (and newest (repology-package-field newest 'version))))
+(defun repology-project-outdated-versions (project)
+  "Return a list of outdated versions for packages in PROJECT."
+  (let ((outdated
+         (seq-filter
+          (lambda (package)
+            (equal "outdated"
+                   (repology-package-field package 'status)))
+          (repology-project-packages project))))
+    (mapcar (lambda (p) (repology-package-field p 'version))
+            outdated)))
+(defun repology-package-field (package field)
+  "Return PACKAGE's FIELD.
+FIELD is a symbol among:
+    name of repository for this package
+    name of subrepository (if applicable; for example, main or contrib or
+    non-free for Debian)
+`name', `srcname', `binname'
+    package name(s) as used in repository - generic one and/or source package
+    name and/or binary package name, whichever is applicable
+    package name as shown to the user by Repology
+    package version (sanitized, as shown by Repology)
+    package version as in repository
+    package status, one of \"newest\", \"devel\", \"unique\", \"outdated\", \
+    \"rolling\", \"noscheme\", \"incorrect\", \"untrusted\", \"ignored\"
+    one-line description of the package
+    list of package categories
+    list of package licenses
+    list of package maintainers
+    list of package webpages
+    list of package downloads
+Mandatory fields are `repo', `visiblename', and `version'; all other fields
+are optional."
+  (unless (memq field repology-package-all-fields)
+    (user-error "Unknown field: %S" field))
+  (alist-get field package))
+(defun repology-package-repository-full-name (package)
+  "Return PACKAGE repository's full name.
+Return PACKAGE's repository internal name if the full name is unknown."
+  (let ((repo (repology-package-field package 'repo)))
+    ;; Since `repology-list-repositories' may fail, e.g., due to
+    ;; connectivity issues, ensure something is returned anyway, in
+    ;; this case, the repository internal name.
+    (or (ignore-errors (repology-repository-full-name repo))
+        repo)))
+(defun repology-package-colorized-status (package)
+  "Return colorized status string for PACKAGE.
+The version string is emphasized according to PACKAGE's status.
+Return nil if PACKAGE has no status field."
+  (let ((status (repology-package-field package 'status)))
+    (and (stringp status)
+         (propertize status 'face (repology--package-status-face package)))))
+(defun repology-package-colorized-version (package)
+  "Return colorized version string for PACKAGE.
+The version string is emphasized according to PACKAGE's status."
+  (propertize (repology-package-field package 'version)
+              'face
+              (repology--package-status-face package)))
+(defun repology-problem-field (problem field)
+  "Return PROBLEM's FIELD.
+FIELD is a symbol.  Repology API does not define an exhaustive list of
+allowed symbols.  However, it currently supports, among others, the
+following ones:
+    repository name
+    package name as in Repology
+    repology project name
+    package maintainer associated with the problem; may be null; note that
+    if there are multiple package maintainers, problem is duplicated for
+    each one
+    textual description of the problem"
+  (alist-get field problem))
+(defun repology-list-repositories (&optional full-name)
+  "Return repositories known to Repology.
+Return value is a list of strings.  When option argument FULL-NAME is non-nil,
+list the repositories with their full name instead of their internal name."
+  (unless repology--repositories
+    (let ((request (repology--request repology-statistics-url)))
+      (pcase (plist-get (plist-get request :status) :reason)
+        ("OK"
+         (let ((body (plist-get request :body))
+               (repositories nil)
+               (start 0))
+           (while (string-match "id=\"\\(.+?\\)\"" body start)
+             (setf start (match-end 0))
+             (let* ((repo (match-string 1 body))
+                    (regexp
+                     (rx "href=\"/repository/"
+                         (+? anychar)
+                         "\">"
+                         (group (+? anychar))
+                         "<"))
+                    (true-name
+                     (and (string-match regexp body start)
+                          (match-string 1 body))))
+               (push (cons repo true-name) repositories)))
+           (setf repology--repositories (nreverse repositories))))
+        (status
+         (error "Cannot retrieve information: %S" status)))))
+  (mapcar (if full-name #'cdr #'car) repology--repositories))
+(defun repology-refresh-repositories ()
+  "Refresh list of repositories known to Repology."
+  (setf repology--repositories nil)
+  (repology-list-repositories))
+(defun repology-repository-name (full-name)
+  "Return name of repository named after string FULL-NAME.
+Raise an error if FULL-NAME is unknown to Repology."
+  (unless (member full-name (repology-list-repositories t))
+    (user-error "Unknown repository: %S" full-name))
+  (pcase (rassoc full-name repology--repositories)
+    (`(,(and (pred stringp) name) . ,_) name)
+    (_ (error "Corrupted repository list!"))))
+(defun repology-repository-full-name (repository)
+  "Return user-facing name for string REPOSITORY.
+Raise an error if REPOSITORY is unknown to Repology."
+  (unless (member repository (repology-list-repositories))
+    (user-error "Unknown repository: %S" repository))
+  (or (alist-get repository repology--repositories nil nil #'equal)
+      (error "Corrupted repository list!")))
+;;; Search functions
+(defun repology-project-lookup (name)
+  "List packages for project NAME.
+NAME is a string.  Return value is a list of packages."
+  (repology--get 'project name nil))
+(defun repology-projects-search (&rest filters)
+  "Retrieve results of an advanced search in Repology.
+FILTERS helps refining the search with the following keywords:
+  `search'
+     project name substring to look for
+  `maintainer'
+     return projects maintainer by specified person, as a string
+  `category'
+     return projects with specified category, as a string
+  `inrepo'
+     return projects present in specified repository, as a string
+  `notinrepo'
+     return projects absent in specified repository, as a string
+  `repos'
+     return projects present in specified number of
+     repositories (exact values and open/closed ranges strings
+     are allowed, e.g. \"1\", \"5-\", \"-5\", \"2-7\")
+  `families'
+     return projects present in specified number of repository
+     families (for instance, use 1 to get unique projects)
+  `repos_newest'
+     return projects which are up to date in specified number of
+     repositories
+  `families_newest'
+     return projects which are up to date in specified number of
+     repository families
+  `newest'
+     return newest projects only
+  `outdated'
+     return outdated projects only
+  `problematic'
+     return problematic projects only
+  `vulnerable'
+     return projects potentially vulnerable
+  `has_related'
+     return projects which have related ones (may require merging)
+Return value is a list of projects."
+  (let ((result nil)
+        (name nil))
+    (catch :exit
+      (while t
+        (let ((request (repology--get 'projects filters name)))
+          ;; If we are resuming a previous search, drop the first
+          ;; match since it was also the last match in the previous
+          ;; search.
+          (setf result (if result (append result (cdr request))
+                         request))
+          (cond
+           ;; Too many matches: drop those above limit and exit.
+           ((<= repology-projects-limit (length result))
+            (throw :exit (seq-subseq result 0 repology-projects-limit)))
+           ;; Matches exhausted: exit and return result.
+           ((> repology-projects-hard-limit (length request))
+            (throw :exit result))
+           ;; Resume search starting from the last project found.
+           (t
+            (setf name
+                  (pcase (last request)
+                    (`(,(and (pred repology-project-p) project))
+                     (repology-project-name project))
+                    (other (error "Invalid request result: %S" other)))))))))))
+(defun repology-repository-problems (repository)
+  "List problems related to REPOSITORY.
+REPOSITORY is a string.  Return value is a list of problems."
+  (unless (member repository (repology-list-repositories))
+    (user-error "Unknown repository: %S" repository))
+  (repology--get 'repository repository nil))
+;;; Display functions
+(defun repology-display-projects-default (_ selected)
+  "Return columns format rules appropriate for projects display.
+SELECTED is a selected repository, i.e., the value of `:inrepo' filter,
+or nil.  This is the default value for `repology-display-projects-columns'."
+  `(("Project" repology-project-name 25 t)
+    ;; If a repository is selected, for each project, display the
+    ;; current version of the package in that repository.
+    ,@(and selected
+           `(("Selected"
+              (lambda (project)
+                (let ((current
+                       (seq-find (lambda (p)
+                                   (equal ,selected
+                                          (repology-package-field p 'repo)))
+                                 (repology-project-packages project))))
+                  (repology-package-colorized-version current)))
+              20
+              nil)))
+    ("#" (lambda (p) (length (repology-project-packages p))) 5 t)
+    ("Newest" repology-project-newest-version 12 nil)
+    ("Outdated" repology-project-outdated-versions 0 t)))
+(defun repology-display-package (package)
+  "Display PACKAGE as a tabulated list."
+  (repology--make-display package
+                          (format "*Repology Package: %s*"
+                                  (repology-package-field package 
+                          #'repology--display-package-mode
+                          #'repology--format-field-descriptors))
+(defun repology-display-packages (packages)
+  "Display PACKAGES as a tabulated list.
+PACKAGES is a list of packages, as returned by `repology-project-lookup'.
+Columns are displayed according to `repology-display-packages-columns'."
+  (repology--make-display packages
+                          "*Repology Packages*"
+                          #'repology--display-packages-mode
+                          #'repology--format-package-descriptors))
+(defun repology-display-projects (projects &optional selected)
+  "Display PROJECTS as a tabulated list.
+PROJECTS is a list of projects, as returned by `repology-projects-search'.
+Optional argument SELECTED, when non-nil, is the name of a repository to which
+all projects are related.
+Columns are displayed according to `repology-display-projects-columns'."
+  (let ((repology-display-projects-columns
+         (if (functionp repology-display-projects-columns)
+             (funcall repology-display-projects-columns projects selected)
+           repology-display-projects-columns)))
+    (repology--make-display projects
+                            "*Repology Projects*"
+                            #'repology--display-projects-mode
+                            #'repology--format-project-descriptors)))
+(defun repology-display-problems (problems)
+  "Display PROBLEMS as a tabulated list.
+PROBLEMS is a list of problems, as returned by `repology-repository-problems'.
+Columns are displayed according to `repology-display-problems-columns'."
+  (repology--make-display problems
+                          "*Repology Problems*"
+                          #'repology--display-problems-mode
+                          #'repology--format-problem-descriptors))
+;;; Interactive query
+(defun repology ()
+  "Query Repology interactively."
+  (interactive)
+  (pcase (read-char "Action: (s)earch projects  (l)ookup project  \
+\(f)ind repository problems")
+    (?f
+     (repology-display-problems
+      (repology-repository-problems
+       (repology--query-repository "Repository: " nil))))
+    (?l
+     (repology-display-packages
+      (repology-project-lookup (read-string "Project: "))))
+    (?s
+     (let* ((query nil)
+            (limit repology-projects-limit)
+            (answers
+             ;; Trim colons from completion for easier readability.
+             ;; Add the special "limit" and "OK" values.  Emphasize
+             ;; the latter.
+             (append (mapcar (lambda (k) (substring (symbol-name k) 1))
+                             repology--project-filters)
+                     `("limit" ,(propertize "OK" 'face 'warning))))
+            (query-filter
+             (lambda (p)
+               ;; Ask user for a filter.  P is the property list
+               ;; built so far.  Return associated keyword.
+               (let ((prompt (format "Filters %s [limit:%d]: "
+                                     (if p (format "%S" p) "()")
+                                     limit)))
+                 (read
+                  (concat ":" (completing-read prompt answers nil t)))))))
+       ;; Build filters incrementally.
+       (catch :exit
+         (while t
+           (let ((filter (funcall query-filter query)))
+             (pcase filter
+               (:OK
+                (throw :exit nil))
+               (:limit
+                (setq limit (read-number "Temporary limit: " limit)))
+               (_
+                (let* ((last (plist-get query filter))
+                       (value (repology--query-filter-value filter last)))
+                  (setq query (plist-put query filter value))))))))
+       ;; Eventually send complete request to Repology API.
+       (repology-display-projects (let ((repology-projects-limit limit))
+                                    (apply #'repology-projects-search query))
+                                  ;; Selected repository, or nil.
+                                  (plist-get query :inrepo))))
+    (c (user-error "Unknown answer: %c.  Aborting" c))))
+(provide 'repology)
+;;; repology.el ends here

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