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[nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 8eb6f77 005/118: update README for MEL
From: |
ELPA Syncer |
Subject: |
[nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 8eb6f77 005/118: update README for MELPA |
Date: |
Thu, 21 Oct 2021 18:02:11 -0400 (EDT) |
branch: elpa/apropospriate-theme
commit 8eb6f7728c3d8b705fa72e0846adc6e3b04c2c09
Author: justin talbott <justin@waymondo.com>
Commit: justin talbott <justin@waymondo.com>
update README for MELPA
README.md | 17 +++++++++++------
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4db7042..df46220 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,20 +6,25 @@ This theme started as a Frakenstein mash-up of
`base16-eighties-theme` and `sola
### Screenshots ###
+##### `apropospriate-dark-theme` #####

+##### `apropospriate-light-theme` #####

### Install & Usage ###
-Download the directory somewhere and add it both `load-path` and
+The recommended and easiest way to install is through
[MELPA](http://melpa.org) via `package.el`:
-<!-- You can always download and add it to your load path manually, but the
easiest way to install is through [MELPA](http://melpa.org) via `package.el`:
+M-x package-install apropospriate-theme
-<!-- ``` -->
-<!-- M-x package-install apropospriate-theme -->
-<!-- ``` -->
+Or you can always manually download the directory somewhere and add it both
`load-path` and `custom-theme-load-path`.
-Once installed, load either theme with `M-x load-theme` or in your config:
+Once installed, load either theme variant with `M-x load-theme` or in your
``` elisp
(load-theme 'apropospriate-dark t)
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 3b63203 088/118: add `lsp-ui` support, (continued)
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 3b63203 088/118: add `lsp-ui` support, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 97829cc 089/118: add flymake and flycheck-inline support, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 4aa8110 095/118: add flyspell support, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 10f9c0c 101/118: add support for frog-menu & solaire, make posframe background darker, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme ba7b73f 110/118: add face for diff-hl-show-hunk-posframe, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 3bda985 098/118: change tooltip style to be similar to company/autocomplete, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme c46432a 104/118: add ivy-posframe-border face, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 871ef79 112/118: improve lsp-ui-doc styles, support orderless, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme d9f9176 006/118: brighten red-1, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme eb80d39 001/118: init, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 8eb6f77 005/118: update README for MELPA,
ELPA Syncer <=
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 457cbfc 012/118: lighten red color in ansi vectors, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 349da12 024/118: add which-key support and make consistent with guide-key and ace-jump, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme ddc7c16 008/118: improve magit < 2.0 styles, update readme, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 4d525d4 011/118: git-commit-summary text use default color, company scrollbar fg tweak, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 1ae4992 014/118: add support for avi-lead-face, inherited from ace-jump-face-foreground, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme e0952d6 009/118: update readme for use-package config syntax, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 45c1bd3 048/118: Merge pull request #12 from rodrigoflores/patch-1, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 3cc7729 039/118: adjust flashing color variables, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 36c5fd3 046/118: Fixed package name on use-package example, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21
- [nongnu] elpa/apropospriate-theme 3db76d6 040/118: Add ERC faces, ELPA Syncer, 2021/10/21