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[elpa] externals/org-transclusion f66a0e0fcb 1/2: doc:README attempt at
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ELPA Syncer |
Subject: |
[elpa] externals/org-transclusion f66a0e0fcb 1/2: doc:README attempt at supporting both ASCII and GH |
Date: |
Wed, 19 Jan 2022 06:57:46 -0500 (EST) |
branch: externals/org-transclusion
commit f66a0e0fcbde22d516cf786c46df2fe9c2a1fd3e
Author: Noboru Ota <me@nobiot.com>
Commit: Noboru Ota <me@nobiot.com>
doc:README attempt at supporting both ASCII and GH
README.org | 35 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 04a0f294b8..b789fa792b 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ Below are images and videos demonstrating some of the key
features of
#+attr_html: :max-width 80%
+#+html: <img src=
*Figure 1*. Animation to show creation of a transclusion from an ID link
#+attr_html: :max-width 80%
+#+html: <img
*Figure 2*. Animation to show live sync from transclusion to source
#+attr_html: :max-width 80%
+#+html: <img
*Figure 3*. [[https://youtu.be/ueaPiA622wA][Video demo on v0.2.1 on YouTube]]
demonstrating new features to transclude a source file into a src-block and
function to specify a range of text/source line
@@ -91,13 +91,14 @@ This package is available on:
- [[https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/org-transclusion.html][GNU ELPA]] (releases
only; equivalent to MELPA-Stable)
- [[https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/org-transclusion.html][GNU-devel ELPA]]
(unreleased development branch; equivalent to MELPA)
-GNU ELPA should be already set up in your Emacs by default. If you wish to add
GNU-devel ELPA, simply add its URL to =package-archives= like this:
+GNU ELPA should be already set up in your Emacs by default. If you wish to add
GNU-devel ELPA, simply add its URL to ~package-archives~ like this:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
- (add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu-devel" .
"https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/";) t)
+ (add-to-list 'package-archives
+ '("gnu-devel" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/";) t)
-Refresh the archive with =M-x package-refresh-contents RET= and you can do
=M-x package-install RET org-transclusion= to install it. Alternatively, you
can use =package-list-packages=.
+Refresh the archive with ~M-x package-refresh-contents RET~ and you can do
~M-x package-install RET org-transclusion~ to install it. Alternatively, you
can use ~package-list-packages~.
After installation, you can start using Org-transclusion with no additional
configuration. Below are some example keybindings that can be put into your
Emacs configuration.
@@ -109,20 +110,20 @@ After installation, you can start using Org-transclusion
with no additional conf
For Doom users, you would need to do something like this below to install the
package and configure the keybindings.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
-;; ~/.doom.d/package.el
-(package! org-transclusion)
+ ;; ~/.doom.d/package.el
+ (package! org-transclusion)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
-;; ~/.doom.d/config.el
-(use-package! org-transclusion
- :after org
- :init
- (map!
- :map global-map "<f12>" #'org-transclusion-add
- :leader
- :prefix "n"
- :desc "Org Transclusion Mode" "t" #'org-transclusion-mode))
+ ;; ~/.doom.d/config.el
+ (use-package! org-transclusion
+ :after org
+ :init
+ (map!
+ :map global-map "<f12>" #'org-transclusion-add
+ :leader
+ :prefix "n"
+ :desc "Org Transclusion Mode" "t" #'org-transclusion-mode))
* Contributing